The enemy was in a state of panic, and the enemy was in a state of panic.


“Does this mecha think that the fleet of our Hanhai Alliance can be compared with the Gehai Star?”

Looking at the Zuwu mecha that appeared on the screen, the Ninth Elder was distracted for a moment, and then he hummed.

Then he directly ordered the nine fleets of the Hanhai Alliance.

Let one of the fleets stay to destroy the Zuwu mecha.

The remaining eight fleets continued to move towards the direction of the Three Stars.

The Zuwu mecha did not stop it when it saw this.

It received the order from Nuwa to test the strength of the Hanhai Alliance warships, not to risk its life to stop the Hanhai Alliance fleet.

Even if it wanted to stop it, it couldn’t stop thousands of A-class interstellar warships.

“Let our two A-class peak warships test the strength of this mecha first.”

Kun Wu, the captain of the First Fleet of the Hanhai Alliance who was responsible for staying to deal with the Zuwu mecha, ordered at this moment.

After receiving his order.

The two white-gray warships immediately flew out of the fleet.

After the dark matter energy cannons on them were quickly charged.

They immediately bombarded the Zuwu mecha millions of kilometers away.

Seeing this, the Zuwu mecha, which already had skilled combat capabilities, directly activated the Wind Zuwu warship form.

After dodging the two dark matter energy cannon attacks at a terrifying speed of nearly 1.4 times the speed of light, the Zuwu mecha quickly activated the anti-quantum and gravitational wave locking functions.

The two energy cannon attacks were about to turn around.

In an instant, it seemed as if the target of attack disappeared.

It flew straight into the vast space until it completely disappeared.

Captain Kun Wu of the First Fleet looked at this scene and could not help but frown.

The Nine Elders and others in the meeting room of the main hall also narrowed their eyes.

The combat speed of the Zuwu mecha, which was nearly 1.4 times the speed of light, certainly surprised them.

But what made them feel most wrong was the combat sophistication of the Zuwu mecha.

Compared with the previous battle with the Ge Haixing battleship.

The Zuwu mecha now seems to have become much smarter.

It no longer completely uses its various powerful battle armor forms to resist attacks.

“The attack speed of the two dark matter energy cannons just now also exceeded the speed of light.”

“The mecha responded in less than a few tenths of a second.”

“It seems that this mecha also has an intelligent brain inside.”

“And its progress is much faster than that of ordinary intelligent brains.”

“That Shen Fei is really proficient in this aspect.”

The Fifth Elder of Niutou said naively.

A trace of fear flashed through his eyes.

In modern interstellar wars.

Intelligent systems such as intelligent brains and intelligent sources are of great help to war.

The combat effectiveness of combat forces with intelligent brains is at least one level higher than that of combat forces without intelligent brains.

And the intelligent combat system carried on the Zuwu mecha with the technical support provided by Shen Fei.

Even more than this difference.

“Cangqiong, isn’t your sub-consciousness with the First Fleet?”

“See if you can control this mecha.”

At this time, the Ninth Elder spoke.

“Okay, I’ll try.”

Cangqiong replied eagerly.

As a source of intelligence, Cangqiong also has its pride.

It has always been troubled by Nuwa.

Cangqiong has long wanted to show his ability.


A few hundred light years north of the Three Stars.

The battle between the Zuwu mecha and the First Fleet of the Hanhai Alliance is still going on.

Kun Wu ordered three more A-class top battleships to encircle and suppress the Zuwu mecha.

The Zuwu mecha violated the law of the uselessness of mecha in interstellar wars, and it was fully demonstrated at this moment.

Compared with the huge interstellar battleships.

The combat speed of the Zuwu mecha is much faster than a little bit.

What is going on with the energy reactor inside it.

Kun Wu was silent.

When the combat speed exceeds the speed of light, its energy consumption must be very terrifying.

But the Zuwu mecha did not show any signs of energy exhaustion at all.

Facing the encirclement and suppression of the five interstellar battleships of the Hanhai Alliance.

The Zuwu mecha not only seemed to be at ease.

And it could also pull out its hands to fight back.

Although the Zuwu mecha did not change the form of the battle armor.

It could not completely break through the quantum and dark matter energy shields of the A-class top battleship.

But one by one analysis

The data information is being directly transmitted back to Fuxi Combat Base by the Zuwu Mecha.

Based on this data, Fuxi Combat Base can better improve the functions of the interstellar armed forces being built.

“Cangqiong, are you ready?”

In the meeting room of the main hall of Hanhai Star.

Looking at the Zuwu Mecha that is getting stronger and stronger.

The Ninth Elder couldn’t help but ask.

If he didn’t want Cangqiong to try to control the Zuwu Mecha.

The Ninth Elder couldn’t help but order Kunwu to directly launch all warships to attack the Zuwu Mecha without blind spots and without distinction.

Let a mecha beat their five A-class peak warships around.

The Ninth Elder felt that before this battle started, their Hanhai Alliance was almost losing face.

[Soon, soon. 】

Cangqiong replied.

The Ninth Elder’s face was happy when he heard the words, and then he waited patiently.

After about ten minutes,

Cang Qiong actually let out a long sigh in a humane way.

[Ninth Elder, no. ]


“No, no?”

Hearing Cang Qiong’s words, the Ninth Elder was stunned for a moment.

“Then you told me it would be soon?”


[I mean the result will be soon…]

[I can’t control the intelligent brain of this mecha, it has a strong autonomous consciousness. ]

[When my sub-consciousness tried to control it, it actually brainwashed my sub-consciousness in turn…]

[If it were a general intelligent invasion system, I guess it would not only be ineffective against it, but also be backfired. ]

Cang Qiong said in a frustrated voice.

This kind of thing has already exceeded its understanding.

It doesn’t understand why Nuwa is a little different from it, even though they are both sources of wisdom, and an intelligent brain is completely unsuppressed by it.

Now it finally knows why Shuangbi must fight this battle and does not accept its suggestion of peaceful coexistence with the Blue Star civilization.

Continue like this.

It might be eliminated by the Blue Star civilization at any time.

As one of the few sources of wisdom in the Milky Way.

Cangqiong has always believed that its appearance is a gift from the universe to the Milky Way, and a manifestation of Shuangbi’s unparalleled scientific research talent.

But now, it feels like it has become a common commodity.

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