Dark matter energy defense shield.

It is a Transcendent A-level energy shield based on Shen Fei’s understanding and understanding of PO dark matter in the universe.

Compared with ordinary particle shields and quantum shields.

Its offset frequency for various energies is dozens of times greater.

And it also has a terrifying shield refresh efficiency.

Even if it is damaged, it can be restored in a short time.

But no matter how strong the dark matter energy defense shield is.

At this moment, facing the attack of the warp star destroyer cannons of all A-class peak-level battleships from the two major fleets of the Hanhai Alliance, they are somewhat dwarfed by comparison.

Huge energy shock waves are raging, and the dark matter energy defense shield on the north side of the Three Stars is rapidly melting.

Its self-recovery speed is far inferior to the damage speed.

Inside the star fortress.

At this moment, the great congressman could not help but clenched his palms.

For a moment, he even wondered if Shen Fei was playing tricks on them.

Nuwa declares war on the Hanhai Alliance.

The three parliaments are under public criticism.

This is because Shen Fei is using them as cannon fodder to test the true strength of the Hanhai Alliance.

But this thought only occurred for less than a brief second.

He was shamefully denied by the senior congressman.

If it weren’t for Shen Fei, the Council of Three would have ceased to exist long ago.

Even if it was because he cared about the countless people of the Three Councils, the senior council member felt that he should not have such thoughts.

“Everyone, the Three Stars may be destroyed today.”

“But the spirit of the Council of Three will definitely last forever in the main galaxy.”

“Dear Nuwa, we may not be able to sustain the Fuxi combat base to create interstellar weapons to fight against the Hanhai Alliance.”

“But please protect the other three parliament planets.”

It seems that the dark matter energy defense shield has been extremely damaged.

The Star Destroyer Cannon launched by the Vast Sea Alliance warship is rapidly bombarding the Three Stars.

A look of determination and calmness appeared on the big congressman’s face.

And Nuwa heard what he said.

The figure soon appeared on the screen.

There was a hint of human confusion on her elegant face at this moment.

[I don’t quite understand why you think the Three Stars will be destroyed. 】

[The fleet attack of the Vast Sea Alliance just broke through the dark matter energy shield? 】

Nuwa’s plain voice sounded.

The great councilors, Luan Si, Luan Xing, and Nong Bei, including all the members of the three councils, are watching the situation here.

The expressions on their faces all showed that they couldn’t help but be slightly startled.

Just broke the dark matter energy shield?

In addition to the dark matter energy shield, do they have any other defense methods on the three planets?



And just when the congressman and others looked in shock and uncertainty.

Several buzzing sounds suddenly sounded.

I saw a black shadow suddenly flash across the screen.

He rushed towards the trajectory of the Star Destroyer Cannons.

Wait for the huge black shadow to hover on the north side of the Three Stars.

After blocking the forward trajectory of those Star Destroyer Cannons.

Only the senior congressman and others saw its appearance clearly.

The next second, exclamations of surprise rang out from the mouths of the congressmen and others.

Hua Caixing combat command room.

Luan Xing and Nong Bei subconsciously widened their eyes.

Looking at the scene in front of me in disbelief.

“Fuxi Combat Base! Is it Fuxi Combat Base!?”

“When did it run from the Huacai Star to the Three Stars!?”



When Luan Xing and others were stunned.

A violent roar suddenly resounded.

Only a dozen or so Star Destroyer Cannon attacks launched by the Hanhai Alliance fleet arrived within one million kilometers of the Fuxi combat base.

Then it suddenly exploded.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of launch ports suddenly extended out around the huge body of the Fuxi combat base.

An overwhelming halo of light instantly condensed from the launch ports, and then flew towards the remaining Star Destroyer cannon attacks at high speed.

It is within tens of millions of kilometers to the north of the Three Stars.

The attack launched by Fuxi Combat Base collided with all the Star Destroyer Cannons.

Explosive light spots appeared instantly.

Then in less than a breath.

Those spots of light quickly grew in size.

Until the light illuminated the surrounding area of ​​nearly 100 million light-years.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be rendered in white.

The conference room of the main hall of Hanhaixing.

At this moment, the faces of the Ninth Elders and several others were covered with


Let’s not talk about their star destroyer attacks, which all have a strong anti-interception system.

General attacks cannot be intercepted at all.

It’s definitely not that easy to trigger just by energy triggering.

For a star destroyer attack to be intercepted and detonated, it needs at least 0.5 times the energy contained in the star destroyer attack.

And those star destroyer attacks gather the instantaneous energy of more than 200 A-class battleships.

Although the Fuxi combat base is much larger than ordinary interstellar battleships.

But how can the energy it contains be comparable to that of 200 A-class peak interstellar battleships!

Even if it is 0.5 times, the ninth elder also thinks this is a bit of a fantasy!

“Wait, that’s not right!”

“Cangqiong is capturing the energy fluctuation information of the explosion area.”

“But these data…”

“It doesn’t match, it doesn’t match at all!”

“The interception attacks launched by this ghost thing don’t contain that much energy!”

“Zero point zero… one time!”

“Cangqiong, are you sure you didn’t miscalculate?”

“The Blue Star Civilization Armed Forces that were originally located on the Painted Star and now suddenly appeared on the Three Stars Star to block our attack, it only needs 0.01 times the energy ratio to intercept a star destroyer!?”

The fifth elder exclaimed, his voice trembling a little.

Hearing this, the ninth elder and others hurriedly looked down at the streams of information data, and their eyes widened instantly.

What is the concept of 0.01 times the energy ratio?

The two hundred curvature star destroyers they launched are worth at least 1 billion galactic coins.

So converted.

That is to say, the Fuxi combat base only spent 10 million galactic coins to intercept these star destroyers.

The most important thing is that it represents not only money, but also a huge amount of resource consumption.

The reason why the Ninth Elder is fully confident about this battle.

In addition to the fact that the two walls have successfully awakened.

The most important thing is that the resources owned by their Hanhai Alliance are simply incomparable to other civilizations in the Milky Way.

He believes that just fighting a resource war can completely crush the Three Councils and Blue Star.

But at this moment.

The beautiful fantasy in the heart of the Ninth Elder was suddenly shattered.

Although their resource ownership rate is far higher than that of the Three Councils and Blue Star.

But Shen Fei’s resource utilization efficiency is too abnormal.

If the fight continues like this, who will run out of resources first? The Ninth Elder will have to think carefully first.

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