Sitting in the command module of Kuafu’s spaceship.

Shen Fei looked at the cosmic scene that was quickly disappearing on the screen.

He couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

What is the level of level five civilization?

He couldn’t imagine it now.

Glory-level military industry is still too far away from him now.

But there was one thing he was almost certain of.

That is the fifth-level civilization or the pinnacle of the fifth-level civilization, and should be the controller of a super galaxy cluster.

Level six civilizations may be born in the Laniakea supercluster.

But the perspective of level six civilization is definitely no longer within the super galaxy cluster.

The sudden increase in the gravity of the giant attractor will most likely not have any impact on them.

They get more attention.

It should be above the supercluster of galaxies composed of superclusters.

This is what I am thinking about.

Shen Fei couldn’t help but reveal a hint of trance in his eyes.

Even a super galaxy cluster is an extremely small existence in the vast universe.

On top of it, there is the Great Wall.

On the Great Wall, there is a natural moat.

Shen Fei looked at the dark universe outside the window of the spaceship.

It was the first time that I felt so insignificant.

He is still thinking hard about how to comprehend the glorious military knowledge and reach the fourth level of civilization.

But in the vast universe.

Perhaps even level nine civilization already exists.


“We are about to reach the Andromeda Galaxy ahead.”

“After preliminary detection by Nuwa, no advanced civilization was born here.”

At this moment, Nuwa’s voice suddenly sounded.

And Shen Fei heard what Nuwa said.

The expression on his face changed complicatedly several times.

Then he finally let out a breath with a chuckle.

“Okay, Nuwa.”

“I see.”

“Go and have a look at the Andromeda Galaxy.”

Shen Fei said.

His confused emotions appeared after Nuwa spoke.

Completely returned to normalcy.

In the vast universe, everyone will feel their own insignificance.

In Shen Fei’s opinion, this is a very normal phenomenon.

He’d be damned if he didn’t feel anything.

Confrontational and submissive.

Two words that seem to contradict each other.

This may also be the path Shen Fei needs to take.


Shen Fei felt more and more relaxed.

While also becoming more and more interested in the next interstellar voyage.

On the other side, inside the Tianshan Peak Laboratory of the Wood Spirit Empire.

Kuang Yue and the top scientists couldn’t help but sigh at the same time.

After being inspired by Kuang Ling’s words.

Kuang Yue led a group of six-star scientists from the Wood Spirit Empire to conduct a simulation experiment.

They couldn’t figure out how Ju Yinyuan could become ‘angry’.

But they thought of how to make Juyinyuan ‘happy’.

Since the giant source of attraction is created by the original rhythm of the universe.

Then it is just like the universe and does not want advanced civilization to be born.

After this giant gravitational riot.

The Koolin Empire’s main detection station has conducted data detection on many small galaxies around it.

Proven through experimental testing.

For galaxies where there are no advanced civilizations and only low-level creatures, the gravitational pull of the giant attractor will be much smaller.

There are even galaxies that are closer to the giant attractor than the Tianshan Supergalaxy.

On the contrary, it will be sucked into the giant attractor more slowly than the Tianshan supergalaxy.

So Kuang Yue conducted a simulation experiment with a group of six-star scientists.

Is there any way to hide the fluctuations in the civilization level of the Wood Spirit Empire?

Including but not limited to all modern technology and armed particle beam transmission effects.

The final experiment lasted seven days and seven nights.

Kuang Yue finally got an answer.

That’s what can be done.

But the cost is too exaggerated.

With the current resources and energy reserves of the entire Wood Spirit Empire.

Want to conceal civilization level fluctuations.

It only takes three months at most.

It would exhaust the resources of the entire Wood Spirit Empire.

By then, the Kodak Empire will completely turn into an empty shell.

And he also ‘lived’ for three more months.

Unless they improve their energy conversion efficiency.

Otherwise this approach is completely unrealistic.

There is no practical application at all.


Inside the Level 3 Temporal Flow Laboratory of Imperial University.

Kuang Yue once again taught the students in the brain spirit class.

In her opinion, what these future six-star scientists of the empire lack is just knowledge accumulation and experience.

In terms of scientific research understanding, because there is no solid thinking


They are even stronger than those giants who have become six-star scientists.

“In today’s class, I want to take you to review history.”

“That is, the history of the rise of the Mu Ling Empire.”

“Kuang Ling, start with you.”

Kuang Yue’s eyes fell on Kuang Ling and said.

Kuang Ling’s eyes flashed with a hint of surprise when she heard it.

But soon she adapted to Kuang Yue’s question and said:

“The Mu Ling Empire originated from a remote galaxy and a remote planet in the Tianshan Supergalaxy.”

“After successfully advancing from a first-level civilization to a second-level civilization, we were forced to launch the first interstellar war.”

“After a battle with a civilization that was also a second-level civilization, we won and finally unified that remote galaxy.”

“It laid a good foundation for further entering the third-level civilization.”

Kuang Ling simply narrated it as if she was reciting a textbook.

Of course, she really couldn’t answer anything fancy.

Because a long time ago, the teachers who specialized in studying civilization levels told them.

More than 99% of the civilizations in the universe.

The development process is almost completely similar.

They have not touched upon the fifth-level civilization.

They cannot speak.

But before the fifth-level civilization.

Every evolution of civilization is almost fought one battle after another.

This is not only because competition will definitely occur when the demand for resources increases.

It is also because war is always a catalyst for technology.

The speed of technological development in peacetime is much lower than that in wartime.


“Then I want to ask you something.”

“Do you know how much resources we spent in the war with that second-level civilization?”

“What is the ratio of resource consumption between us and the other party?”

Kuang Yue nodded calmly and then asked.

“About… 50 trillion Wood Spirit Coins?”

Kuang Ling hesitated when she heard this.

She really didn’t know this.

Kuang Yue shook her head when she heard this, and then looked at the others.

Seeing this, the remaining students in the Brain Spirit Class spoke one after another.

“Eighty trillion!”

“One hundred trillion!”

“One hundred and thirty trillion!”


They all knew that interstellar wars were very expensive, so as Kuang Yue kept shaking his head, the numbers they shouted became larger and larger.

And after the Nth person answered.

Kuang Yue finally became serious and said:

“You underestimated the ancestors of the Muling Empire!”

“In that war, we only consumed less than 10 trillion Muling coins to win the battle.”

“And the resources consumed by that second-level civilization were one hundred trillion.”

“It was ten times more than ours!”


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