Under Shen Fei’s suspicious eyes.

Kuang Yue continued:

“We, the Wood Spirit Empire, are not the only ones to sum up the many laws of the universe.”

“After so many years of our understanding, other civilizations also have related dialectics.”

“The first law of the universe has been completely proven to exist.”

“That is, the universe does not allow advanced civilization to appear.”

“The technology lock is another powerful manifestation of the emergence of advanced civilizations sanctioned by the universe.”

Other students in the Brain Spirit class have obviously heard these words more than once.

So they all acted very calmly.

But Shen Fei was different.

His expression changed several times in an instant.

His brows knitted together unconsciously.

“Technology lock, sanction the emergence of advanced civilization?”

“Is it because of this so-called technology lock that I haven’t been able to understand the glorious military technology?”

When Shen Fei’s face was filled with questions.

Kuang Yue only paused for a moment, giving Shen Fei some time to digest, and then spoke again.

“Like the third-level civilization, the fourth-level civilization is also an absolute fusion of technology and material.”

“But the dark matter, dark energy and various special properties studied by the third-level civilization can only be called three categories, which is the most elementary dark matter.”

“What Level 4 civilization needs to study is Type II and Type I dark matter.”

“These two types of dark matter exist in our universe, and are more difficult to discover and use due to technological locks.”

“For example, this is a type II dark matter called P37.”

“It can achieve a qualitative breakthrough in the combat speed of interstellar battleships.”

“Has combat speed exceeding twenty times the speed of light per second.”

“S-class battleships that use this dark matter can instantly kill all A-class peak battleships and some S-class battleships through combat speed.”

“Next, I will teach you how to analyze the technology lock of P37.”

To the end.

Kuang Yue passed her palm across the virtual panel in front of her.

Then a series of information and data appeared.

The other students in the brain spirit class seemed to have a headache analyzing the technology lock.

So even though I had heard Kuang Yue talk about this lesson a long time ago.

But I still opened the note panel and started recording helplessly.

Only Shen Fei stared motionlessly at the screen in front of Kuang Yue.

His eyes became brighter.

A full two and a half hours passed.

After thoroughly understanding what the technology lock is.

Shen Fei really wanted to curse in his heart.

Daqing was in trouble for a long time.

It’s not that there’s something wrong with his IQ that he can’t comprehend the glorious military technology.

But there is this technology lock.

The system didn’t tell him.

Shen Fei does not solve the technology lock problem.

Forcibly comprehend the glorious military technology.

Damn it if a generalist can understand this.

As for the technological lock born from the origin of the universe.

In Shen Fei’s opinion, it is similar to the way Double Wall used extradimensional particles to block the technological development of Songhaixing.

The only difference between the two is that the technological lock is more difficult to unlock than the extradimensional particle blockade.

And technological locks are not unique and immutable.

Every substance related to the fourth-level civilization field has a technological lock attached to it by the origin of the universe.

Different types of technology locks have different levels of difficulty in parsing them.

Time and space will also affect the analysis process of technology locks.

But as long as you understand the way it changes orbit.

And how technology locks mess up data and information.

Then there is always a way to solve it.

At least for Shen Fei, this is not difficult.

Kuang Yue continued to talk on the stage.

And Shen Fei used only his consciousness to enter the super laboratory for the first time.

Consciousness completely left here.

Of course, this way Shen Fei doesn’t have to worry about any accidents.

His body will be temporarily acted upon by the system according to his subconscious instincts.

There is no difference from his own consciousness.

After entering the super laboratory with a time ratio of 800:1.

Shen Fei vowed to start analyzing the first technology lock.

Half an hour later, Shen Fei successfully analyzed it.

Then he suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Start doing the second, third, fourth.

There are thousands of types of materials involved in the Glory-level military industry.

This also means that Shen Fei has thousands of technology locks that need to be analyzed.

Replace it with someone else.

maybe a lifetime

It can’t be fully analyzed.

But for Shen Fei, who has an extremely high IQ and a super laboratory.

It wouldn’t even take a day in the real world.

He can analyze all the technology locks in the super laboratory.


Superlabs don’t count years.

While Kuang Yue was talking about a type-II dark matter technology lock analysis method.

Little did they know that Shen Fei had already stayed in the super laboratory for hundreds of days.

He has single-handedly analyzed thousands of technological locks.

When Kuang Yue announced that today’s class was over and gave Shen Fei a list of the second and first types of dark matter that their Kodama Empire had discovered.

Shen Fei has nearly finished analyzing all the technological locks of the Glory-class military industry, and only the most difficult dozens are left.

Shen Fei has successfully analyzed 99% of the remaining technology locks.

Next, he only needs to combine these material types with the application of Glory-level military technology.

You will be able to fully master the fourth-level civilization technology.

This trip to the Wood Spirit Empire went smoothly beyond Shen Fei’s imagination.

But in his opinion.

This was another miserable day for him to be tricked by the system.

If the system had told him earlier that there was such a thing as a technology lock.

He doesn’t have to leave his hometown and travel hundreds of millions of light years to come here.

Stay in the Kunlun manufacturing base.

Shen Fei can also master the fourth-level civilization military technology on his own.

“System, if you wanted to make money, could you have told me earlier?”

“Where were you when I was confused?”

“Where were you when I doubted my life?”

“Where were you when I was wondering why day and night?”

“Now you’d better not tell me that there’s such a thing as paying for a technical lock analysis tutorial!”

“Otherwise I will never be done with you!”

The last moment when consciousness emerges from the super laboratory.

Shen Fei’s roar echoed endlessly in that space.

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