at the same time on the other side

In the office of the president of Imperial University.

Zang Kong and a dozen old men from the examination committee sat down.

They were worried that if they stood any longer, they would fall directly to the ground.

Although Shen Fei’s previous performance in the promotion exam was unparalleled.

But that is in the virtual cabin after all.

All the answers to the exam questions are theoretically possible.

But a theory is still a theory.

Just like the mecha that Shen Fei made during the upgrade exam.

They thought that if they wanted to build such a mecha in reality.

There’s definitely a lot to overcome.

But now, they don’t think so at all.

The aircraft built by Shen Fei himself completely shocked their jaws.

They all couldn’t believe it now.

This aircraft instantly killed all the competition-level aircraft of the 100 major groups.

It was a monster that pressed military aircraft to the ground and rubbed them.

It was Shen Fei who did it.

“Everyone, it seems that we have completely underestimated the strength of Shelby-san!”

“His theory is amazing, and his practical ability is even more terrifying.”

“And it seems that Shelby has already mastered Level 4 civilization technology.”

“He chose to drop out of Imperial College.”

“Maybe he feels that there is nothing more he can learn here.”

“The brain class class that day probably made Student Shelby very disappointed.”

“That’s why he dropped out of school directly.”

Zang Kong clicked his tongue.

If Shen Fei’s choice before made everyone extremely confused.

Now the answer is finally ready.

Recalling Shen Fei’s thin back when he left campus.

Zang Kong couldn’t help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Fortunately, he still felt that Shen Fei walked out of Imperial University.

The road ahead will be extremely difficult.

It’s just that he is worrying blindly.

After today, Shen Fei would not rely on his reputation as the strongest student in the history of Imperial University.

He will also become prosperous!

the other side.

This is where the students of the brain spirit class have their daily classes.

Zuo Lun and the others also looked shocked.

Look at the [Roaring Sky Dog] aircraft in the screen.

They couldn’t help their throats crawling and swallowing.

among their group.

Some of them had already entered the brain spirit class ten or even twenty years ago.

This is a very important item in the graduation assessment of the Brain Spirit Class.

That is, what technological inventions have been made during school.

Among them, Zuo Lun, Zeng Wu, Nicola and other top-ranking students.

There are several inventions that have broken through some very important technologies.

They are all very proud of this.

But look at the [Roaring Sky Dog] in the screen.

Their pride and pride were completely shattered at this moment.

Not to mention one of their inventions.

Even the technological breakthroughs made by all the students in the Brain Spirit Class combined are less than one-tenth of the [Roaring Sky Dog] aircraft.

Shen Fei defeated the entire brain spirit class by himself.

“Kuang Ling, it seems that our previous guesses were completely wrong.”

“Shelby…he really gave us all a surprise and scare!”

Everyone looked at Kuang Ling who was sitting in his seat.

He couldn’t help but shook his head with a wry smile.

Only now did they realize how wrong their previous judgment about Shen Fei was.

And Kuang Ling heard what they said.

He just stared at the screen in front of him silently.

Shen Fei’s face echoed in his mind.

Her ethereal eyes radiated sparkling brilliance at this moment.


The public election held once every 50 years in the Wood Spirit Empire finally came to an end with the arrival of dark night in the Wood Spirit Empire.

However, the sensation caused by this incident is far from over.

Because of the [Roaring Sky Dog].

The Conte Group won the undisputed first place in the public election.

Although [Howling Sky Dog] is running from the end to the starting point.

It completely does not meet the requirements of the public election competition system.

But the other senior executives of Baida Group have no intention of competing again.

If they compete again, they can only lose one more person.

The Kante Group will gain more attention because of this aircraft manufactured by Shenfei.

They won’t do such a thankless job.

Of course, the top executives of the top 100 companies are not fools.

Although the Conte Group has now won the first place in the public election.

But this has nothing to do with the Conte Group.

It’s only Shen Fei who’s strong, isn’t it?


So as soon as the public election ends.

The top executives of the top 100 groups held a group meeting overnight.

Immediately, high-priced orders appeared in Shen Fei’s live broadcast room interface one after another.

The highest aircraft order amount has reached 20 million wood spirit coins.

The amounts of the orders that followed were also staggeringly high.

You must know that before this, the price of an aircraft with the best performance would not exceed two million Kok Ling coins.

The Kante Group placed an order for Shen Fei’s five million Kok Ling Coin aircraft.

That is already the highest price for military aircraft.

But now, five million wood spirit coins can’t even be ranked among the top 50 orders.

At a time when high-priced orders have once again pushed Shenfei’s popularity to a new peak.

Inside the Tianshen Castle, the number one military base of the Muling Empire.

At this moment, Kuang Yue and a group of high-ranking military officers from the Wood Spirit Empire were sitting at attention.

At the head of the conference table.

He is a middle-aged man with a good-looking appearance.

He has some white hair on his temples.

Looks very kind.

But when everyone below looked at the middle-aged man.

But full of respect and admiration.

Because he is the contemporary monarch of the Muling Empire, Kuang Zheng.

A legendary monarch full of stories.

Even if we pull out all the outstanding monarchs of the Wood Spirit Empire and rank them together.

Kuang Zheng can also be ranked in the top three.


“You called an emergency meeting of the Empire because of Shelby?”

At this moment, Kuang Yue suddenly broke the silence in the conference room.

It’s not difficult to spot if you look carefully.

There was obviously a hint of doubt in Kuang Yue’s eyes.

Although Shen Fei’s incident caused quite a stir this time.

But in her opinion, it was not enough to alarm Kuang Zheng.

But other than that, she couldn’t think of any other reasons.



“Shelby is a rare genius in the history of the Koolin Empire.”

“But it is not because of him that I call you today.”

“It’s because of Tianchuangxing.”

“Just a few hours ago, Tianchuangxing suddenly sent a distress signal to the Royal Palace.”

“When I sent someone to contact Tianchuangxing again, it had lost contact.”

“Tianchuang Star is one of the five planets under the jurisdiction of the Wood Spirit Empire.”

“It contains many military secrets of our Kodama Empire.”

“It is now in critical condition and is sending a distress signal directly to the Royal Palace.”

“This means that all other communications have been cut off.”

Kuang Zhengxu narrowed his eyes, and bursts of sharp color flashed out of them.

When Kuang Yue and others heard this, they were completely stunned.

They understood.

Tianchuang Star has been invaded!

But at this time, who would invade Tianchuang Star!

Who dares to invade Tianchuang Star! ?


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