The new order is coming.

“Mr. Chen, I think this problem is not only for us, but also for all other countries.”

“So don’t worry too much.”

“In a short period of time, I think the problem of strategic aircraft security cannot be solved at all.”

“Even if the higher-ups shoot us all, this problem will be difficult to solve.”

Seeing that the atmosphere in the conference room was a bit dull.

Ma Hongyi stood up and said.

And it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t say it.

As soon as he said it.

Chen Zhenmin was so angry that his beard curled up.

“I don’t need you to tell me this!?”

“Leave the problem to time, leave the problem to time.”

“Every time you face a scientific research problem, do you all have this mentality?”

“Then let me ask you, if time solves the problem, what else do you need to do?”

“And everyone has solved this problem, then what advantage does Longguo have?”

“What the higher-ups want is that we should be ahead of other countries to solve this problem!”

“In short, two days! I’ll give you two days!”

“If you can’t even come up with a basic idea, then I should really consider Qin Ying’s words.”

“Lock each of you in a small dark room and concentrate on research!”

After saying that, Chen Zhenmin slammed the table hard.

He left the meeting room with a sullen face.

Only Su Ting, Ma Hongyi and others were left staring at each other.

After a moment.

Ma Hongyi couldn’t help but look in the direction of Qin Ying.

He said with a flattering smile:

“Sister Ying, Teacher Qin!”

“You usually have the most ideas, how about you give us some advice?”

“I don’t think Mr. Chen is joking this time!”

After Ma Hongyi’s voice sounded in the conference room.

The others all turned their heads to look at Qin Ying who was sitting in the front.

They showed hope on their faces.

Although most of them entered the research base.

Qin Ying has become a mentor in the base.

Almost no one has taken classes with Qin Ying.

But they have all heard of Qin Ying’s strength.

Qin Ying and her group back then.

Now they have become leaders of various military research units.

And Qin Ying is one of the best among them.

If she hadn’t always wanted to have a leisure time in the research base.

She might have been poached by other military regions and was responsible for the research of the entire military region!

“Hey, now you know to call me Sister Ying?”

“Didn’t you just rush to complain to Mr. Chen?”

“And you also said that I am the mentor.”

“What does Mr. Chen have to do with me if he wants to lock you up in a small dark room?”

“May the best for you.”

Qin Ying glanced at Ma Hongyi and others.

Then she stood up and swung her long legs.

She left the meeting room under the dumbfounded gaze of everyone.

Ma Hongyi and others were stunned in the same place.

My heart was like a thump, and it fell to the bottom of the valley.

“Alas, I can’t count on you. No one can count on you now.”

“Everyone, work hard.”

“Try to come up with a reasonable research plan for Mr. Chen within two days.”

“If it doesn’t work, you have to come up with more ideas, even if they are wrong.”

“Mr. Chen is probably angry today because we didn’t say anything when he asked us.”

Su Ting shook his head and sighed.

The others looked at each other in surprise.

I could only nod in silence.


Time is like sand on your fingertips.

Two days passed in a flash.

While Su Ting and other top military workers were having a headache over the strategic aircraft defense problem.

Shen Fei, who was in a manufacturing shop in the suburbs of Mo City.

He had already spent a hundred days in the super laboratory.

If the entire process of developing drones was not very tight.

Shen Fei had no concept of time.

He would really go crazy.

But God will not let down those who work hard.

It took more than three months.

Shen Fei finally built the drone that Wang Wei requested.

A cross-era drone with a range of 10,000 kilometers, a cargo capacity of 10 tons, and excellent stability!

Looking at his masterpiece in front of him.

This time, even Shen Fei couldn’t help showing a hint of excitement.

[Ding! The system is now scoring the host’s experiment! ]

[After system detection. 】

【The host received a perfect score of 100 for the drone experimental product manufacturing! 】

【In terms of the drone fuel tank structure, the host’s understanding

Break through the limits with your manufacturing capabilities! Obtained an S-level rating! 】

[The host is now rewarded with ten intelligence points! Reward the host with 10 million system upgrade points! 】

The soft sounds of the system fell one after another.

Shen Fei didn’t take it seriously at first.

But when he heard the last two sentences.

The body that had originally planned to leave the laboratory froze in place.

The 10 million upgrade points awarded by the system are nothing.

In this regard, the system has been depressing Soso.

Compared to one billion upgrade points, ten million is like Shen Fei and the system begging for food.

But those ten points of intelligence.

But it really made Shen Fei couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

It feels like the adrenaline is about to burst out.

If he understood correctly.

These ten intelligence points can be equivalent to ten IQ scores.

A person with an IQ score of 100 is considered an average person.

A person with an IQ score of 110 is enough to be called an outstanding talent.

in other words.

These ten intelligence points of the system.

It can transform a person from an average IQ to an excellent IQ in an instant!

And these 10 IQ points were used on Shen Fei.

Probably even more exaggerated.

Because it turns out that Shen Fei has talent and understanding for a series of studies such as scientific research.

It’s enough to be called the top!

It is said that Einstein’s IQ was extremely high, reaching 160.

In the past, Shen Fei didn’t know if he could compare to Einstein.

But if these ten points of intelligence are integrated.

Shen Fei felt that Einstein was still alive.

He can definitely compete with his IQ simply!

“It seems that the system has many functions that I have not touched.”

“But the miraculous function of increasing intelligence alone is truly terrifying.”

Shen Fei took a deep breath.

He forced down the excitement in his heart.

Then he looked up at his masterpiece again.

Then he took it out of the super laboratory.

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