After Shen Fei’s last two sentences.

Qin Ying didn’t listen carefully at all.

Wait for her to react.

The pupils couldn’t help but shrink hard!

He kept muttering the word “drone” in his mouth.

Qin Ying’s pretty eyes became even more shining!

Shen Fei said lightly.

It was as if the problem she had been thinking about for two days and couldn’t solve was solved all at once!

“Yes! Drones, just drones!”

“Currently the best way to solve the problem of strategic aircraft defense is drones!”

“Because this way there is no need to consider the safety of strategic aircraft pilots!”

“At worst, if I don’t need the drone anymore, I’ll blow you up too!”

Qin Ying murmured to herself.

The mood seemed to be extremely high.

If they could actually have a fleet of drone bombers.

So that drill with the Bear Country a few days ago.

It wouldn’t be the Bear Country teaching the Dragon Country.

But the Dragon Kingdom taught Mao Xiong Kingdom how to be a good man!

“Great nephew, my aunt loves you so much!”

“You really helped my aunt solve her troubles!”

“Now I will rush back to the company to deal with this problem.”

“Go eat something delicious by yourself tonight, and my aunt will come see you later!”

Qin Ying stood up from the recliner.

Baji kissed Shen Fei.

Then she dropped a bank card.

Then he walked towards the door quickly.

Until ‘bang’.

The door was closed by Qin Ying.

Her figure also disappeared there.

Only then did Shen Fei react from his dazed state.

Then he touched the place where Qin Ying had kissed him.

Suddenly my mouth felt a little dry.

From this morning until now.

These intimate actions of Qin Ying made Shen Fei, a virgin, completely unable to resist.

“No, no.”

“What am I thinking!”

“She is my aunt!”

“Amitabha, the Greatly Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, Om Na Padme Hum!”



When Shen Fei felt ashamed of his own indecency.

But he didn’t know the drone he sent to Wang Wei.

At this moment, we are facing the interception of eight military region fighter jets!

Putuo Mountain is also called Putuo Luojia Mountain.

It is one of the four famous mountains of Buddhism in the Dragon Kingdom.

It is known as the “Buddha Land of the Sea and Sky” and the “Holy Land of the South China Sea”.

On weekdays, many tourists come here to burn incense and worship Buddha.

Today is the weekend and there are even more people.

But at a certain moment.

Countless tourists who were still on the mountain trail suddenly raised their heads.

He looked straight at the blue sky and white clouds above his head.

I saw a plane traveling quickly in the center.

Eight sleek fighter jets spread out.

The plane was surrounded.

Tourists have never seen anything like this before.

They all took out their mobile phones and took pictures.

In addition, many people couldn’t help but comment:

“Tsk tsk, good luck, good luck! I knew I had good luck today, and I actually saw eight fighter jets!”

“Is there some big shot sitting on that plane in the middle? Are those eight fighter jets escorting it?”

“Yeah, it looks like it!”

“I’m Cio! What kind of big shot can use eight fighter jets to escort him! He can’t be the head of a military region, right!?”

“Hey, that’s not something we ordinary people can worry about!”

“Wow! Look! Look! This picture is absolutely amazing!”

“Hiss! There is a Buddhist temple on one side and a fighter plane on the other! The impact is overwhelming!”


Originally, everyone was only interested in the matter of eight fighter jets ‘escorting’ one plane.

And when the fighter group flew a certain distance again.

The temple complex on the top of Mount Putuo and the group of fighter jets flying above were frozen in the same scene.

The two immediately brought a huge visual impact to countless tourists.

That kind of look.

It is as if under the blessing of Buddha, the country has achieved prosperity and strength.

this moment.

Countless devout believers on the mountain plank road all knelt down and worshiped.

“May the Buddha bless us and our country will always be prosperous!”


While countless tourists pray devoutly.

Little did he know that there was a military command room on the other side.

Several people with several general stars on their shoulders were also shocked by the pictures on the screen.

It’s just that these military region bosses were shocked

It was definitely not the impact of the temple and the fighter plane.

It was the high-definition drone picture that had been transmitted back by the fighter plane.

“Mr. Chen, are you sure?”

“The parameters of this drone are so exaggerated that you can’t even make it?”

Sun Dongxian, the commander of the First Military Region, looked at Chen Zhenmin standing beside him with a serious expression and asked.

“Commander Sun, we have to wait until we intercept this drone to find out the details.”

“But just looking at its load capacity, it’s exaggerated and scary.”

“The best drone in our army currently has a take-off weight of only 5.2 tons at most.”

“Please note that it is the take-off weight, not the load capacity!”

“And the drone we are intercepting has an estimated load capacity of about ten tons!”

“Do you know what ten tons means?”

“It can carry seven or eight missiles and fly all over the sky, bombing everywhere!”

At the end.

Chen Zhenmin’s old hands couldn’t help but clench together tightly.

The excitement in his eyes couldn’t be suppressed at all.

When Sun Dongxian heard what Chen Zhenmin said, he couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

“Mr. Chen, if that’s the case!”

“Wouldn’t this drone be used as a bomber!?”

“And it doesn’t need a pilot at all, just ground control!”

“Isn’t this a perfect solution to the problem we’re facing!?”

What Chen Zhenmin didn’t say.

Sun Dongxian said it all for him.

Chen Zhenmin pursed his lips and said:

“Commander Sun, from the current point of view, this possibility is absolutely possible!”

“I should have thought of it earlier. Using drone bombers to replace pilots for bombing can solve the problem given to us by the superiors!”

“But whether it can be realized, we still have to study it carefully!”

“This unidentified drone has given me a lot of inspiration.”

“But it also has great restrictions.”

“The load capacity of this drone is enough, but I estimate that it can only run a few hundred kilometers at most!”

“And stability is also a problem.”

“But let’s intercept it first and see what the origin of this drone is!”

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