Take a deep breath.

Shen Fei endured all kinds of discomfort and continued reading.

[Comrade Shen Fei, you really don’t have to worry about time. 】

[The following are the building drawings and core materials of the 99A, our country’s most powerful main battle tank currently. 】

[Although I went through a lot of hard work, I got this information from the Military Commission. 】

[But you really shouldn’t feel pressured. 】

[As for performance, it doesn’t need to be much higher than 99A, just one or two levels better. 】


After reading the second half of Sun Dongxian’s message.

Shen Fei couldn’t help but silently closed his eyes.

At this moment, his whole body was trembling slightly.

“System, can I still cancel the order after accepting it?”

Shen Fei shouted in his mind.

Fortunately, he thought Sun Dongxian was a good person before!

Who is a good person who does this?

It is said that there is no time limit or requirement limit.

But it’s better to make some demands!

“Commander Sun, you just see that I am a person with a conscience.”

“If it were anyone else, I wouldn’t care about you!”

Shen Fei muttered.

While picking up the 99A building drawings and core materials on the ground.

After stacking the drawings together.

Shen Fei put it aside casually.

Then he sat in front of the computer and sent an order receipt to Sun Dongxian.

Now based on Sun Dongxian’s message.

Shen Fei summed up two useful points.

That was the tank Sun Dong first needed him to build.

It is best to complete it within three days, and it is best to help them defeat the 71st Army.

In terms of time, there is a super laboratory.

Shen Fei didn’t think it was a problem.

But relying on the performance of just one tank to defeat an army group.

This requires Shen Fei to spend some time.

Although Sun Dongxian may not have high hopes for this.

But now that Shen Fei has accepted the order, he will definitely not destroy the sign of his store.

So he sent Sun Dong the order receipt first.

There are two aspects that need to be understood.

One is the comparison of the number of main battle weapons of the two armies.

The other is a detailed topographic map of combat exercises.

What Shen Fei had in mind was not just simple weapon manufacturing.

Military products may withstand firepower limits under different conditions and environments.

Shen Fei can also analyze it.

So he needs to understand both aspects.

One is to determine the tank armor defense capabilities he built for the First Military Region.

The second is the unique combat capabilities required under special terrain.

That’s all.

Shen Fei thought it was possible to get a tank.

It has the ability to change the outcome of a group army battle.

Of course, the two most important aspects of a main battle tank are defense and attack.

No main battle tank will bypass these two properties.

But in Shen Fei’s view.

Sometimes the thicker the armor is not, the better.

The stronger the attack, the better.

The armor is thick, the firepower is sufficient, and the weight will be high.

This will inevitably affect the tank’s flexibility.

Once the flexibility is insufficient, the enemy will find that this tank is ridiculously strong.

Then I can simply stop fighting you.

Send four heavily armored vehicles to crush you to death.

He could only freeze in place, unable to move.

Of course, there is another very important reason.


Sun Dongxian gave a total of 200 million.

Shen Fei can’t do anything without risking his life!

Don’t calculate the cost!


the other side.

After receiving the news that Shen Fei had taken the order.

Sun Dongxian had already rushed to Chen Zhenmin’s office excitedly.

But at this moment, he looked at the order receipt sent by Shen Fei.

Sun Dongxian could not help but be stunned.

“Mr. Chen, comparative data on the number of main battle weapons of the two armies, as well as detailed terrain maps of combat exercises!”

“What does Shen Fei want with this?”

“These are not ordinary military secrets!”

Sun Dong first looked at the content on his phone and said with confusion on his face.

Although these are far less confidential than the 99A manufacturing drawings he sent to Shen Fei.

There is no need to report it directly to the Military Commission.

But the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Theater Command also needs to be consulted.

Only with permission from the Commander-in-Chief could he send these two pieces of information to Shen Fei.

“Commander, I don’t know much about this either.”

“This has nothing to do with building a tank.”

“Not too heavy

Since Fei wants to know, I think I can apply to the theater headquarters to give it a try. ”

Chen Zhenmin said with a slight hesitation.

If it were someone else who asked the military district about these things.

Then a special organization must be established immediately to investigate it.

See if it is an enemy spy.

But Shen Fei has nothing to do with these.

Whose spy is so powerful that he is willing to let him go?

Besides, Shen Fei asked so openly.

Chen Zhenmin felt that there was no problem.

But now it’s not enough for the two of them to think it’s okay, the Eastern Theater Command headquarters also has to think it’s okay.

Otherwise, this information would definitely not be allowed to be sent to Shen Fei.

“Okay, Mr. Chen.”

“Then it’s up to you.”

“Anyway, now that we have put all our treasure on Shen Fei, we can only trust him unconditionally.”

While talking.

Sun Dongxian walked to the window.

A call was made to Lin Guoyang, Commander-in-Chief of the Eastern Theater Command.

After a while, the call was connected.

A deep voice came out from over there.

“Dongxian, why are you looking for me so late?”

“Commander, that’s it.”

Sun Dong first spoke concisely and comprehensively, and reported the Shen Fei order receipt to Lin Guoyang.

And on the other end of the phone.

Lin Guoyang fell into silence after listening to Sun Dongxian’s words.

Upon seeing this, Sun Dong first looked at Chen Zhenmin on the side.

There was a bad feeling in my heart.

But it didn’t take long.

Lin Guoyang’s rich voice rang out again.

“Dongxian, I can promise you this.”

“This little guy Shen Fei is a bit interesting.”

“I also want to see what kind of tank he can build for you.”

“But if any special problems arise during this combat exercise, I will ask you!”

At the end of his speech, Lin Guoyang’s voice suddenly became serious.

Sun Dongxian took a deep breath after hearing this and said solemnly:

“Yes! Commander!”

“If something goes wrong, I am solely responsible!”


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