Suburban Manufacturing Shop.

Inside the super laboratory.

Shen Fei has stayed here for a full one hundred and thirty-five days this time.

Longer than he had ever stayed here before.


Shen Fei let out a breath at this time.

Although he will not feel tired in the super laboratory, his body will always be in the best condition.

But at this time, he still subconsciously touched his forehead.

After realizing there was no sweat there at all.

Shen Fei suddenly smiled and looked at the masterpiece in front of him that was still in the final step!

Although Shen Fei didn’t read a word of the core drawing of the 99A main battle tank that Sun Dong first sent him.

But Shen Fei knew its various detailed parameters without looking at them.

The 99A main battle tank has a total weight of 51 tons, a total length of 10 meters with the muzzle forward, a length of 7.6 meters, a width of 3.5 meters, and a height of 2.37 meters.

The maximum road speed is 80 kilometers per hour and the maximum off-road speed is 60 kilometers per hour.

The acceleration time to 32 kilometers is 12 seconds.

In addition, it is also equipped with a new generation of composite armor and advanced reactive armor technology, with frontal penetration resistance of nearly one meter!

In terms of attack, it is equipped with a 125mm high-bore pressure smoothbore tank gun and tungsten alloy fin-stabilized discarding sabot armor-piercing projectiles.

It may be controversial to say that the 99A is the king of today’s land battle tanks, but it can definitely be ranked among the top three in the world.

Even if the Leopard 2A7 meets the 99A, it is still unclear who will win.

And this Xuanwu tank built by Shen Fei.

With a total weight of only 25 tons, it has just crossed the threshold of a light tank and can be called a medium tank.

In front of 99A, Xuanwu may look like a younger brother.

But if 99A encounters Xuanwu on the battlefield.

Shen Fei was confident that he could resolve the battle within three seconds.

Xuanwu can press 99A to the ground and rub it.

However, Shen Fei can’t say exactly how powerful Xuanwu is now.

The source of all his inferences is based on data analysis.

Xuanwu’s true strength can only be fully seen through actual combat.

So on this tank.

Shenfei also installed an image transmission system.

Screenshots of Xuanwu participating in combat exercises will be transmitted to him.

This allows Shen Fei to conduct after-sales analysis on the tanks he has built.

Of course, he did not mention this to Sun Dong first.

However, he did not deliberately install the image transmission system in a concealed manner.

He believed that any scientific researcher from the military region would be able to find out that he had faked this thing.

When the military region is willing to transmit the images to him, then it will be transmitted.

If you don’t want to, it will be intercepted if it is intercepted.

“Well… now there is one last step. I think the remaining twenty days are enough.”

After all the thoughts.

While muttering to himself, Shen Fei summoned the material library again.

The firepower of the 71st Group Army is indeed too powerful.

Shen Fei calculated.

Just relying on the current armor defense attributes of Xuanwu, it is impossible to last until the end of the exercise.

So he had to install some anti-missile systems.

Only in this way can we ensure that Xuanwu has the possibility to help the First Army win this combat exercise.

“Oh, it feels like it’s almost done. Picking out a few more materials would be a bit over the budget.”

Ten minutes later.

Shen Fei looked at the 3.8 million in the settlement interface of the material library.

He couldn’t help but feel a little sad.

The cost of building this Xuanwu tank is now as high as 16.8 million.

Plus the 15.08 yuan spent on printing paper.

I’m about to go to 17 million!

Stop selecting materials in a hurry.

After settlement.

Shen Fei then began to make the final improvements to the Xuanwu tank.


Time flies by like a white horse.

After ten days of this.

Shen Fei, who had been hunched over and busy, finally stood up again.

After appreciating the completely completed Xuanwu with some satisfaction.

Shen Fei then submitted instructions to the system for the end of this experiment.

The next second, the system’s mechanical sound sounded.

【Ding! The system is now scoring the host for this experiment! 】

[After system testing. 】

[The host obtained a perfect score of 100 points for the production of the experimental land battle tank! 】

[Conceived in terms of tank attack methods, the host’s understanding and manufacturing capabilities have exceeded the limit score! Obtained an S-level rating! 】

[The host is now rewarded with 5 intelligence points! Reward host 50

00,000 system upgrade points! 】

The system’s friendly-sounding voice echoed in Shen Fei’s ears.

But Shen Fei felt unusually cold.

“What about the system, the most basic trust and honesty between people?”

“Last time, it was also a perfect score of 100 points, and the evaluation was also S-level.”

“The reward is 10 intelligence points and 10 million upgrade points. Why is it less than half this time!?”

“Tell me honestly, did you take any kickbacks?”

“Withheld the reward that was supposed to be given to me?”

Shen Fei’s expression was very serious, and there was even a hint of scrutiny deep in his eyes.

He now had serious doubts.

The first reward may be more than 10 intelligence points and 10 million upgrade points!

After the announcement was made, the system lost its voice, as if it was dead.

Shen Fei roared twice more.

But after a few seconds, there was still no response from the system.

In the end, Shen Fei could only hold on to his uncertainty.

Leaving the Super Laboratory with the Xuanwu Tank.


Meanwhile on the other side.

Although it was already past three o’clock in the night.

But in the First Military Region, Sun Dongxian still hadn’t fallen asleep.

He is sitting behind his desk.

The dim light shone on his calm face.

For the combat exercises that will start after dawn.

Sun Dongxian is writing and drawing to see if there is anything else that needs attention or is missing.


In addition, there is a more important reason.

That’s waiting for news about Shen Fei!

If I can’t wait for news about Shen Fei tonight.

He probably couldn’t sleep at all.

This can be seen from the sadness on his brow.


And just then.

Sun Dongxian’s cell phone placed on his desk suddenly rang.

Seeing this, Sun Dongxian’s pupils shrank slightly.

Then he hurriedly picked up the phone.

After seeing clearly that it was the order completion message sent to him by Shen Fei.

Sun Dongxian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief!

There was an extremely excited expression on his face!

Then he walked to the window with his cell phone and dialed a number that only he knew.

After a while.

The call is connected.

Sun Dongxian said with a low voice and a solemn expression:

“Qinglong! I order you to immediately bring five Feilong special forces members close to Shen Fei’s store.”

“After discovering a land battle tank, immediately deploy controls around the tank!”

“I’ll send someone to pick up that tank now.”

“No one is allowed to get within 20 meters of the tank before the people from the military area arrive!”


“Understood, Commander.”

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