The truth is, the future is bright.

If the exaggerated missile interception function of the Xuanwu tank is enough to surprise Su Ting.

Then the words “anti-infrared guidance defense function” completely made Su Ting a little confused!

Although various countries, including Longguo, have been committed to researching anti-guidance defense functions.

But no one has ever studied anti-infrared guidance.

It’s not that no one has thought of this, but it’s almost impossible to achieve.

Especially when applied to land battle tanks, it’s more like a fool’s dream.

Infrared guidance can also be called infrared thermal imaging guidance.

It uses infrared rays generated by the heat released by the target object, such as the engine and the human body, to lock the target.

Air weapons such as fighter jets do have certain ways to restrain infrared guidance.

The first method is to fly towards the sun.

For example, when a fighter jet is bitten by an anti-aircraft missile, the pilot will choose to drive the fighter jet to climb sharply and fly towards the sun.

After that, the engine will be turned off, and the missile will chase the hotter sun until the fuel is exhausted.

The second method is to launch decoy bombs, which can also generate infrared rays to confuse infrared-guided missiles.

Not to mention that these two methods are currently restrained by certain missiles.

Even if they are not restrained, they can only be used by fighter jets.

Land tanks cannot be copied and applied at all.

After all, how can a tank run towards the sun?

Tanks can’t fly!

As for decoy bombs, that’s even worse.

Fighters are dozens of times faster than tanks.

Only then can decoy bombs be used to quickly get rid of guided missiles.

The slow speed of tanks compared to fighter jets.

This determines that decoy bombs are not suitable for land tanks at all.

So when Su Ting heard that this Xuanwu tank actually had anti-infrared guidance function.

That’s why he was so surprised.

Because he couldn’t figure it out no matter how hard he tried.

How can a tank counter infrared guidance!

“You ask me, who should I ask!”

“Who knows how Shen Fei, that pervert, did it!”

“Okay, stop bothering me, I haven’t finished watching it yet!”

“Let me see, it should be the first button in the second row of the cockpit here!”

“Intelligent dodge function!”

“Yes, that’s right, that’s it!”

While speaking.

Ma Hongyi quickly pressed the button representing the intelligent dodge function system.

On the other side.

The main gun muzzles of the six land battle tanks have also completed positioning and aiming.

Accompanied by a series of fierce artillery bombardments.

Six Red Arrow 8s with guidance functions whizzed out.

Attacked the Xuanwu tank from several different directions.

At this moment.

All the military leaders of the two major armies.

Stared again.

Stared straight at the command screen without blinking.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

“Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!”


In less than two seconds.

Six sounds rang out one after another.

And watching the black clouds drifting away one after another.

In the headquarters of the two army groups.

They were completely in a dead silence.

It was so quiet that only the rapid breathing of the crowd could be heard!

More than ten seconds passed.

In the headquarters of the 71st Army Group.

Chief of Staff Li Dahai was the first to say with a face full of horror:

“Six missiles, not even a shadow of a horse was touched!”

“How did this tank come about!?”

Li Dahai’s doubtful voice echoed in the huge headquarters.

Others looked at each other in surprise when they heard it.

They saw it clearly just now.

The fastest three missiles were directly intercepted by the way the Red Arrow 73 missiles were intercepted before.

Even the missile closest to Xuanwu was intercepted at a distance of about 20 meters!

If this interception capability was enough to shock the military leaders of the 71st Army.

Then the remaining three Red Arrow 8s that Xuanwu dodged directly.

It was what really shocked them!

Because when the three missiles were still about 30 meters away, Xuanwu started quickly and drove out about one meter.

And it was this one meter of emptiness.

that allowed the three missiles to stick to Xuanwu’s body.

It continued to fly forward without stopping.

Finally, it exploded directly when it hit a small hill.

It looked like it had completely lost its power.

It has gone to lock the target.

It can only fly straight!

“This tank is weird, too weird!”

“All our missiles have been strictly tested before the combat exercise, and there is absolutely no faulty missile!”

“But those three missiles seem to be ineffective. How can they “turn a blind eye” to the tanks in front of them!?”

The political commissar of the 71st Army Group couldn’t help but frowned.

He is responsible for the missile detection work.

Now this situation has occurred.

He is a little suspicious whether there is something wrong with his work!

“It is the anti-infrared guidance function.”

“Although I don’t know how he did it.”

“But this should be the anti-infrared guidance function.”

“The three missiles can’t detect the strong infrared rays emitted by the tanks close at hand.”

At this time.

A slightly hoarse voice sounded.

Wang Zuokai and others turned their heads to look.

The person who spoke was Wu Qing, the top scientific research talent of the 71st Group Research Institute.

And after saying this,

Wu Qing’s face showed a trace of bitterness.

Jiang Lin beside him stared at the Xuanwu tank in the picture in a daze.

Somewhat lost.

“If you can’t even touch the shadow of the target.”

“Does the strength of the missile still matter?”

At this moment, Jiang Lin’s mood was extremely complicated.

She never thought that.

Wu Qing, whom she has always admired very much.

This time, in a way that did not directly fight.

He was completely defeated by Shen Fei.


With Wu Qing’s reminder, the 71st Army had guessed that it might be an anti-infrared guidance function.

In the headquarters of the First Army on the other side.

Everyone had guessed this long ago.

And Zhang Ke in the crowd hesitated for a moment.

Finally, he couldn’t help but muster up the courage to stand up in front of a group of military leaders and said:

“Old leader, commander, chief of staff, leaders.”

“Anti-infrared guidance is one aspect, but I think the more terrifying thing is the intelligent system of this Xuanwu tank!”

“I study this aspect.”

“So I can see it.”

“The six missiles just now, in fact, the Xuanwu tank is capable of intercepting them all at the same time.”

“But the Xuanwu tank didn’t do that, but chose the most effective way.”

“Shen Fei’s research on intelligent systems really opened my eyes again.”

While Zhang Ke was speaking, his admiration for Shen Fei in his eyes was already strong to the extreme.

But Sun Dongxian and other military leaders couldn’t help but be stunned when they heard it.

“Zhang Ke, what do you mean by this?”

“Can you explain it to everyone in detail?”


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