A place for combat exercises between the two armies.

At this moment, violent bombardments continued to sound.

And everyone from the First Army and the 71st Army were waiting.

His eyes were still fixed on Xuanwu.

Because everyone understands.

The key to winning or losing this combat exercise.

It is no longer a frontal battlefield where tens of thousands of soldiers are fighting.

It’s this tank that’s unparalleled!


“Phew! It feels so good! It feels so good!”

“Shen Fei! You will be my only idol from now on!”

on the vast plains.

Su Ting got directly out of the turret compartment of the Xuanwu tank.

Yingfeng waved his hands excitedly.

In just a few hours, I controlled the Xuanwu Tank.

It made Su Ting feel even more wonderful than he had done for more than 20 years!

This is the exciting life a man should live!

But Su Ting didn’t hesitate for long.

Then he was suddenly pulled back into the cabin by Ma Hongyi below!

“Su Ting! If you don’t want to live, tell me earlier!”

“Don’t step on your horse and die in front of me!”

Ma Hongyi yelled.

Then he hurriedly got back into the cockpit.

The next second, a violent roar exploded less than one meter away from the side of the Xuanwu tank!

The shock wave hit the armor of the Xuanwu tank.

Suddenly there was a crackling sound.

Su Ting was slightly startled when he saw this.

Then he blurted out subconsciously:

“Is it an anti-tank missile fired by artillery?”

“If you don’t want to come here, come here. Rocket launchers can’t penetrate Xuanwu, so why are you afraid of missiles?”

“Besides, Xuanwu’s anti-missile system is so awesome, how many anti-tank missiles are you still afraid of?”

“If you want to tickle Xuanwu, you must first have the ability!”

Su Ting’s frightened eyes faded away, and then he became relaxed again.

When Ma Hongyi heard this, he paid attention to the developments ahead.

Without turning around he said:

“Su Ting, Xuanwu’s armor is extremely strong, but don’t think it can’t be penetrated.”

“Shen Fei noted in the “Xuanwu Tank Instructions” that the Xuanwu Tank can only withstand twenty red arrows at most12!”

“It still has to be in different armor positions.”

“In the same position, you can only carry six rounds!”

“As for Xuanwu’s anti-missile means, haven’t you noticed that the 71st Army has changed its strategy?”

“Now they don’t use infrared guidance to lock at all, they all use inertial aiming and shooting.”

“Hundreds of anti-tank missiles are coming. How long do you think our brothers can survive?”

Ma Hongyi’s words were like a basin of cold water poured on Su Ting’s head.

Su Ting calmed down instantly.

“Then, what should we do next?”

“There are probably a lot of artillerymen from the 71st Army ahead now.”

“But we have fought here, we can’t turn around and go back, right?”

Su Ting said a little unwillingly.

When Ma Hongyi heard this, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

Then he shook the joystick with both hands.

The Xuanwu tank suddenly turned around.

Started to run towards the right.

“Tingzi, we can’t stay in Pingyuan!”

“In that case we will be a living target, subject to bombardment by the artillery of the 71st Group Army.”

“But as long as we can get through the front, we should be not far from the Blue Army headquarters!”

While speaking, Ma Hongyi licked his lips.

As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the speed of the Xuanwu tank increased even further.

It seems to have almost reached 90 kilometers per hour!

When Su Ting heard this, he was slightly startled.

Then he hurriedly looked up.

Not far ahead, I saw a patch of low bushes and a few bare rocky mountains.


Meanwhile on the other side.

Inside the 71st Group Army headquarters.

Watching the images transmitted back by several unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

Wang Zuokai’s gloomy face finally showed a smile.

“If you’re in a trap, that’s fine.”

“Commander Li, how are the preparations going?”

Hear Wang Zuokai’s question.

Li Dahai hurriedly said:

“Commander, everything has been arranged.”

“Our fifty land tanks have been ambushed on the main road between the two mountains.”

“As long as that tank goes deep into it, it won’t be able to fly even with its wings!”

“It’s the commander’s opinion.”

“I know that no matter how hard the armor of that tank is, I wouldn’t dare to break through from the plain.”

To the end.

Li Dahai couldn’t help but flatter him a little.

Others followed suit.

The atmosphere in the huge command center seemed to have relaxed a lot.

In the past few hours.

The shock and pressure that Xuanwu gave them must not be too great!

Now they finally had to watch Xuanwu being solved.

How could they not breathe a sigh of relief!

“Well, let’s wait for the turtle to fall into the jar.”

Finally, Wang Zuokai put his hands behind his back and said lightly.

Then everyone looked up at the command screen silently.

At this moment, Xuanwu’s speed had already exceeded everyone’s cognition of land battle tanks.

Wang Zuokai looked at Xuanwu.

Some different thoughts rose in his heart.

Although this belonged to the combat armament of the First Army.

No matter how much he liked it, he couldn’t stay.

But according to the rules of the combat exercise.

Before the combat exercise, he could temporarily detain the tank.

At that time, he would have time for Wu Qing and others to study Xuanwu carefully.

As for when the combat would end.

Without the unexpected factor of Xuanwu, it all depends on Wang Zuokai. As long as he wants, he can let the 71st Army play with the First Army. Even playing for ten days or half a month is not a problem. ………

Inside the headquarters of the First Army. Sun Dongxian and others. At this moment, they all focused their eyes on the Xuanwu tank. Looking at the Xuanwu tank rushing into the bushes, stirring up a cloud of dust. Zhou Xu, who was standing aside, couldn’t help but frowned and said: “Commander, the terrain here is not very good!” “The advantage of the Xuanwu tank lies in speed and defense.” “Su Ting and Ma Hongyi drove the Xuanwu tank here, although they can avoid the bombardment of artillery.” “But it is equivalent to cutting off one arm!” Looking up at the Xuanwu tank heading towards the narrow mountains ahead. Zhou Xu’s brows were getting tighter and tighter. When Sun Dongxian heard what he said, he couldn’t help but pursed his lips.

He felt a little bad in his heart.

Another half a minute passed.

When the Xuanwu tank slowed down and drove to a low-lying area.

Sun Dongxian’s heart suddenly skipped a beat.

The scene he didn’t want to see finally appeared!

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