Along with the red gun, a mountain was flattened away.

This combat exercise between the two armies has come to an end.

Wang Zuokai was convinced.

The military bosses of the 71st Group Army also lost and had nothing to say.

But the summary of this combat exercise.

But it is destined to last longer than any previous large-scale combat exercise!

Because Shen Fei let everyone in the two armies.

I saw the terrifying capabilities brought by a single powerful combat weapon!

That was no longer a simple matter of turning the tide of the battle.

But it can lead the weaker side.

In an almost devastating way, he won the battle!

“I know you are all feeling very complicated right now.”

“I am no exception.”

“Shen Fei is not only a talent, but also a genius!”

“He gave this combat exercise a very significant and far-reaching significance!”

“For this kind of outcome.”

“There is no loser.”

“Because our Dragon Kingdom will become the undisputed overlord of land warfare in the near future.”

At this moment, He Jianzhong’s voice slowly echoed in the scene.

Wang Zuokai and others couldn’t help but trembled when they heard this.

Then they all turned to look at Xuanwu lying on the ground not far away.

There was a hint of heat in both eyes.

In the past, the Dragon Kingdom’s army was strong enough to dominate the entire Asia.

But when it comes to dominating the world, there are indeed many obstacles standing in the way.

But now we have a terrifying main battle tank like Xuanwu that combines offensive and defensive speed.

Even the Mao Xiong Country and the Eagle Sauce Country.

The Dragon Kingdom can also hang it up in land warfare.

Although in modern warfare.

The impact of the Army on the victory of a war has become less and less.

But when a country’s army is invincible.

The meaning is very profound!

Because no country dares to invade a country that is invincible in land warfare!

In other words, Dragon Kingdom is in the near future.

Will be completely invincible.

The Dragon Kingdom may lose, but it will never be defeated!

“Okay, that’s it for today.”

“Zukai, please get ready.”

“There will be a meeting at the First Army headquarters in three hours.”

“Vice Chairman Zhang and I will personally host it.”

at this time.

He Jianzhong slowly spoke again.

Wang Zuokai nodded after hearing this.

But his eyes were always on Xuanwu, unwilling to move away.

Until Su Ting and Ma Hongyi got into Xuanwu.

After starting to move back towards the Red Army position.

Wang Zuokai then looked back with envy on his face.


Three hours later.

The conference table in the First Army Headquarters.

Zhang Taifeng and He Jianzhong, two vice-chairmen of the Military Commission, sat in the main seats.

Except for Sun Dongxian and Wang Zuokai on both sides.

There are also key leaders such as the chiefs of staff and political commissars of the two armies.

It is worth mentioning that.

Chen Zhenmin, Qin Ying, Su Ting, Ma Hongyi and other people from the research base.

was also invited to attend this meeting.

And at this moment, He Jianzhong and Zhang Taifeng were looking at each other.

It has always been on them.

“Everyone, how’s the research going?”

“Is there any way to achieve mass production?”

After a while, Zhang Taifeng was the first to ask slowly.

The meeting was postponed three hours after the exercise ended.

It was just to give Chen Zhenmin and others enough time to study the Xuanwu tank.

As long as mass production of Xuanwu tanks can be achieved.

It will be a qualitative improvement for the overall combat strength level of the Dragon Kingdom Army!

At this moment, I heard Zhang Taifeng’s question.

Qin Ying and others looked at each other in disbelief.

Then they all turned to look at Chen Zhenmin silently.

Chen Zhenmin smiled bitterly when he saw this.

Then he slowly said:

“Two old chiefs, I will tell you the truth.”

“Let alone achieving mass production, even replicating a Xuanwu tank is difficult to achieve!”

Hearing Chen Zhenmin’s words.

Zhang Taifeng and He Jianzhong looked at each other.

Then he couldn’t help but frown slightly at the same time.

They thought that the Xuanwu tank developed by Shen Fei was very high in technology.

It will be a little difficult to conquer.

But I didn’t expect to even copy a Xuanwu tank.

This makes Chen Zhenmin and other top military researchers find it difficult to achieve!

“Mr. Chen, I can’t do it even if I give you enough time?”

“Shen Fei has already

The model has been made, but can’t we just copy it bit by bit?” He Jianzhong asked. Chen Zhenmin didn’t hesitate for even a second when he heard it, and shook his head again. “Old chief, it’s not a matter of time at all.” “There are eight technologies on the Xuanwu tank at present.” “Power system, missile interception system, anti-infrared guidance system, intelligent evasion system, Xuanwu armor, red gun, Tianshui and poisonous gold.” “Let’s not talk about Tianshui and poisonous gold that I felt incredible before.” “Just talking about the simplest power system on the Xuanwu tank, I can’t understand the structure of the engine!” “There must be another mystery inside it.” “Even if it is built one to one, it will never achieve the mobility effect of Xuanwu.” “As for other technologies, it is even more difficult to overcome. ”

At the end of the conversation, Chen Zhenmin’s face was full of bitter smile.

He never thought that one day he would be in military research.

He would be hit hard.

Especially when the other party was only a young man in his twenties!

“This, this…”

Hearing Chen Zhenmin’s answer.

Several military leaders who didn’t know much about scientific research in the conference room looked at each other in bewilderment.

Only He Jianzhong frowned slightly, wondering what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Chen Zhenmin hurriedly added:

“Old chief, of course, the person who knows Xuanwu best is Shen Fei.”

“But I think it’s best not to ask Shen Fei for the core information to build Xuanwu.”

“Only Shen Fei is a businessman after all, and he has clearly stated that he is unwilling to join the military research base.”

“Before, he was able to give me the drone manufacturing information for free to the First Military Region.”

“It’s already done its best!”

“It would be a bit too bullying to ask for it again.” ”

“As for spending money to buy information from Shen Fei, how much do you think this information is worth, old leader? One billion or one billion?”

“Its impact on the improvement of our army’s strength cannot be measured by price at all!”

“And everything I said above is based on the premise that we can fully understand the core information of Xuanwu.”

“In fact, even if Shen Fei gives us the core drawings and information of Xuanwu, it is unlikely that we can build an identical Xuanwu.”

“Take the information on the manufacture of drones, for example, Shen Fei has almost chewed up the rice and fed it to Zhang Ke and others.”

“But they have studied it for such a long time and still can’t figure it out.”

“Being able to imitate the SJ generation is already the limit for Zhang Ke and others.”

“But you two have seen it today.”

“Even the excellent SJ generation is a world of difference compared to the drone that was truly built by Shen Fei!”

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