""Stinky little grey!"

Hearing little grey imitating his own speech, Xiang Mo turned around and glared at it.

""Stinky Xiang Mo! Stinky Xiang Mo!"

Xiao Hui flapped his wings with great momentum!

"Dead bird!"

Xiang Mo turned around and glared at Xiao Hui fiercely.

"Zhao Lu!

I don't think its feather powder is that serious.~"

"This difference is normal.

Just like people who stay up late tend to lose hair, but some people don't lose hair no matter how late they stay up!

Although this analogy is not very appropriate, it is almost the same.

Most grey parrots have a lot of feather powder, but the little grey is special, with less feather powder."


Our little grey is awesome!"

"Xiao Hui is awesome! Awesome!"

"Ah! I'm dying, dying!"

After Xiang Mo finished playing with the bird, the thirsty feeling just now came to his mind again.

"Zhao Lu~

Is there water there?"

"Water? There is water everywhere!"

""Huh? No way!?"

Xiang Mo looked around in confusion, but could only see densely packed plants.

Nothing else.

"There is no water!

I know we can get water by cutting down banana trees! Let

's find banana trees quickly!"

Yesterday was fine, they could see water sources from time to time, but today is different, there are fewer water sources.

After walking for so long, they didn't see any water sources at all.

So, Xiang Mo was a little thirsty.

"Banana trees?

What a luxury~"

Zhao Lu shook her head,"Unless it is absolutely necessary, no one would cut down banana trees if they would die without water.

This is a deserted island, and it is a resource!

Bananas are ripe all year round, who would cut down trees?

In the tropical rainforest, the most abundant thing is water.

Come with me."

Zhao Lu said, and walked to a place not far away.

Seeing this, Xiang Mo pulled Xiang Fang to follow him.

"There is water right here."

Zhao Lu pointed to a very thick vine in front of her,"This is called the pole vine, also called Tengquan.

It is a natural water source in the forest.

When the veterans in the rain forest are thirsty, they usually look for this kind of thing to drink water.

However, you can't drink too much, otherwise something bad will happen."

Zhao Lu said, and cut off the old vine of the pole vine with a knife.

Suddenly, streams of clear water flowed out of the old vine.

"Drink it~"

Zhao Lu handed the cane to Xiang Mo. Xiang Mo hesitated for a moment, then put it to his mouth and drank it.


After taking a few gulps, Xiang Mo finally quenched his thirst


It feels so good!"

Xiang Mo wiped his mouth with his arm, and then handed the cane to Xiang Fang behind him.

"Come, drink some too~"

Two minutes later……


Xiang Fenfang nodded with a red face.

Logically, this was the case every time, and she should have been used to it, but for some reason, she would blush every time.

After Xiang Fenfang finished drinking, the parrot Xiaohui drank.

As for Zhao Lu, she cut another piece of the pole vine and drank it herself.

"Oh, right~"

Xiang Mo just remembered what Zhao Lu said.

"You just said that I can’t drink too much because drinking too much will cause trouble?


"Because drinking too much will cause numbness and then poisoning"


"It's okay to drink a small amount. Don't worry, you have to believe me.~"


Xiang Mo seemed to understand why Chen Chen often called Zhao Lu"Dog Kun".

At this moment, she always felt that there was something harmful in the water she just drank. She felt weird and uncomfortable.

Thinking that Zhao Lu also drank it, she felt a little better.


At this moment, Zhao Lu suddenly said"Huh", and then walked forward quickly.

Xiang Mo looked up and saw a relatively empty area not far away.

On this land, there were two small trees as tall as a person.

And on the trees were hanging a few purple sausage-like fruits.

"This is... sausage fruit?!"

Xiang Mo was a little surprised.

She knew about sausage fruit. Chen Chen introduced it to her when she first came to Zhao Lu's place.

However, she had never seen a sausage fruit tree, so when she saw this fruit, she thought it was a sausage fruit.


Xiao Hui flew up immediately upon seeing this, flapping his wings as he flew towards Zhao Lu.

""Eat! Eat!


Xiao Hui landed on Zhao Lu's shoulder and kept using his wings to frantically signal.

However, Zhao Lu ignored him.

Zhao Lu quickly picked all the ripe fruits on the tree, then strode to Xiang Mo and gave her a fruit.

"Come and try it~

This is also a rare fruit.

Like the arrowroot, it is a rare fruit."

"What is this?"

"Finger lime.

Caviar in the forest."

Xiang Mo peeled the finger lime with some doubt, and immediately, the orange grains inside fell out.



Xiang Mo exclaimed, but before he could catch the fallen fruit, he heard a strange cry, and then a gray shadow rushed over.

It flapped its wings a few times, interrupting Xiang Mo's rhythm, and then it ate all the fallen fruit.


Little Gray raised his wings high and walked away with a swagger.

Suddenly, a strange laugh came out of his mouth.



"Dead bird! I roasted you!"


"You dare to imitate the roar of a tiger!

You are a bird!"



"Ha~ha~ stinky Xiang Mo!"

"Damn bird!

I will roast you today!"

The man and the bird started chasing and playing in the forest.


The group kept walking towards the other side of the mountain.

At noon, Zhao Lu caught a nest of rabbits as lunch for the three of them.

After lunch, the three of them continued to move forward.

After the heavy rain in the afternoon, they finally arrived near the mountain.

From here, they could clearly see the high mountains not far away.

"We are finally here!

It seems that we can spend the night at the foot of the mountain tonight……"

Zhao Lu said with some emotion.

They didn't find any minerals along the way, but they did find some fruits.

However, because they had just experienced a typhoon, there were not many fruits.

It was just to improve the food, balance the nutrition, and satisfy the cravings.

"I hope I can gain something here~"

Zhao Lu sighed softly.


At this moment, Zhao Lu suddenly discovered that a good show was about to be performed at a small waterfall not far away.


This is not the first time I have seen it~"

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