Zhao Lu was very fast in the forest.

This was not only because of his good physical strength and speed, but also because he never marked anything and was not worried about encountering poisonous snakes or beasts.

While Zhao Lu was moving through the forest, the second episode of"Desert Island Survival" officially began.

"Hello everyone~

Welcome to watch this episode.

I am the host, Cao Bin."

Cao Bin smiled and gave a very routine opening speech.

"First, let me introduce our guests.~"

"Professor Li Wei is a famous Chinese expert on plants and animals, an associate professor at Huaqing University, and a talking encyclopedia!"

"The former military king, now a professor at the National University of Defense Technology, Colonel Liu Deli!"

"Mr. Xiao Lin, a wilderness survival expert, internet celebrity, and well-known big V, once survived alone in the wild for half a year!"

"Famous singer, Liu Yu!"

"Famous actress, Wei Ling!"

Several guests nodded and greeted the audience during Cao Bin's introduction.

"Welcome to our live show again~

Because our show is very popular with the audience, our leaders have decided to adjust the broadcast time!

From once a week to twice a week.

From 8 to 10 pm on Friday night and from 3 to 7 pm on Sunday afternoon!

Thank you again for your support and recognition of our show!"

After saying this, Cao Bin sat down, and the big screen behind them lit up.

At this moment, the big screen showed the popularity list of"Desert Island Survival".

"Three and a half days have passed since the show started.

The contestants who are still persisting have also passed the first round of nature's assessment.

However, 20 people still left our show with great regret.

Now, let's take a look at the reasons why these people left and left with regret."

As Cao Bin spoke, the content on the big screen also changed.

From the initial popularity list, it became 20 live broadcast rooms that had been blacked out.

"Let's first take a look at the contestant who left on the first day. Her name is Liu Yiyi~"

The camera turned and turned to the scene before Liu Yiyi left.

Liu Yiyi was talking to Chen Chen impatiently, and then she pressed the help button without hesitation.

"It seems that Liu Yiyi left because she was not used to the life on the deserted island.

However, this is normal. After all, there are many bugs on the deserted island. This is really a huge test for us who are used to living in the city!

Okay, let's continue to look at other contestants.

The camera changed again, showing Wang Zhi struggling in the rainstorm.

There was also a close-up of Wang Zhi looking at the snake tooth marks on his leg, showing his desperate eyes vividly.

"Surviving on a deserted island is not that easy.

You have to be careful not only of mosquitoes but also of poisonous snakes.

Wang Zhi was rescued in time, so he was fine.

The camera changed again, showing the remaining 18 people before they left.

"Environment, mosquitoes, rainstorms, diseases, poisonous snakes, food poisoning, dysentery, and inability to find food...

These are the first round of selection from nature, which is naturally the simplest and most difficult way.

If you can survive this disaster, then you won't have such a hard time in the future~"

Cao Bin said the reasons for the failure of these players in one sentence.

Then, he turned his head and looked at Xiao Lin.

"Teacher Xiao Lin, do you think the mistakes they made are typical?"


I think~ these small mistakes made by these people are very common and normal small mistakes.

After all, they are not professionals in this field.

So it is normal.~"

"Haha~ I think so too."

Cao Bin smiled softly,"So, the contestants who were eliminated by nature, please don't be sad, because it's not your fault.

It's just that you are not adapted to life on a deserted island.~"

"I have been watching our show these past two days."

Wei Ling suddenly spoke up and said,"Then I found that our show seemed to have some problems."



It’s really infuriating to see someone stealing things and causing trouble!"

"How could such a thing happen?"

Cao Bin pretended to be confused, showing a surprised expression on his face, and then raised his hand and pointed at the big screen,"Director, let's take a look at these scenes now!"

As Cao Bin's voice fell, Qian Lin's figure suddenly appeared on the big screen.

The first scene was the scene of Qian Lin and Chen Chen fighting for resources, the second scene was the scene of Qian Lin stealing things from Chen Chen's shelter, and the third scene was the scene of Qian Lin knocking down Chen Chen's shelter.

"I didn't expect something like this to happen!

It's really too bad!"

Liu Yu frowned and spoke up.

"Cao Bin, isn’t this man’s behavior against the rules?"


This is of course not against the rules.

Although it is indeed irritating to watch, this is a feature of our program.

Public resources can be robbed, but resources that already have an owner cannot be robbed.

However, you can steal when no one is there.

As for knocking down the shelter, it is also within the rules."

"This is too... what!?"

Wei Ling almost said the word"pervert"

"If this unspoken rule is blocked, these contestants will probably have to stay on the island for several years before the winner can be determined~"

Cao Bin smiled bitterly,"Aren't you underestimating these contestants?"

"Is that so?"

Wei Ling blinked her big eyes and looked at Cao Bin with some curiosity.

"Of course it is.

These players are all very good.

Let's take a look at them together~

Let's start with the popularity list~"

The next moment, the popularity list of the"Desert Island Survival" live broadcast room appeared on the big screen.

And the first one was Zhao Lu!

"Let's take a look at this popularity list!

Since there are so many people, let's start with the top ten!


The first place seems to be a dark horse?

I still remember that at the beginning, he stood there in a daze for a long time, and was nicknamed"Dazed Brother" by netizens~

However, let's not look at his live broadcast room first, and start directly from the tenth place!"

While speaking, the screen switched to the tenth place's live broadcast room.

And the tenth place's live broadcast room is Chen Chen's live broadcast room

"Oh my god!"


"How could this happen?!"

As soon as the big screen cut out Chen Chen's live broadcast room, several guests and the host exclaimed.

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