"How can I get fat?~"

"How can it be impossible to gain weight?"

After hearing what Zhao Lu said, Chen Chen couldn't help but ask back.

"My stomach is normal. If I eat more, I will definitely get fat!"

"I said, don’t I have it?"

"You? It's because of you that I get fat.……"

"You still don't understand what I mean. I'm good at nursing.

Not only postpartum care for sows, but also prepartum fattening and body care for sows. I'm good at all of them.~"


Chen Chen stared at Zhao Lu angrily.

"I don't need your care!"

After saying that, she carried her things and walked towards the river.

However, after just two steps, she realized that something was wrong - saying that she didn't need care, didn't it mean that she was a pig?


I'm not a pig!



Chen Chen hurriedly explained, but as soon as she finished speaking, she saw Zhao Lu's half-smiley face. She immediately realized something, so she stopped explaining and snorted coldly, then angrily���Lost


The laughter coming from not far away made Chen Chen walk faster in anger.


The shelter after dinner was very quiet and warm.

Most of the time, there was only the crackling of firewood, the chirping of insects and birds, the sound of Zhao Lu cutting wood, and Chen Chen shoveling rice.

Zhao Lu and Chen Chen were each doing their own work, occasionally talking to each other and drinking honey water.

It was like a family.

"It's getting dark soon, and it will rain after dark."

Zhao Lu looked up at the sky, then frowned,"This rain will probably last for a long time, if you want to take a shower, go now.""


Chen Chen responded.

At first, she was a little curious about Zhao Lu's"special ability".

But now, she has become accustomed to Zhao Lu's various strange"abilities", because in her heart, Zhao Lu has gradually become an omnipotent person.

Chen Chen quickly finished washing and came back.

Then it was Zhao Lu's turn to take a shower.

Zhao Lu's shower speed was also very fast.

It didn't take long for him to finish.

However, when he finished washing and was about to go back, he suddenly heard a rather strange sound.


Zhao Lu frowned and carefully identified the source and type of the sound.

Finally, she determined that it was the scream of a wild boar!

"The wild boar fell into the trap! ?"

Zhao Lu was delighted, and then hurriedly ran towards that direction.

In the tropical rainforest, this kind of animal that has seen blood will not be kept in the wild for too long.

Otherwise, even if it is not taken away by other animals, it may be drilled into by various insects.

Therefore, Zhao Lu rushed all the way, and soon he came to the place where he dug the trap.

At this moment, there was indeed a wild boar weighing about 200 kilograms in the trap, crying in a low voice. Judging from its expression, it was obvious that it would not live long.

Zhao Lu didn't say anything nonsense, and directly carried the wild boar out of the trap.

"What a pleasant surprise!"

Zhao Lu exclaimed, then carried the wild boar and ran quickly towards the shelter.

"Chen Chen! Give me a barrel!"


Chen Chen looked up at Zhao Lu immediately, and happened to see the wild boar on Zhao Lu's shoulder!

""A wild boar!

Such a big one!"

Chen Chen's voice was full of surprise.

Then he quickly ran into the house.

"Remember to put some boiled water and salt in the bucket, and bring a hatchet."


Chen Chen responded, and soon brought all the things Zhao Lu wanted.

While Chen Chen was getting the things, Zhao Lu put the wild boar in the fire for a short time to roast.

One is to kill bacteria and insects, and the other is to remove hair.

The wild boar was completely dead at this moment. It was roasted by the fire and didn't move at all.

After it was almost roasted, Zhao Lu took the wild boar out of the fire, cut a knife in its artery, and then began to bleed it.

Soon, he received a large bucket of fresh pig blood.

Then, he began to deal with the wild boar quickly, putting all the useless things in a pile, and putting the things that had to be eaten immediately together. , cut the remaining things with a knife and leave them.

Let Chen Chen clean up the smokehouse, light the fire, and then hang the meat in the smokehouse to start smoking.

Throw all the fat into the pot and start refining oil.

Finally, together with Chen Chen, he brought the remaining things to the river.

Throw away all the inedible things, then wash the offal such as pig liver and pig heart together, put them in the pot, and let Chen Chen take them back.

Zhao Lu took another quick bath. Wash off all the bloody smell on his body.

When he returned to the shelter after tossing and turning, it was already dark.

Moreover, the air was getting more and more sultry, and a heavy rain was about to come!

"Unexpectedly, I harvested a wild boar at this time~"

In the shelter, Zhao Lu looked at Chen Chen and smiled bitterly,"How much more can you eat?

The pig's internal organs must be eaten today.~"

"I will definitely get fat!"

Chen Chen made a bitter face.

This time it was no longer a complaint, but a real worry!

Just as Chen Chen was worried, something that made her even more worried happened.

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