“Yoohyun. Can I ask you a question? ”

According to Lute, it was only a matter of time, so it was time to start a campfire out of reach of adventurers. Langshashen spoke.

All I'm doing is killing time anyway. Yoohyun nodded, thinking that he could relax a little bit, even around Lute's shield.

Then Langshashen smiled happily and asked.

“Do you have any criteria for sharing Experts with masters? ”


“Yes. I know about Expert and User, but I haven't heard of the Master. ”

Her clean black eyes sparkle with curiosity.

The criterion for cutting Expert or User was the use or absence of error. Should I call it an examination?

In order to be recognized as an Expert, he had to be able to draw magic outwards and handle it as a free material.

If the basic condition of the user was to handle the enhancement system, Expert could see that the emitter should be adept.

It should not simply shed magical power on the sword. That level simply increases the durability of the weapon. Aurora was a force that maximized the weapon's abilities.

“Oh, I was wondering. At the same time, Sister Langshashen asks. ”

Lee Seo-yeon, who was picking up a feeling nearby, sat down next to Langshashen. She was also glittering with snowflakes as she hoped to find out where she was interested in the story.

Are you interested in being a priest?

'You better listen to the other kids.'

I tried to keep my mouth open, but Yoohyun gathered the group because it wasn't bad for the other group to know.

Yoohyun opened his mouth as the group gathered around the campfire.

“The difference between Master and Expert is that there is no power. ”

The group was puffed up by the word Lee Lee.

“Proficiency? You mean, like, superpowers? ”

“Superpowers... in a way, I can say they are. Hmm."

Yoohyun had a vague expression in Lee Seo-yeon's words.

In a way, it's right, but in the common sense of the group, the range is too narrow.

Yoohyun, who was thinking about where to start, thought, "It would be good from there." Maybe a little longer.

“There are three types of magic. Listed here are the enhancement systems, the emission systems, and the latter. ”

As he spoke, Yoohyun stared at Langshashen.

Now, if you look at the hierarchy here, there is one representative being.

“You can see that Langshashen's future belongs to the hierarchy. It's the kind of superpower we know. Even though it's an unstable force. ”

Langshashen laughed bitterly at the unstable words. If you can handle this power properly, it will be a tremendous power. But whether it was possible, she was not confident herself.

“Well... brother. Isn't that a little weird? We don't have any psychic abilities... So it's impossible to be a master? ”

Yoohyun shook his head at Gil Yumi's words.

“Langshashen's future is an inherent force. Just because she's capable of the future doesn't mean she's a master class. The ability of the master class I speak of is an acquired ability. ”

“Acquired? You mean you can try and have superpowers? ”

“Actually, it might not be right to think of it as psychic. Anyway, just to conclude, it's possible. For example.”

Yoohyun picked up roughly anything Lee Seo-yeon brought. Tuck, it was a thin twig that would only break if touched. Yoohyun pointed to Lute at the end of the branch.

Suddenly, as the branch turned towards itself, Lute smiled bitterly.

“.. hmm. Am I the test taker? ”

“Why? Scared? Do you want me to turn him into someone else? ”

“No, that's not it. I'm going to be a test participant. ”

As Lute smiled and accepted, Yoohyun continued his next story.

Yoohyun playfully shakes the branch and brings it under Lute's neck.

“Can I slit Lute's throat with this branch? ”

“... with that branch? ”

The group stares at the twig that is shaking playfully. Give me a little strength and I'll break the same thin branch. It will break just by swinging it.

Cut a man's throat with a branch like that?

Honestly, that was ridiculous.

Everyone who was watching Yoohyun's behavior as well as Gil Yumi thought so.

No matter how well you handled the sword, it was impossible to kill a man with a branch. I'd rather think about a well-crafted wooden sword.

In Yoohyun's words and actions, Gil Yumi distorted his mouth as if he could barely bear a smile.

“Ah, how do you kill Lute with that? ”

“It's a little too light for you to say you're killing me...”

Gil Yumi smiled as if he was not joking, and Lute scratched his cheek and blurred his face. It was strange to hear that he kills himself so clearly.

Yoohyun laughed at Gil Yumi's apparently unexpected reaction.

“That's right. As Yumi says, it's impossible for me to kill Lute with this. ”

Yoohyun presses under Lute's neck with a branch. Then the branch of the tree was broken without a single wound to the neck of Lute, making a small noise. Tuck it on the floor, and the branch piece falls.

Yoohyun said he grabbed a piece of the fallen branch by hand.

“No matter how much magic you put into this, it won't be possible to slit a man's throat. ”

But it was the sodmasters that made it possible.

Yoohyun has seen the Sword Master several times.

So, to some extent, I knew them well. Those who are called to have reached the extreme of the sword were also able to cut the human body with these branches.

Should I say that I have the power to buy everything exactly?

Even if you try to create blackness on a branch, the branch will not be able to withstand the power of blackness and become crushed. That was why I needed a special power called power, not blackmail.

“I would have said. Sharing a Master with Expert is impossible. ”

“... Hmm. Right?"

“What happens if I have the ability to call anything? ”


From there, Yoohyun picks up a tree branch that looks healthy again and pulls it under Lute's neck. Lute became a test opponent this time with a bold face.

Somehow the atmosphere is tense this time.

No way, they were all like eyes.

Do you really believe that's possible? I have too much faith.

“... brother. Is that possible?”

Gil Yumi blinks with a nervous face and asks carefully.

Yoohyun laughed.

“No way. ”

Pushing the branch back into Lute's neck, the branch broke without strength.

When the branch falls to the ground and a light sound is heard, the group relaxes, as if it were a signal.

From there, Song Gyeong looked at Yoohyun with a falling piece of wood.

“You mean master class can cut Lute's throat with a branch like this? ”

Yoohyun smiled again. Yoohyun wanted to say something.

“Some master classes are possible, as you say. If you use swords, people usually call them Sword Masters. Beings who can call everything. They are recognized as master classes because they have the ability to call everything. ”

“I can call everything...”

Gil Yumi and Nam Archer, who deal with Chang and Halbird, have a blunt face with each other. It's like imagining when they get to the master.

“People who use swords usually get a lot of that. As an acquired benefit. In a way, it's the ultimate power you can pursue as an inspector who swings a sword thousands and tens of thousands of times. ”

The desire to have the most as a prosecutor was the power to buy everything.

That was the technique of the emission meter.

Its end was its ability to call everything as a catastrophe.

That's why those who use swords can buy everything when they reach master class, and get a lot of the same benefits. Those were the Sword Masters.

It is the beginning of the desire to cut through all this from the moment of the implementation of the sword itself. When it reached its peak, of course, I was forced to gain the advantage of being able to buy everything.

As Yoohyun explained more about the Sodmaster in addition, the group roughly understood the faces.

“That's what it's like to be acquired. ”

Lancashen nods as if he understands, touching under his eyes.

It was curious that he could acquire such power from a position that he did not even know it by birth.

It was a wonderful story to get that ability by swinging a sword thousands and thousands of times.

But it was also a scary story on one side of the chest.

“That means the Adventurer Guild Leader can have that kind of power. ”

“If he was a Sword Master, he would have the ability I told you. But there's a good chance it's not. Certainly there are many Swordmasters among the master classes, but there will be many others with different abilities. ”

Yoohyun put the branches in the campfire after work. Then, the campfire seems to have gained strength and is burning. Yoohyun's look at the bonfire subsided coldly.

I don't know what the opponent is capable of.

Until I saw the power myself.

The difficult opponent, who had some merit, remained unchanged.

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