The increasingly outrageous comments under this Weibo trending search were soon seen by Boss Yang.

However, seeing that some netizens were hyping up the CP of Lin Xuan and Reba!

Boss Yang was not angry, but was very happy to send a message to Reba.

【How about it? Fat Di, is Lin Xuan’s thigh comfortable to hug? 】

Of course, in addition to Reba,

Nazha and Hani Kezi, two female stars from the Western Regions, also easily made it to the hot search.

It’s just that the hot search ranking is relatively low.

But this is not a problem.

The agents of Nazha and Hani Kezi are very happy about this exposure tonight.

Especially Sister Lu, listening to the feedback given by the company’s data department, her body was shaking with excitement.

Especially after thinking about Lin Xuan’s promise to Hani Kezi to participate in the art performance of Gansu Province, she was a little excited and speechless.

Really, Sister Lu felt that Lin Xuan was like a rare nobleman in the entertainment industry in”090″!

Anyone who can have some intersection with him can get great benefits.

In addition to these stars being shocked.

People in the music circle who watched the show”Lift Your Veil” in its entirety tonight also said that they had goose bumps all over their bodies.

Because Lin Xuan once again simply and rudely refreshed their cognition.

This man who suddenly emerged from the national team, in addition to being able to write songs, actually knows how to choreograph, and he dropped a bomb right at the start, who can resist this? Even some music critics who often show their presence in the music circle, after listening to Lin Xuan’s song, said that they were numb, completely numb!

“As someone who watched the entire show with my mouth wide open, I can say responsibly that we can all have the highest expectations for any future works signed with Lin Xuan. Believe me, this man Lin Xuan will not let you down!”

This is what the music critic said.

It can be seen that he was completely conquered by Lin Xuan.

In this regard, some people in the circle who are very scheming or have a lot of ideas, after kneeling down to appreciate Lin Xuan’s program, have begun to”analyze the lyrics” of Lin Xuan’s program word by word.

Because they have seen the meaning of the song”Lift Up Your Veil”, just as the netizens said before.

Lin Xuan’s song seems to have taken up the banner of the revival of folk songs!

Obviously, under the leadership of the super god Lin Xuan, local folk songs or some folk songs in each province and region will usher in a real revival and inheritance.

These people know very well that folk songs have never been the cultural dregs that those clowns in the circle say.

It is the people of a region and the geographical environment of a region that have achieved each other’s cultural bloodline. This unique cultural conformity will be increasingly valued as the process of the revival of the Xia Kingdom progresses.

Or, in other words,

Lin Xuan’s song creation Behind the work, there will be the”super endorsement” of the country to escort it.

If you follow Lin Xuan’s core creative concept, you will follow the country’s intention…

This… is a bit of a bullshit!


As time goes by, the impact of Lin Xuan’s song on all walks of life is constantly changing.

And Lin Xuan himself, after singing this song, patted his butt and went to dinner with his colleagues in the inspection team.

He still has a lot of things to do. Facing the ups and downs caused by the song”Lift Your Veil”, he was calm in his heart.

He knew very well that these people were about to be shocked.

With the increase in the number of provinces inspected, the audience in this parallel world will thoroughly witness the brilliant entertainment on the blue planet in the previous life.

As for Reba, Nazha, and Hani Kezi, looking at the various compliments from netizens, they felt happy in their hearts, and at the same time, they admired Lin Xuan even more.

There is no way, Lin Xuan’s new show has conquered countless people inside and outside the circle.


On the other hand, as the biggest beneficiary of this online hot search, the Xiyu Provincial Culture and Tourism Bureau (for super exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!), watching the program”Lift Your Veil”, which has once again popularized the local folk songs and traditional Xiyu dances of Xiyu Province, as well as the spiritual outlook of the Xiyu people behind these songs.

On the issue of how to reward Comrade Lin Xuan, they immediately made a decision.

“So, if you have any opinions on the various awards that Comrade Lin Xuan and others have pre-granted, please speak up in time. If you have no opinions, please raise your hands to vote. Now, please raise your hands if you vote in favor.……”

While Lin Xuan and his inspection team were having dinner in the evening, the Xiyu Provincial Culture and Tourism Bureau, together with several important departments in the province, urgently convened this meeting.[]

At the end of the meeting, Director He read out the various commendations that Lin Xuan and others would be awarded the day after tomorrow, looked around at the leaders, and then entered the voting phase.

“Good! Passed unanimously!”

Looking at the arms raised high in the conference room, Director He made the final decision!

To be honest, the issue of rewarding Comrade Lin Xuan and others is really a troublesome matter, just as Director Tang said before!

The Western Region Provincial Cultural and Tourism Bureau has changed several versions….0

For some small details that they were unsure about, Director He even consulted the top leaders in the province.

Fortunately, with the resurgence of the show”Lift Up Your Veil”, all the doubts discussed at the meeting have now disappeared. After the vote, the leaders present turned on their phones and glanced at the online trends.

In their hearts, they couldn’t help but swear.

“”Damn, this Lin Xuan is really fucking awesome!”

That night, after finalizing the commendation process and details,

Director He quickly notified the inspection team.

He asked Team Leader Wang to tell all the team members to wait for another day and have a good time. After tomorrow, Lin Xuan and other comrades will be formally commended the day after tomorrow morning, and it will be broadcast live on the entire network.

Regarding this news, all the inspection personnel, including Team Leader Wang, were very calm.

There was no way. After all, they were numb from all the commendations from southern Yunnan Province.

Anyway, with Lin Xuan as a thigh, every member of the inspection team will receive an award.

Even though Lin Xuan was so big… Medals, but there is always a collective award with a relatively low gold content.

Don’t underestimate these collective awards. After the inspection of all provinces in the country, there will be dozens of collective awards! Dozens of collective awards are no longer a small achievement!

It is a quantitative change that leads to a qualitative change, and there will be a super chemical reaction.

By then, when Kyoto rewards people according to their merits, hehe… it will definitely not be that bad.

Um… just like that, a night passed in a flash.

The next day, when Lin Xuan woke up from the bed slowly, Zhou Xiaoan walked in with a mobile phone in his hand, with a mean look on his face.

“Team Leader Lin, there are two hot searches about you on the Internet. There is good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?”

“What good news? Bad news? Don’t play dumb with me, kid.”

Lin Xuan rolled his eyes at Zhou Xiaoan while brushing his teeth.

Zhou Xiaoan was not annoyed, but just laughed to himself.

“The bad news is that you have lost a lot of Weibo followers!”

“But the good news is, all the fans you lost were male fans!”


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