
Thunder and thunder, brilliant and dazzling blue-white light!

Shrouded the entire arena!!

The majestic and vast energy all slammed on Li Jun!!

Soaring into the sky!!

Instantly swallowed Li Jun!!

Destructive power, sweep out!!

It seems that everything around you will be annihilated into powder!!

It lasted for a few breaths!

The dazzling light gradually dissipated!

At this time!

The position where Li Jun was was only filled with smoke and dust that rushed into the sky!

Li Jun can hardly be seen!

“Is it over?! What a terrible energy!! This trick is right, I am afraid that it will directly turn into flying ash!! ”

“There is no counterattack at all! Poros is too strong! It’s just frustrated!! ”

“Shhh—if Jiang Ming wins this game, won’t he win eight in a row?! One more game, and that’s nine straight wins?! Directly to the top of the battle list?! ”

“Drawing such a powerful character as Poros, the last game, is it not easy?”

“Unexpectedly, this title of number one actually fell to Jiang Ming’s head! However, it is well deserved! ”

“It’s a pity, in this last round of Lintianxia, I was careless, and I actually chose Kakarot!”

“Huh? Take a look! In the smoke, how can there be a golden light surging?! ”


Look at the arena where there is no movement!

Almost everyone thought that Li Jun was bombarded into slag!

Until, the smoke and dust gradually dissipated!!

Li Jun’s figure burning with golden qi was revealed!!

Their eyes widened as if they had seen a ghost!!

“You?! Is it all right?! ”

Jiang Ming, who was already preparing for the next battle, also shrank his pupils, squinted slightly, and looked at Li Jun’s figure in amazement!

“What kind of form are you?!”

When Li Jun’s golden figure was completely revealed, Jiang Ming’s face was even more incredulous.

Isn’t Kakarot’s transformation silver-gray?!

How could it be golden?!

The transformation failed?!

Or is this incomplete?

“Is he actually all right?! Under that terrifying energy impact?! Intact?! ”

“Groove?! Transformed?! A new form?! Silver-gray light, turned gold?! ”

“What the hell?! Could it be that he accidentally hit the world and displayed Kakarot’s new skills?! ”

“This seems to be a little different from the crimson light that burned in the world before?! This seems to be a real transformation!! ”

“In other words, Linxia has brought out the power of Kakarot?!”


In the audience, look at Li Jun’s invincible posture!

Everyone is boiling!

I thought the battle was over!!

Results Crucial Moment!!

Li Jun actually stimulated Kakarot’s transformation ability?!

Burst out with great power again!!

Of course they don’t know, this is Super Saiyan form!


In the arena.

Li Jun felt calm that he had never felt before!

In his Super Saiyan form, he seems to be indifferent to everything!

It seems that everything in time is not in his eyes!

This is a manifestation of pride to the extreme!!

Li Jun finally understood a little why Saiyans liked waves so much when fighting!

Twisting his neck slightly, Li Jun looked down at his hands.

I only felt that my body was full of destructive power!

This kind of power is enough to make people obsessed!!

That Jiang Ming plays Poros, they are all intoxicated!

If only he played Kakarot, who transformed into a Super Saiyan!

Isn’t it going to rush straight into the sky?

“Even if you transform at a critical moment, you can’t change the battle situation!”

Feeling Li Jun’s indifference, Jiang Ming’s expression also became cold!

He could see the change in Li Jun!

But even so, so what?!

Jiang Ming’s figure suddenly erupted again!

Turn into a streamer and draw a perfect arc in the arena!!

The fists full of destructive power slammed into Li Jun one after another!


This time!

Li Jun’s figure is like a mountain, solid as a rock!!

No matter how Jiang Ming bombarded and beaten, he was not moved!!

The more he attacked, the more Jiang Ming could feel a thrilling pressure!

For some reason, he was a little panicked!!


It was at this time!

Li Jun suddenly punched!!

Just a random punch!

It’s like piercing the void!

Directly slammed into Jiang Ming’s chest!!


Poros’s body exploded out of thin air!!

Turned into countless residues of blood droplets!!

Fortunately, Jiang Ming relies on Poros’ powerful regeneration ability!

Reorganize your body in an instant!


Then, his figure retreated madly!!

His eyes were full of horror, staring at Li Jun in disbelief!!

On the field, there was a dead silence!!

No one expected it!!

Li Jun just threw a punch at random!!

Just beat the powerful body of Poros to pieces!!

On the other hand, Jiang Ming!!

In the case of the explosion of the great power of Poros’ body!

Against Li Jun, they all threw hundreds of punches!!

Don’t say that the second kill defeated Li Jun!!

Even if Li Jun is seriously injured, he can’t do it!!

The gap is so large that it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a gap between heaven and graben!!

This is not a level battle at all!!

“What did you just say?”

Looking at Jiang Ming, who looked incredulous, as if all three views had been subverted, Li Jun spoke as if he had thought of something.


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