The fourth streamer – prop somersault cloud!

The fifth streamer – skill book turtle school qigong!!

“Turtle Pie Qigong is also good.”

Seeing the Turtle Pie Qigong, Li Jun ~ There was no disappointment!

As a big move throughout Dragon Ball!

Monkey King’s masterpiece!

Turtle Pie Qigong, it’s just – there is no upper limit!

Almost proportional to the strength of the user!

At least, it is still much more powerful than ordinary qigong wave light bullets!

Li Jun didn’t expect to be able to draw the blood of the Super Saiyan at once!

This rare item is really so easy to draw!

I’m afraid that the strong have long been gone!

Directly click on the learning keys of Wukong Technique and Turtle Qigong!

After learning these two skills!

Li Jun went directly to the ring!

He is also very curious about the new guard mode!


At this time!

Gods and Demons Colosseum space!

Next to the casino!

The originally empty space has appeared a grand and vast guarding ring!

It’s different from the Colosseum!

The ring should be a big circle smaller!

It is estimated to be 10,000 square meters!

On the edge of the ring, a fence was also set up!

Seems to limit the range of activities!

Outside the ring, people come and go!

“This guard mode, it’s too difficult!! There is simply no way that anyone can challenge success! ”

“I never expected it! The battle in the ring mode turned out to be a character in the God and Demon Arena?! ”

“That’s a real god and demon! You can’t play the characters in it like the battle mode, how can you succeed in the challenge?! ”

“Unless you are lucky, randomly get some weak characters!”

“You think the system will be that good? The random characters are estimated to have eliminated the weaker ones! The random characters in the guard mode, no matter how bad the strength is, they are not far behind! ”

“I just saw Qi Shock! And Jiang Ming! Ramon! It didn’t take long for them to go in and come out! Their names are not on the list either! This shows that they have all failed the challenge! Moreover, lose quickly! ”

“I also entered the ring mode just now, and I was directly killed in seconds!”


Talk came from my ears!

It’s all about the hellish difficulty of the guard mode!

Through these discussions, Li Jun probably also knows what the situation of the guarding mode is!

He frowned slightly, touched the ring, and chose to enter it!

Next moment!

The scene in front of him flashed, and he appeared in the ring!

The sea of people around them also disappeared without a trace!

“Hello players, welcome to guard mode!”

“The following are the rules of the guard mode, please pay attention to check it!”

“Guard mode only has one chance to challenge once a day! If the challenge is successful, you can continue to challenge! Until the ring is successful! ”

“In Guard Mode, players will enter the Ring Guard! Play against a character that is randomly refreshed by the system! ”

“Just defeat the character or push the character off the ring to determine the success of the challenge! Otherwise, the challenge fails! ”

“Each successful challenge, the system will reward you differently according to the strength of the randomly refreshed character!”

“It should be noted! If the player doesn’t succeed in the end! The system will weaken and reduce the rewards earned based on the player’s performance! ”

“If the player voluntarily chooses to terminate the guard! To a certain extent, the degree of weakening can be reduced! ”

“If you succeed in the ring, you will get the final reward!”


One by one, the sound of playback sounded!

Li Jun’s expression soon became strange!

Each successful challenge will be rewarded with different rewards!

If you fail to defend the ring, these rewards will be weakened!

Actively choose to terminate the guard, which can reduce the degree of weakening!

Isn’t this tailor-made for him?!

No one knows better than Li Jun about these virtual characters that appear in the God and Demon Arena!

If you encounter a character from Dragon Ball!

He probably didn’t want to think about it, so he directly terminated the guard!

But others don’t know the real strength of these virtual characters!

Or, you can only estimate it with the Fighting Mode and Battle Mode!

Or, you can only try your luck and guess the combat power of some unknown characters!

If you are not careful, you will fail the challenge!

After all!

No one wants to get the ultimate reward for this guard mode!

People have always been blindly confident!

In the face of rewards, most people will choose to continue the challenge!

And the system is to take advantage of this psychology of people!

That’s where the rules of this game come out!

Think of this!

Li Jun immediately stopped hesitating and directly chose the challenge!

Next moment!

In front of his eyes, a figure appeared randomly!!

“Huh? Red dogs? This luck! ”

Seeing the red dog, Li Jun couldn’t help it, revealing a ray of joy!!

For ordinary people, the red dog may be extremely powerful!

Admiral, it’s not a false name!

But for Li Jun, who has a flowing blade!

Red dogs, but it’s nothing!

No matter how powerful the magma fruit is, how can it be compared with the flowing blade?!

No superfluous nonsense!

The red dog seems to have no consciousness of its own!

Appearing in the ring, he directly laved his right arm!

A canine red lotus blasted towards Li Jun!

Where did Li Jun dare to confront the red dog head-on?!

He took out the Flowing Blade Ruo!

Directly is the beginning of the solution –

“Everything! All ashes! Flowing blade like fire!! ”

Blazing flames erupted from the body of the flowing blade like a fire knife!

Li Jun recalls the feeling of playing Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku in the battle mode!

After these two days of hard practice in the practice room!

He is like a fire with the flowing blade, and he has long had an extra wisp of if there is no connection!

It seems that he has been able to communicate faintly with the flowing blade! !

After the initial solution!

Li Jun has been able to unleash some terrifying flame attacks!

“Flame Slash!”

Li Jun slashed at the red lotus of the red dog, and cut out a knife!

This knife condensed the explosive flame of the flowing blade!

There is no embellishment, it is to release a terrifying explosion like a flowing blade!

A sword-like explosion immediately slashed out from the flowing blade!

It’s like a pillar of fire!

When the air is chopped!

Chopped on the dog’s head made of lava from the canine red lotus!


The lava condensed by the canine red lotus burst open in midair!

Drop countless lava bombs!

The red dog seemed to feel the blazing temperature of the flowing blade, and actually revealed a hint of surprise!

However, he did not speak!

Instead, he suddenly made a move!!

That lavaized arm, stretched and erupted again!

Like a sharp arrow, it penetrated towards Li Jun’s head!!

Li Jun’s pupils contracted, and he didn’t dare to be careless!

I think that at the beginning, Whitebeard was beaten off half of his face by this trick!

This move is extremely fast!

If you want to dodge, it’s too late!

“Burst flames!”

Li Jun clenched the flowing blade with both hands, without any unnecessary movements!

It’s just that the explosive flame in the body of the flowing blade is like a fire knife, centered on itself, and released!

The roaring flames suddenly surged out like a tidal wave!

It turned into a flame barrier and shrouded Li Jun’s body!

Li Jun was wrapped in a sea of fire like substance!

That Lava Arm couldn’t penetrate the Flame Barrier at all!

Exploded a cloud of sparks!

Seeing that this trick still does not work!

The red dog stopped!

It seems that something is brewing!

That lavaized arm, flowing with scalding magma, became thicker and stronger!

A huge lava fist is quietly forming!

Exudes a terrifying sense of oppression!

Li Jun was in the flames that erupted like a flowing blade!

Again, there is no movement, but something is being felt carefully!

The flames are churning!

Li Jun seemed to be integrated with this sea of fire!

He can easily manipulate this monstrous sea of fire!

But it is difficult to be like Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku!

Let the temperature of this monstrous flame climb to the extreme!

Or compress it!

This is related to Li Jun’s strength!

It is also related to Li Jun’s communication with the flowing blade!

The stronger the strength!

The closer the connection with the Flowing Blade!

If the flame released by the flowing blade is fire, it is more powerful and the temperature is higher!

Li Jun called the name of the flowing blade in his heart!

After the initial solution!

He is like a fire with the flowing blade, and there is an additional if there is no connection!

It’s just that this connection is not so exact!

When Li Jun completely sank his heart and recalled the feeling of the battle mode!

He seemed to faintly see a figure!

An inexplicable mysterious force from the sea of fire surging all around! [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

Began to converge towards Li Jun’s body!

Behind Li Jun!

The sea of fire that rushed into the sky suddenly twisted strangely!

Li Jun didn’t see that the figure he vaguely felt quietly emerged from behind him!

Right now!

He was silent in the power that flowed into his body like fire!

“Is this the true power of the Flowing Blade Ruohuo?”

Under the shroud of the strong sense of oppression of the red dog, Li Jun understood this!

What he had done in the practice room before was just a half-solution to the flow!

And at the moment!

It is the flow of the blade, the real state of solution!!

The raging explosion begins to transform!

It became a little solidified!

The temperature of the flame, in an instant, skyrocketed several times!

A flame temperature that could only rival the Red Dog!

At this moment, it completely overwhelmed the magma of the red dog!

The manipulation of the flames is more and more arbitrary!

Li Jun could even feel the Dao Flame Element contained in heaven and earth!


Even the magma of the red dog can be affected by him!!

The huge lava fist that had condensed and formed in the red dog had originally planned to blast out with all its might!

Wipe out Li Jun!


That huge magma fist is a little twisted!

Akainu stopped in amazement!

“Red Lotus Flame Burial!”

Li Jun looked indifferent, under the blessing of the power of flowing blade like fire!

It was as if he had truly become the God of Fire!

Take the explosive flame of the flowing blade as the lead!

Communicate the flame element between heaven and earth!

A dazzling red lotus-shaped flame suddenly condensed and emerged around the red dog!

Without the slightest warning!

The Flame Red Lotus blooms magnificently!

The twelve petals are all condensed from the terrifying flames that flow like fire!

Powerful flame power!

Rao is a red dog with magma fruit abilities!

Surrounded by Red Lotus!

In this moment!

It’s as if they’re going to melt!

Akainu instinctively elementalizes himself!

Form a volcanic magma!

It seems that he intends to burst his magma power with all his strength and break through the Flame Red Lotus!


Those twelve red lotus petals are not beautiful!

When the flames of these twelve red lotus petals condensed to the extreme!

The blooming Flame Red Lotus suddenly contracted sharply!

Twelve red lotus petals, suddenly wrapped the red dog!

The terrifying flames contained in it burst out!


Even the magma volcano incarnated by the red dog began to melt!

The red lotus flame that erupted rose into the sky!

Almost burn everything around!

The magma volcano, under the burning of Dao Dao green smoke, under the explosion of flames, finally could not withstand it!

With a bang, it exploded!

It’s like a volcanic eruption!

Volcanic bombs like cannonballs!

Raging out!

It seems that he wants to break through the package of the Flame Red Lotus!


This lava volcanic bomb failed to break through the Flame Red Lotus!

It can only be burned and gradually turned into nothingness!

Li Jun seemed to be able to hear the screams of the red dog!

This flame red lotus is enough to bury everything!

I don’t know how long has passed!

When the center of the Flame Red Lotus was located, there was no lava at all!

The terrifying flame that rushed into the sky gradually dissipated!


A system prompt sounds!

“Players are in the world, congratulations on successfully defeating the red dog! Guard Mode First Challenge Successful! ”

“Get a reward – 500 points in dou coins!”

“Get the reward – Magma Fruit!”

“Get a reward – 10 attribute points can be assigned!”

“The second random character has been refreshed! Please choose whether to continue the challenge! ”


Hear a system prompt!

Rao is Li Jun, and he can’t help but widen his eyes!

This is just the first successful challenge!

Actually got 10 assignable attribute points?!

Also directly obtained the fruit ability of the red dog – magma fruit?!

It’s hard to do!

In Guard Mode!

As long as the challenge is successful, you can directly obtain and challenge the character’s ability?!

Isn’t that a little too fragrant?!

In comparison, this 500-point dou coin reward is nothing!

But Li Jun thought about it.

If you want to defeat the new characters in the Ring Mode, you must have more strength than the opponent!

In other words, the ability of this character is actually nothing to himself!

It’s like magma fruit!

For Li Jun, who has a flowing blade, it seems a little dispensable!

Even so!

The rewards of this guarding mode can still be regarded as extremely rich!!


Li Jun suddenly came back to his senses and looked at a figure that appeared again on the guarding ring!

“Groove?! Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku?! Am I forging some kind of indissoluble bond with the flame system?! ”

Seeing Old Man Yamamoto, Li Jun gasped!

There was almost no hesitation, and he directly chose to give up the challenge!

Are you kidding!

He’s just finished the solution!

Unleashed a small part of the power of the flowing blade!

How is it possible to defeat the old man Yamamoto who can solve the flowing blade?

If this is a person, I don’t understand the strength of Old Man Yamamoto!

Maybe it’s a head iron rush!

Of course!

The ending is bound to be miserable!

“Players are in the world, please be sure, do you choose to give up the challenge?”



Li Jun nodded decisively.

“Players are in the world, you have given up the challenge of this round of Guard Mode!”

“As a punishment, one of the rewards you get, the assignable attribute point reward, will be reduced by half!”


The system coldly pronounced the results.

Hearing this, Li Jun was relieved.

Assignable attribute points are reduced by half, which means 5 attribute points are lost!

Still within acceptable limits!

If you continue to challenge and end the Guard Mode after failure, I am afraid that there will only be 5 allocable attribute points rewards!

No man is content!

A challenge to succeed!

Not only has it completed the true solution of the flowing blade!

And got so many rewards!

Li Jun is already content!

Wait for him to rise in level later!

Strength is getting stronger!

It’s not too late to challenge this guard mode!

After giving up the challenge, Li Jun was teleported out of the ring!

Followed by.

Li Jun began to travel to the fifteen fighting mode!

And what Li Jun didn’t know was!

Not long after he left the ring!

Someone suddenly found out!

The original blank guard leaderboard!

Out of thin air, an extra ID!

It’s very eye-catching!!

“Look at it!! Guard the leaderboard!! ”


An exclamation full of consternation resounded throughout the space outside the ring! Mouth!.

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