Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 22 - 15: The Principle of Flowing Energy - Part V Gathering Energy

Arising from my slumber Yami and I was asunder.

Not in the room early in the morning, heavier I collected my breathing. Not thinking about her residing in my shadow, I took off for training and taking in the faint morning glow.

There in the woods I sat on a stone, collecting my thoughts being all alone, meditation was to find a way, not just for me to stay... yet what I was shown should have made me grown.

Instead of terrified beyond belief, slowly seeping into my core. unaware of what I might achieve. Rhyming all I could, wondering if I should. What was that deep down inside,

that darkness of mine?

Talking to me in tongue, talking to me as if I was the one... what did they want? What could I do? Answers as they taunted, never giving a clue.

Freaking me out, losing myself in doubt,

the frustration made me shout.

As no one was there, I went back without a care.

Joining up with her alone, she led the way towards a different room, now larger than before there was enough room for all. Groups trained together, showing intense duels as we entered.

"You might be wondering, why such a large room?"

Chiara asked as we entered, today we are here for something special, something other than meditation.

Let us go through the steps that we have learned, once more the basics have to be adjourned."

Without interruption, she went to the teachers at the center looking at the stand. Students all were waiting until the instructions were given... giving them a small break, the teacher took a breather. Discussing what needed to be done, talking about more ways than one.

Chiara quickly joined us walking to the center, sitting down with us together. Holding my hands as she sat down she looked straight into my eyes, eyes so intense I dared not speak, as she whispered a single sentence; "Energy is in all, believe in its existence as we follow my instructions. As it flows through one's life essence."

Chiara breathed in calming herself down, loosening the grip on my hands. As she again looked me straight in the eyes.

"Covering the basics is important and it pains me to say, that I have to leave, but before I do... tell me what we have been through."

I looked at her sitting straight and proudly as she uttered the three elements we had been tackling so far.

"The first things we learned were how important it was to focus on the target ahead, reading one's actions and anticipating their next moves.

Using jabs, kicks and a clear mind to achieve one's goal without fail. Shaking off distractions as we find ourselves through meditation."

Surprised Chiara looked up.

"That is correct Michael, with the addition of today's lesson; the gathering of energy I will explain why the usage of this principle is all so powerful.

But, before I do... I have to go take care of some things. Try to visualize what Alex demonstrated yesterday, as you go through the exploration of yourself. Don't be afraid and let it flow...

This will enable you to let everything go."

After her instructions Chiara stood up and left us behind, I started collecting my thoughts and clearing my mind. Trying not to think about the things to come, it was my fear who had to be overcome.

Closing my eyes and calming my breath, no one was around to disturb my focus, I ventured within... again with the emptiness of space. Searching for the container known as my soul. I searched far and wide until eventually in the distance I spotted something glowing... oddly enough there was no light... only the dim glow of darkness enveloping me whole.

I found myself at an alter different from before... pillars with coils on top, gave off a dim glow. Lighting ablaze the altar in front. As now there were signs on the floor. Signs pointing to the flame in the center, telling me my name.


How could I read them, these symbols of old?

This old language, familiar as it seemed could be read with all means. As I read then I spoke a loud;

"I am here all alone, only accompanied by the warmth if flames, looking at them gave off the feeling something new, giving birth into my soul. The flame is my own as its warmth is calling me home."

Feeling the words call to me. I approached the flame, feeling its warm embrace on my skin, gently sitting down as I let it in. Its warmth wrapping around me like a second skin, as the light grew ever dim.

Underneath the flame, I saw a shade, similar, yet weaker than before. Weakend in this state I felt it go away, It jerked around the flame as it seemed cautious of the light, jumping out in spite.

The last effort to survive as it slowly closed in towards me, unable to react it crept ever closer, closer and closer.

Terrified and frozen by fear, I fell to the ground. A familiar yet unsettling feeling welled up from inside, telling me that this was not right... To get out... because death was closing in.

Laying there motionless locked in sight.

Still moving ever so slowly the shade picked up my scent, being drawn in by the oozing smell of fear.

Latching onto my leg I squealed... trying to move with all my might, getting away was on my mind.

But no movement, petrified there was no escape as the slime like substance enveloped my wake.

Creeping closer, reaching all over...

It crept in on my face when it paused for a second. The expressionless entity took it's time, steadily entering my mind.

Shaking and twitching on top, its shape became twisting, turning as it was yearning. Legs and arms reached out of the oozing substance when lastly it formed a head.

Suddenly turning towards me was no slime or shade, but a body which it had just made. It stumbled all over me, turning its head, nothing could be seen, nothing... until it unveiled something horrifying...

from right to left, cheek to cheek an evil unnatural grin... wider than I had ever seen, filled up the brim with sharp and pointy teeth as this filled me with dread, disgust and disbelieve.

The smiling just continued in what felt like an eternity, breaking the moment, twisting and turning... it was not done... it had only just begun... with its smile it started moving, cheek to cheek so unnatural, this time closer to my mouth. Thinking it wanted to enter I shut it tight, keeping it shut with all my might.

The grin now turned up sight down, into a from. With the last of my courage I looked as I knew, there was nothing I could do.

The mouth slowly openend up, leaving a familiar and heavy voice;

"Foolish, boy... in due time, you will be mine...

You are the perfect vessel, to bring me inside the castle... Those royals will pay, as they didn't let me stay!"

The creature smiled once more, having to breath I opened my mouth, the creature seized the opportunity launching itself towards the opening. Trying to force it's the way in, it blocked off all the air from my nose and mouth...

Making me unable to breathe, the struggle became unbearable as I tried gasping for air, but failed. Allowing the creature to strike. Forcing itself inside it slowly slid down my thought... the thick mucus flowed down into my being, never-ending as the pain grew stranger. Unable to hold on still grasping for air, the pain became unbearable as it forced itself further in... tears fell down my face as now I knew there was no turning it down.

Penetrating my very being, filling my veins, becoming one with my energy, with my cell... with ever viber of my being... we eventually became one, screaming out our name...


Losing myself in this final bout, my final thought was;

"Get out!!"

"This time it's you whom I will enjoy..."

Awakening drenched in sweat, I looked inside the mirror as my eyes looked irritated and red... shocked by this realization it ebbed away, flicking off the tears that went astray.

Was this real or just a dream? Yet I could not fathom what had happened to me.

Deciding to clear my mind I left for the morning grind.

Running around the building nothing much was there to behold, nothing but the morning breeze cold.

Did I see that right? Did that happen?

Asking this myself returning to the quarters,

Chiara stoot in the entrance talking to others.

The man from the days before joined with a few more... closing in I got curious, greeting them along the way. The man glared in unease, as he had been caught redhanded like a thief a few times before...

Stopping his mischievous dėsɨrės is what I had required.

Passing through as I was not wanted. I picked up some sentences about what was coming.

A woman in the group was talking sharing the plans of an expedition soon to come. As it dawned on me what I heard I hid around the corner,

trying to listen in on them... the woman continued in a cautious tone.

"Soon we will depart with signed adventures, to unexplored territories, unknown of what we might encounter I ask for skilled scouts. Young Ones with much Vigor, they can lead us to what we might find there."

The woman turned to someone that I knew as the was he was talking to was Chiara.

"Chiara I heard much about your pupils...

tell me, do they show promise? The Male has signed his name on the bulletin board as I take it he wants to join?"

Worried Chiara looked around, sighing without a sound. Looking at Brendan she calmly addressed the matter.

"If they can join is too early to say, but showing promise they may... they are quick learners those two, which make my hopes higher as we go. Seeing a lot of experienced adventurers joining in, these ruins must prove to be important then?

They have a few more days to go, but I believe they will master the way of the energy flow. Clearing Meditation the other day only gathering and projection awaits. As the final challenge approaches I need to ask a favor of you, as I will give them an exam to show me their progress... should they fail they cannot go, yet might they clear the objectives, receiving my approval to go once more."

A lady shrouded in darkness, mask and leather bowed down leaving but just a feather.

Agitated by my accomplishments Brendan struggled against the plan.

"I don't get it Chi... what makes him so great? Getting this kind of treatment from others... fletchling or not... I hope he rots..."

Jealousy dripped from his face, as he didn't know his place. Not giving Brendan any attention, Chiara ignored him walking towards the entrance.

Agitated Brendan turned around, fowing to take me down. In a late ditch effort, Brendan issued a challenge.

"Know that at the end of the week, my pupils will slay the weak. Hereby I Brendan Shield challenge the students under Chiara her guidance to a duel as my student will battle one on one for the final exam against young Shadowfang.

I will prove to you once and for all that he does not belong with us all."

Chiara stopped, turning around... As her pride wouldn't allow.. the belittlement of her students.

Knowing there were just a few more days she accepted the challenge between their pupils.

"The winner gets the approval for the exam, together with the acceptance of the training at The Rogues Association, the loser, on the other hand, has to stay here at The Martial Novices, as his/her training will get stricter than ever before learning the ways of the fighter. Brawler and Ashura evermore."

As Brendan drowned in his arrogance he accepted the terms setting the date for when the exam took place in just a few days. Blood made the pact official as they both left their separate ways.

Chiara entered the Guildhall walking straight to the worker's desk. Setting everything in motion for the day after tomorrow.

Word quickly spread as everyone looked at me like I was dead... The stakes were high,

yet bȧrėly confusing as the lessons would be even more intense from now...

I went on my way to the training hall, starting my meditation, not to venture within myself but rather to clear my mind. Moments later Chiara entered.

She gently held my shoulder, hinting me to come over. Sitting down next to her she showed me a scroll with a message. The message read;

Martial Arts Challenge issued for the teachers.

A challenge has been issued to the students of Chiara by the students of Shield.

Making this official we implore on you the following;

The challenge will be one on one, fighting until either one gives up or gets knocked out. This challenge will take place in the stead of the planned exam.

Meaning one of the parties will ȧssent towards the Rogues as the other stays with the Fighters.

I take it this challenge is issued among those summoned by the obelisk, as we can't give all the same treatment...

Each and everyone will follow different paths along the run. Focussing on different skills is what their journey wills.

We bid both of your successes, albeit now is not a time to relax. Train and learn as much as possible. Before this challenge will follow.

Clearing the trail to come will grand your acceptance to join the cause. The cause for exploration towards the ruins of an unknown nation.

Chiara looked at me closing the scroll.

I was puzzled by it all. Softly bumping her fist to my shoulder she whispered it will soon be over.

"Follow my instruction to the core, then of winning you will be sure."

She sat down next to me closing her hands in front of her, looking at me she knew, that I already had the potential needed to gain the skills mentioned in the game. Still unaware of this I sought a way to get stronger, making sure... I would not fail the duel.

Chiara noticed my unease.

She made sure not to worry about learning everything, not in a hurry. "Young one, don't fail on me now... you have what it takes to gain the ability we talked about yesterday, the principle of flowing energy is the basis of any combat utility.

Since you mastered the four basic principles we will now move on to what Alex had shown us.

Drawing in the energy, letting it flow towards and through you, gaining energy enough to breakthrough.

You see this all is very similar to the principal of meditation, the difference is that we will combine all we had learned in time. Focus, Anticipation, Clearing One's Mind and Meditation.

Mastering this all will allow you to, feel and draw the energy around you, ultimately letting it gently flow through you. You saw what Alex did yesterday, now try to so this your way.

I will show you one last time before you make this principle your own."

I nodded and looked closely, focusing on what was to come. Chiara closed her eyes and connected her hands, clearing her mind gently breathing in and out.

Nothing much happened at first, yet shortly after the air began to whirl, gentle breezes filled the room.

As pebbles began jumping and rumbling on.

In the end, she began to glow, opening her palms as she would show.

The energy now clearly visible, reached out to her embracing her entirely, flowing through she opened her eyes, showing me the last surprise.

Her hair flowed upward and gentle, directing the flow outward. The air guzzed up in a hurry showing some sort of hurricane without worry.

Then it all calmed down as she finally, once again sat down. With this demonstration, what I saw wasn't clear, the principle alas, thinking about it all.

Sitting down without a hurry, the lag of reaction made me worry. Trying to fully grab what Chiara did in her example the rocks on the ground didn't even rumble.

Then it dawned on me slowly, I needed to calm down wholly. Doing as instructed I began focussing on the lesson ahead, lessening my worry, this shouldn't be done in a hurry.

"Was this how she went?"

I said with knees bend. I closed my hands together.

Taking a good position sitting upright I closed my eyes like the darkness of the night.

Now without worry, focus on my breathing I heard a gentle voice beneath me.

"We are here to provide, the energy of old, for you to unfold."

I opened my hands once again, as I felt something starting to flow. I opened my eyes as it showed. The energy around me became one, flowing straight through my arms. Heavy as it felt, it warmed me up. Was this my luck?

Flowing from left and right, gathering the might.

Air began to whirl as the pebbles rocked and turned.

The flow around continued growing ever much thicker.

Warmth filled me whole, allowing us to see a glow.

I had accomplished what I needed gaining flowing energy within, all beneath my skin.

Chiara ordered me to focus on the stream within my body, as this could rupture without guidance.

"Always allow the flow to go, as it enters so shall it leave, just like a breeze."

Seeing as control was challenging, she showed me one last thing. She held her hand on my ċhėst, telling me to direct and sway. As the energy was there to stay.

She then grabbed my hand, guiding it closer, until mine touched her ċhėst, startled I did not know, she wanted me to feel her soul.

"Focus on what you can feel, as my beating heart allows you to heal. Calming all the senses, losing one inside this song, oh, isn't this fun.

As she smiled I collectively calmed down.

Showing me one last thing was to allow the energy to go through your soul sea. Her heart, beating like a drum, pumping all of her blood and energy, flowing through her veins allowed the flow throughout her body. Opening her eyes she spoke;

Hope this lesson makes some sense as for the evening we have other plans. Let's end the lesson with what I showed, continuing after lunch.

Slowly letting go, it felt like becoming whole, my soul spread throughout, my body, veins, and senses. Making me wonder what would it matter?

Leaving soon just to eat... when we arrived there they were familiar faces from before. Draven, Alessia and Cordelia Aqua. The three of them were summoned just like me, learning to survive was the primary importance in this world, which is why all of them needed to learn.

I walked by, saying hi.

"Hey Aqua, everyone? Haven't seen you here before, what brings you three here?"

Draven ċȯċkily looked away, as his nature clashed with mine. Aqua smiled the same as Alessia, greeting me in unison.

Standing up from the table both held my hands.

"You here to Michael? Does it seem you all have the same goal? Wanting to participate in the Adventures trail?"

I looked at them, gently shying away.

"I do not know for sure... to be the means of survival comes first before I can venture on. Which brings me here, wanting to earn the means to stay in this world."

Making it a bit awkward, Draven couldn't keep up with it. Annoyed as he was quickly leaving to train on his own.

"That fool! Always trying to seize the day...

Telling us what is wrong? Not knowing how to go on?

Man... he annoys me to the core... cause what he gets is what I adore."

Draven punched one of the training dolls, moving to the one in front, slamming it to the ground.

As one was on the right, he kicked it down with all his might. Then for the last one, he jumped up high, dropping down with his fist straight down.

Breaking through, the top target, crushing its remains into its hand palms as he threw the remains away.

Then when its frustration subdued he clenched his fist and swore to his pride, that he would win... the fight.

You see l... wouldn't care, you see... the ladies were still there. Interested in what I did, they asked me about the training sessions and their lessons.

I told them about what had happened during all these training sessions and what is more, I even told them about what happened before.

Introducing them to my companion, Yami the Shadowfang. Telling them about my tales, making her jump out of my shade.

The cuteness was overloading as they had companions of their own. Aqua just had to hug her making her shy and jump behind me.

Aqua already had a few, as Alessia had a group of men who followed her every command. She only needed to show a little skin, to make then follow her every whim.

Fascinated about what had happened, Alessia recollected. Telling me about their training as it was fundamentally the same, yet only by name.

Her master was a drunken pervert, who rather slept than thought her. Always meditating on and on... it was always the same song.

Aqua, on the other hand, had something different planned. The teacher she talked about sounded familiar as she mentioned the way things went.

Just like us, there were steps to be taken, trying to make her mind unshaken. First came the basic, then the mental image... but in the end, it would all be parts for combat. She soon talked about her goals, as most training here felt for the show.

"Finishing this training is key, to achieving the goals for me. I want to combine magic with swordsmanship. It forms the utmost importance to get a grasp for martial arts and its movements.

Just like you the first I visited was the Guild of Mages Ember, where they told me about crystals which would allow anyone to use magic as they wanted.

But... there was a catch... the uses were limited as they would eventually leave you wide open...

This is why I refused to accept them, trying to summon my gem. One day... I will find a way to fuse my beliefs making it into one whole concept infused with my essence."

My eyes began to shine as her goals made me think of my own. I was glad to see her here even for a short while. Even meeting the others after this time was great. Knowing she had a goal like the others, calmed me down like no other. It was time to go, as training wasn't just for the show.

I bowed down, making my leave. Going back to my mentor. Entering the designated room, Chiara was there before me. Although my vision was distorting. She ordered me to take some rest, knowing tomorrow was the final lesson before the challenge. Allowing the energy to be projected.

That is how meditation should be done, now combing it with what I have learned, making the energy flow inside of me. Fully grasping the principle was the goal,

while wondering about the possible concepts.

Experimenting a little on my part, I let the energy flow through my heart. Making it rush through my veins as I redirected it to my hands.

Noting much was happening, not a single thing.

Yet I felt was all the energy went during this attempt.

The second was just like the first when suddenly a small burst. This showed more than the experiment from before.

The third and final time I had sworn to make the flowing energy my own. Just as it was shown. Feeling and guiding the energy stream, making it flow throughout my entire being, holding out my hands like earlier today, something powerful gave a display. Now even if it was brief, something happened which I couldn't believe. Like the first two attempts the flow could be felt throughout, yet now I collected its entirety in the palm of my hand. The surface of my hand then suddenly began to spark, making the room turn entirely dark. Flashes of light were within my sight, as sparks filled the room in its entire might.

My hands slowly went numb as the sparks faded away into the air, leaving me drained as my hands fell astray. The practise showed promise, yet something felt out of place... knowing I had used crystals before this must have opened a door. Although... The sparks that revealed itself had a different color, shape and feel to it than before. Leaving me to think that this hadn't been done before.

It left me drained and weak, as summoning the energy proved to be challenging and difficult. This could be because usually, I had someone show before practices, but this time the feeling gave me a reason to try and figure it out on my own. Having to use my entire being to summon what power I had left.

Still... there was no need to rush as we still had more than a day, learning these ways.

Feeling the lag of energy, it was best to give it a rest, for now, having to regain my strength I thought of an idea. Soon leaving for a relaxing bath.

Knowing the water had healing properties, what could happen when I started drawing in the energy there? This idea made me want to find out the answer quickly making my way there.

"Knowing it is late at night I should have the bath to my own when I go."

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