Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 32 - S.E.T. Round 3: Doppelganger

As we were just breaking the morning going towards the evening we will give all the remaining contestants a small break to catch their breaths. If all of you please follow the ȧssistants to the relaxing rooms everything will be accommodated for you all.

For the audience we will be providing food and drinks as the third round will be starting shortly. As everyone got their refreshments, none wasted time and took a quick breather.

During this time I noticed someone looking at me with ill intentions. Their killing intent shot through the roof even if it was just for a second.

Wanting to lock eyes with them I looked their way, but before I could find the ones responsible for this feeling it went just as fast as it came.

Finishing their refreshments it was now time to start the third round.

The first fight of Group A was starting soon.

The contestants took the stage as a ċȯċky young blond man took center stage. Another man took the other side of the stage. The other man was slender looking while being bald something drawn me to him.

As calm as he was he had an impenetrable aura about him. Not opening his eyes for a second.

The gong rang and the blond man started laughing.

"How did you get to the third round, what are you, a monk?"

The bald man ignored the young man's remark and took on a stance as his arms fluently moved from bottom to top making a perfect circle as his palms connected. Flexing his muscles it seemed like the man didn't move from his spot.

The young man got annoyed that he was ignored by his opponent. Tilting his head he lowered his body instantly leaping towards the bald man.

As the young man tried to strike the bald man,

It seemed like the young man's blow flowed outside of the range of the monk. Missing time and time again.

After the continued barrages the young man got more annoyed and out of breath. Why? Why even though the young man was certain he would hit the bald man... why did he miss?

Frustration seeped in as he something he didn't want to realize suddenly hit him. The young man was weak. Or rather... his opponent was too strong to oppose.

Seeing as the young man showed signed that he had learned from the experience, the bald man stood up and raised his hand before uttering the most unexpected words.

"Rise your head... young one. Never... give up... the will to fight or life, as we all struggle to get a glimpse of understanding..."

The man bowed down to the young man and raised his arm.

"I forfeit, let this young man pass...

in time... he will find enlightenment."

Shocked the man looked up. And quickly down to his ever shaking hands.

"D-did... Did... I... Win? N-no... this can't be... al my efforts seemed for noth... but here I am, the victor?!

Don't make me laugh! We all know you should have been the one to advance around old man!!"

Frustrated as his ego got crushed by kindness the man went on a rampage unable to accept his win.

It was finally Geo's time to shine.

Taking the stage with him was a man of roughly the same age, smaller and thinner. Still... he had an aura like no other. Sharp with short black hair. Striking blue eyes brimming with life.

The gong sounded but the man stood in place like an immovable object. Geo is the kind of man that likes straight forward confrontation started doubting what was happening...

Why was the man just standing there? Could he have missed the signal? And what should I make for dinner tonight? Do I even have to prepare some food, doesn't Helena provide us with a feast after the matches of today?

Deciding there was no reason to let his thoughts wander off he struck a pose and rushed towards his opponent. Just before impact, he stopped, creating a huge air current as he tried blowing the man off stage.

The man reacted quietly, as he gently guided the waves away from him. Now locking sight he instantly closed the distance between them. As a powerful blow connected to Geo's guts.

The blow was unexpected, resulting in a massive impact. Thinking of collapsing Geo dropped his guard. Refusing to fall he mustered up all the strength in his legs as he remained standing tall.


"Damn! Didn't see that one coming...


"Are you ready? Because there is no time to prepare for this struggle."

Geo's eyes burned with a bright and overwhelming rage as he stood his ground. Never had anyone tried to bring him to his knees. Experiencing this, was a first for him, at the same time he couldn't handle the realization of failure.

Although overcome by rage, this quickly subdued into a burst of energy as rage turned to admiration for the realization that there where others stronger than him in this world. Now passion ignited in his heart as he clashed with his opponent.

He poured in everything that he had. This eventually led to a battle of attrition and stamina as the both of them were evenly matched.

His opponent got annoyed by this passion as hatred began taking over, making this battle truly one between passion and greed.

The strength of Geo's heart increased over time as it began overpowering his opponent. Unable to hate more than he already did, his opponent wasn't able to keep up. As the barrage of punches had proven to be too much.

The passion blasted Geo's opponent straight out of the ring resulting in his win.

As the battle ended the third match was finished in a flash. The contestant who won seemed as fast as lightning. She could prove to be a challenge for Geo.

A woman with bandages all over entered it was clear she had bruises from intense training, her muscles were almost toned to perfection. Not to dry yet clearly feminine. Her skin had a brownish tone as the sand of the desert. Eyes as blue as the sky. Pierced straight through anyone who looked into them,

As they would lose you in an ocean of emotion.

The woman took on a battle stance as her wild dark brown and black hair waved left and right.

"Ladies before we start group A's final match of round 3 I would like you to introduce yourselves."

The opposing person eagerly took the broadcasting crystal from the announcer and introduced herself.

"Hello, world!! I am Bianca Flashdawn nice to meet you all. Today we are here to find the best of the best to qualify ourselves for dimensional hunting. Better known as becoming a Drifter.

My goal is to become the richest of them all, which is why I will grind my opponents to dust!!"

The short-haired blond woman smirked at the dark-haired lady as her dark blue eyes burned with passion. Finishing her speech she tossed the crystal at her opponent. She then began feeling nervous as she had to introduce herself to the world.

With a deep breath and a slap in the face, she took on the entire audience. Trying to make everyone excited about the battle she started.

My name is Angela Gemsworth and I promise to give you an action-packed battle... so, ARE YOU READY?!!!"

The crowd went wild as the lady twisted them around her finger. Her opponent, on the other hand, didn't want to have any part in it as she wanted all eyes on herself.

Luckily for her, the gong rang signaling the beginning of the match. Angela pumped up her fist towards the air, she took on a stance as she prepared for what was to come.

Bianca stormed towards her as jealousy too over.

Blinded by this she couldn't care less about how majestic her attacks would be, rather. There was only one thing on her mind.


Unable to seize the momentum of the crowd she now swore to herself that she had to make Angela pay.

One way or another, she had to win as her glorious adventuring plan had only bore some fruits recently.

But, as frustration took a role on her, Angela could easily read her movements. Wide and wild, her rhythm got to read as Angela calmly and focused countered every single strike.

Unable to stand up as she realized that she couldn't move a muscle, disappear and frustration seeped in ever so slowly as her long-lived dream got crushed by the swift touch of black death.

Unable to hold her frustration in, Bianca silently wept as it dawned on her, she lost due to something that had cost her the entire match.

Her arrogance...

Angela emerged victorious, signaling the start for Group B.

Allesia having witnessed the sheer pressure of the previous match, combined with her having to start of the battles in her group for the third time.

Made her slowly realize a clear and calm part of herself that she never noticed before.

This could help her through the rest of her matches if she was able to master it in time.

Her opponent looked ready to go as she slammed her fists together. Her opponent was rather masculine for women, proud of her progress she laughed openly and signaled the referee.

As both got ready at that moment the gong echoed throughout the arena allowing for the ladies to clash.

It was a struggle of power, to see which one of the two would succumb to the power of the other.

Unable to back away from a challenge both locked their hands into one another as they tried to simultaneously attack and block the incoming strikes.

Evenly matched this struggle went on for a while when one of Allesia's feet caved in. Unable to retaliate her opponent instantly turned the tables trying to throw her to the ground.

With calm and quick reacting to the actions of her opponent Allesia made the best of her disadvantage situation. Using the momentum of her fall she grabbed and held her opponent's hands tight pulling her in with herself.

This allowed Allesia to combine strength with momentum as she finally overpowered her opponent.

Unable to get away from this locked movement her opponent got thrown rather far towards the edge of the stage.

Unable to accept this failure her opponent went into a blind rage as she charged at Allesia.

Quickly she annalized the situation as she instantly knew to find her weak spots.

The muscular lady let her guard down as she wisely threw a punch allowing for Allesia to grab hold of the same arm. Again momentum got used, but this time it was calculated into her results.

Spinning a few times around her axis as she finally let go of her opponent's arm, which sent her flying out of the ring.

The rest of the matches were finished rather quickly as none showed mercy for one another. Everyone had their eyes at the price as every victory made the realization every that much closer.

Group C started their battles knowing there where few trouble makers inside. Knowing Helena loved the extra drama, the match concluded with enough oomph to make Geo jealous.

The next match started which took place between a huge fat guy and an insanely cute and feminine horned lady.

She kept on teasing the bald fat guy as he couldn't restrain himself anymore. Luckily for him, Helena allowed everything except death, you only needed to either knock out the opponent, make them fall out of the ring or make them give up.

As the fat guy was blinded by ŀust,

he stormed towards the insanely sėxy and voluptuous horned lady.

"You want me to don't you, big guy?"

She said teasingly. She winked, turned around and leaned forward revealing her huge ċhėst which made the fat guy even more blinded by her beauty.

To seal the deal she blew him a kiss which was apparently to much sėx appeal for him to handle as he crashed to the ground drooling and unable to move. Which made the lady win the match.

Raiden's match came up as everyone was now able to watch each other it was important to take in their fighting styles and strategies if I was to come out victorious against them in the finals.

Raiden needed to fight a young man from around the same age as us. He didn't look too overconfident, which was good. His opponent didn't show any openings either, which meant that this would be a promising match.

Raiden greeted the young man with respect,

bowing down and readying his posture.

The instant the gong rang both men stormed towards each other, classing fist with a fist, leg with leg and even parrying and dodging each of their throws.

When finally one of raiders blows came through as the side of his fist bȧrėly scratched his check.

This threw the young man back, he seemed upset,

Unable to handle the fact that his face got scarred.


The young man flew into a rage and began pummeling Raiden faster and harder than seconds before. Raiden holt on for dear life, but was unable to keep up which in turn threw him in the air and slammed him to the ground with the full force of the young man's leg.

It looked as if Raiden was done for as he wasn't moving after the insane impact of his opponent left him crushed inside of a crater.

But just before the referee could tap him out Raiden showed signs of life as she struggled to get up.

"This match isn't over... I have to return your anger tenfold!!"

Raiden snapped as insane amounts of magical energy began filling the arena, we were all focused on what was happening in front of us as his muscles began to harden and take more distinct shapes.

"Raaaaaaaggghhhh I am done... playing the nice guy! Hahaha, this will be fun!!"

It looked like Raiden had lost it, he was done powering up and the instant he unleashed his power the clash shook the entire stage, I wasn't able to follow them with my eyes, but the impact was so intense that cracks were forming on stage.

Just when I began adjusting to it a little bit it seemed like Raiden had won the clash of muscles as he slammed his opponent out with such force that the teachers needed to clear the crowd in that area, a crater at least three times as big was made as there was only a bit of rubble left.

The referee hurried over the checking of his opponent.

"Out of bounds!! The winner is Raiden!!!

Quick get me a medic this young man needs medical attention asap!"

As the young man got carried off the stage the last fight of group C finished rather abruptly.

Now Yami got to kick off group D, the peer pressure made her nervous, but I wanted to make sure it was alright.

Having found where she was, I could see that everything started to take its toll on her.

Seeing as her tail was hanging down, her ears were down and all droopy.

She was succumbing to the pressure. Softly I embraced her with a warm and gentle hug.

"It will be alright, just go out there and enjoy every moment, don't worry about what happens outside of the ring. Show them the power of your proud family."

I whispered in her ears.

She calmed down as her ears slowly raised upward.

Her tail left and right, which was a sign that she was happy with my ways of encouragement.

As she quickly got her focus back, she made her way to the stage, where she met with her opponent.

Her opponent had turned her back towards her as she was greeting the crowd. But that posture... the way she held herself and even the way the woman looked made her feel uneasy.

When her opponent finally finished hyping up the crowd she turned and faced Yami.

Yami quickly jumped back, shocked by the sight of the young woman her face. The first thought she was beautiful beyond doubt, now revealed the harsh truth of a scar that covered her once beautiful face.

One of her eyes was hit by whatever creature had inflicted that hideous scar upon her face.

The other, brimming with a passion so intense one would be foolish to let their guard down in close proximity.

Her long brown hair covered her scar as the other side revealed a shining green gem of an eye.

She slapped her hands together and cracked her neck showing that she was raring to go.


Jump before the gong rang it dawned on Yami.

Why she was cautious around her opponent,

And why she looked oddly familiar.

Hunters one day came to attack their peaceful tribe.

Pillaging and scavenging whatever their greedy hearts dėsɨrėd...

On that faithful day, she was out hunting, as she was unsuccessful she came back earlier only to see her village in ruins...

The woman in front of her, her opponent... was the one who leads the mercenaries on their pillaging strides. Women... children... elders... the carcasses of everyone she loved were scattered as far as her eyes could see.

Still... being powerless she had to hide, which frustrated her, if only she arrived earlier... if only she succeeded in the hunt...

Would it have made a difference?

As the sound of the gong snapped her back into reality she had to quickly react to her opponent as she could care less about what was happening.

"I'd focus on the match if I were you, dream-girl."

Her opponent said laughing. As weapons were not allowed she used her well-developed arms and legs to strike at Yami.

Yami, nimble and now used to her more humanoid form tried dodging her opponent in a hurry as she got all flustered. Trying to make sense of what was happening she collected her thoughts as she kept her distance, unaware of the edge of the stage which closed in on her rapidly.

Her opponent saw a chance and grabbed on to her waist, she turned around and her opponent tried to slam her into the ground.


Her opponent crashed her into the ground leaving her for dead. Her opponent raised her arms into the air as the crowd went wild chanting her name.


Refusing to give up Yani tried standing up, struggling to raise the crowd stopped chanting.

Now as the match started to get interesting others began cheering for Yami.

"Yami! Yami! Yami!."

Finally, she stood there proudly on both legs, with a burning passion as she refused to go down.

Something inside heard her loud and clear as sparks began forming beneath her feet.

When her opponent took notice of her she unleashed her might as Yami instantly closed the distance and retaliated the situation.

Quickly jumping in and out to hit small, nimble and precise attack.

"I have been searching for so long... for the heartless bastard who rampage through my village...

I image burned inside me as if it was yesterday.

Garnesha the brute! Is what they call you...

This time you will get what you deserve!!"

Sparks turned into jolts of lightning as Yami charged towards her opponent. Quickly striking with all her strength and emotions backing the blow she hoped she could get her vengeance.

Fast as she was she was able to hit but not inflict too much damage. Her anger began taking the best of her as her mind became clouded...

Yami may have cornered Garnesha in such a short time but she wasn't looking out around her anymore.

Garnesha let herself deliberately get hit as she fell towards the stage. Quickly reacting to what Yami was planning, Ganesha grabbed hold of her as she threw her over her shoulder.

At that moment Yami quickly jumped against a wall outside of the ring to jump back. But when she landed the match got stopped by the referee.

She had lost the match...

Regret filled her heart as she was unable to beat the destroyer of her townspeople. Sorrow quickly took over as she succumbed to an unbearable feeling inside of her heart.

I rushed towards her and held her tight as I tried to comfort her, but the fact remained, she was out of the tournament...

The other matches progressed steadily even resulting in a win for Ethan which concluded the matches of Group D.

As a representative of Group E, my turn had finally come once again. As Yami had lost I know had her hopes and dreams riding on my shoulders.

Not only would I betray myself if I wouldn't give it my all, but I would also betray the expectations of my opponent.

Worst of all I would betray the trust others would have put into me, which is why I had a lot riding on these matches. Knowing this world was dependent on the most basic rule of nature: "Survival of the fittest". I just had to grab every opportunity to gain more experience.

Even if I was able to walk in this world or last longer than a few minutes while standing, I still felt weak.

There was more to gain from all of this and I wasn't planning on letting this chance slip by.

My opponent whom I had seen fighting before stepped on stage and greeted me politely.

I young woman who brimmed with pride.

She had long dark orange hair braided around her head so it wouldn't distract while fighting. This, in turn, revealed slightly pointy ears. Her eyes looked sharp, intelligent and calm as if she was in harmony with her surroundings. This made me think about the trees in the forest.

Spread underneath her eyes and across her face could be seen all kinds of freckles which made her look cute and kind.

As the gong rang she took on a stance and stayed in place. Closing in I noticed that she didn't have any openings what so ever which meant I needed to think of something quickly.

When I backed down hoping to create space to think, she instantly closed in. Never leaving me out of sight as there wasn't an opening or opportunity to gain the advantage. Stalking as if I was her prey, closing in ever so slightly.

Before I knew it, she had me cornered at the edge of the stage. Leaping in she prepared to strike.

At that moment I thought to myself that this was it...

That I would lose right then and there.

And for a moment the realization became real, only to realize something crucial... everything had stopped moving. Frozen in the air my opponent looked like she hit the air itself.

What was happening? Did I do this?

Looking around I noticed the slightest of vibrations in my surroundings. Breaking the illusion of frost,

I slowly came back to my senses.

Even if I could bȧrėly wrap my head around what was happening, I wondered what or who could have caused this phenomenon.

My heart was beating intensively as I had prepared myself for the worst. Quickly going out of the way I made sure I had some distance when I heard it.

The voice as black as the night and as fragile as bones behind me whisper in a sinister way.

"It seemsss I have awakened... once more... to call upon the powers in depths of your sssoul... is most impressive... yet, you were unaware... let me show you what we can do together!!"

When I turned around to face whoever it might be I was shocked by the mere sight of it.

Black and inky like in my visions, a creature whom I thought was the stuff of legends. But here it was...

The substances oozed off the top of his body to the bottom of the ground. Our eyes met even if it was just for the slightest of moments.

Yet I couldn't believe what I had seen.

The body in front of me jerked forward as it struggles to stand upright.

Was this me? "This can't be!"

When the entity had closed in, it began talking.

"Even if brief... we finally meet... allow me to end this meaningless match in your favor, as they will all tremble before our might."

At that moment in a rush, I got overwhelmed by shock, as black flames erupted from all around me, pushing away my opponent and clearing the way.

Unable to resist the flames pushed my opponent back as I began giving in to the temptation of overwhelming strength. My mind became clear as day, yet... I wasn't in the Colosseum anymore.

I was back at that place with nothing but darkness as far as the eyes could see.

Wandering around aimlessly trying to find a way out I suddenly heard a shard but deep voice echo through the nothingness. The voice spoke to me in tongue I did not speak... but for some odd reason, I understood every single word it spoke.

"Your time has been... now let me take over and show you how to dominate with power!"

"No! I don't know, who or what you are...

All that I know is that I have to get through these hardships on my strength.

I appreciate the gesture, but I won't allow you to intervene!"

I tried to resist the overwhelming bloodlust that the entity emitted, if it would take over it wouldn't just stop with killing my opponent, rather the entire Colosseum would be at risk.

I couldn't risk whatever it was to throw away my chances, not if this was my chance to show what I was capable of, or if I could require important experience in the long run.

As I struggled to resist my shadow began to grow...

Flames danced towards me, slowly engulfing my body. Black... Purple... dark flames...

This... this was all an illusion, right?

I mean... frozen in time, being engulfed by flames while I wasn't getting burned...

To make sure I slammed my head into the concrete floor, which snapped me out of my trance.

I looked around hoping not to encounter the shadow... thankfully I was back in the land of the living. The Colosseum and my opponent!

I couldn't be happier.

Now back I noticed that there was still some distance between us and tried to make the most of this small advantage. First, as she closed in...

I tried to stabilize my rhythm.

My opponent struck at me with great speed.

What was once beyond my vision... I could now see slightly better. It was not clear enough yet, but I could make out where it would end up.

And most of all... I wasn't afraid to get hit anymore.

This gave me a huge advantage over how I have been fighting up until now. I could finally focus on incoming attacks and anticipate how to react in turn.

Left... right... middle... she kept throwing punches.

But I knew better, there was this moment where she had the habit of grabbing her opponents after a hit got in, as this made her signature punching throw combination.

She went again, left, left, right. She then stepped in to try and throw a punch to my chin.

The moment I was waiting for it!

I quickly dodged and grabbed her waist,

taking her with me to the ground.

I then proceeded to lock her arms and legs rendering her unable to counter-attack.

I must admit as a man I enjoyed every second of it. Seeing as my opponent had a fit body.

I tightened my grip on her entire body rendering her defenseless, as it became more difficult to move she tried to get out or my lock with all her might.

A few attempts came close to breaking free,

If it wasn't for her exhausted body.

Eventually, my opponent gave up and tapped out on her own accord, allowing me to advance to the next round. Relieved I let go and tried to stand up

I had done it, I had won.

Exhausted I struggled standing up when I finally succeeded I offered support to my opponent.

Reaching out my hand I helped her stand up.

We had to make way for the next match.

Jumping off stage, the rest of the matches for group E had concluded after a while.

Gideon laughed as I passed him by.

"Hehehehe, did you hear them too? The voice of madness?"

He asked freaking me out with his twisted face right in front of me. Eyes wide open he invaded my space hoping for an interesting answer.

I tried to ignore him as I made my way yo the waiting audience. As I passed him by he whispered something that made my hairs shoot up straight.

"Your shadow expanded during the last match, just like mine did... they must have found a good one this time. Only ones who've had experienced death before can hear and see them.

As we are of the same kind, let me show you something interesting."

Gideon made his way to the stage, the announcer quickly continued the matches as everything turned out to take a bit longer than expected.

Gideon's opponent was a girl with bunny ears, she quickly hopped on her left leg, then her right leg creating a rhythm for her fighting style.

When the gong rang Gideon didn't do a thing, om the contrary... he let his opponent close in on him.

As if nothing had happened Gideon stayed in place, even when his opponent kept striking at him with incredible speed.

I couldn't follow, but it seemed like someone next to me noticed him slightly moving. Astounded I fixated my gaze upon the field.

His opponent faced her feelings head-on,

frustrated about missing...

she confronted her fears, what was once a weight on her self image was now a clear image of pride.

Gideon couldn't hold it anymore.

Laughing about one's blind ambition.

"Kyshishi is that all you got? It seems you're not worthy of fighting on my own... Awaken my henchmen!! Show my opponent true despair!"

As Gideon, his taunting had proven to be quite effective. His opponent turned towards him as she tried to get a clean hit in.

During this turn of events Gideon his shadow expanded outward as it slowly summoned several skeletons. The audience was shocked by this unexpected turn of events. People didn't know to quickly they needed to leave... most still in disbelief had their vision locked on the match.

Frozen by fear, most got forced to witness these turn of events. Gideon ordered the skeletons to capture his opponent. Who refused to accept the situation...

Three skeletons grabbed her tight with their frisky and hollow existence. Weak and slowly they forced her down in place long enough for Gideon to win the match seemingly effortless...

The next few matches followed, hardships in these matches were expected as everyone was prepared to advance. The struggle was met as one of the matches almost ended in a draw when both collapsed at the same time one of them fell on outside the ring resulting in the win for the other as one gad to advance.

Moments later, Draven took the stage only to face what might have been an orc or pigman?

Broad, buff, and bald. He had tusk drawn out of his mouth allowing him an advantage while storming his opponent.

The match had started but, Draven still struggled with the events of his previous match. What was all that about enjoying the thrill of battle blindly without consequences?

Drawn had lost his sight on the price, or the match in general. The pigman couldn't care less about this and stopped in front of Draven, looking down on him as if he was an inferior being.


The pigment was disgusting beyond belief even farting and spreading his odor throughout the area.

This, in turn, snapped Draven our of his little bubble of worry.

Who wouldn't be taken aback by a smell of that magnitude? His hand did not seem to help as the odor pierced his nostrils. Unbearable as it was some part of it made him think of back home.

The farm where Draven grew up on, taking care of the animals collecting their poop and using it to fertilize the ground for harvest.

Thinking back, this smell wasn't all that bad...

Draven stood his ground as the pigman approached him, this time with the toxic fume residing in his mouth.

The cloud of stink was so strong it burned away the hairs inside Draven's nose. His eyes began to water as the stink shot through is nose straight to his brain.

Almost knocked over by the stink Draven began losing his footing.

"Keep your head together! Just see this like another day at the farm... the pig there always stank too, enjoying their mud bath, eating, farting and barging wherever they could... haha good times."

Draven punched himself to escape the wicked smell.

As he returned to us all Draven stood his ground.

Now that the odor wasn't able to overpower him anymore his opponent had to think of another way to win this fight.

Frustrated he charged towards Draven with his tusks pointed towards him. Draven finally regained his momentum and focus within the fight, allowing him to prepare for what was to come.

The pigman kept closing in, in a last-ditch effort to throw his opponent out, knowing he wouldn't be able to succeed in a fistfight, naturally putting everything he had into this one last passionately rush,

Locked on he only had eyes for his opponent.

But when stood in front of him Draven laughed in the face of danger.

"So... you want to take me on with everything you got? Who am I to not answer such an honest approach with the same resolve?!"

Draven prepared for impact as the pigman threw his head towards. Draven took on the pigman's tusks backhanded as he stood his ground.

Passion burned in both their eyes as they gave it everything they had only to come to a stalemate.

Neither of them was letting up as they knew this was the final chance to win the match. Whoever would drop their guard first would lose.

But then, the pigman stepped forward.

Draven took a turn to the right instantly throwing in his full weight and strength as he tried to throw his opponent off stage. The pigman bȧrėly made it to a standstill at the edge of the stage.

Frustrated by his miss, the pigman pumped himself up and charged towards Draven once again. This time Draven baited the pigman to charge in on him.

At the moment they crossed each other Draven slammed the pigman's face from his blindside,

While the pigman tried to counter.

Standing with their backs towards each other both bȧrėly kept standing on their feet. When finally the pigman caved in allowing Draven to progress to the next round, which also concluded the third round matches for Group F.

As Akeno's turn with Group G came up he wasn't able to keep in his excitement, seeing Draven fight ignited something from inside. Which pumped up something from inside.

This warm throbbing feeling, what could it be?

Could it be I am enjoying all this?

Akano couldn't wait to fight the 7 strongest of the finals as there he would be allowed to go all out,

Anything goes, even magic!

In his excitement, he didn't notice the gong,

His opponent did everything in his power to overcome the disadvantage she had over Akano.

But it was all in fain...

Akano as completely stoked as he was instantly dodged and countered every move.

He noticed he wasn't breaking a sweat on her.

Wanting to advance as quickly as possible he grabbed his opponents and slammed her to the ground resulting in a K.O. which ended the match in his favor.

As Group F had finished all their matches,

Group H made their entrance.

A few matches were fought before Aqua time came up. She started preparing herself at the sign of the first match starting because she could never be too prepared for something as important as this.

Knowing who she was going to fight she tended to be rather cautious, as she prepared for the worst... this is why she had been studying him during the last round. Not because she was all fascinated, but rather because she feared failure.

It turned out that her opponent was a rebellious young man with short white hair and rings all over his ears.

His muscles looked well-toned as a lot of time must have gone into training them. Confident the young man to center stage as he appealed to the crowds around the stage.

Craving the attention he toyed with a few ladies who were standing in front of the stage,

stealing their jewelry as he directed their attention to something else... mainly his impressive body.

Aqua couldn't handle all the attention and got annoyed as he was leagues above her.

Wanting to end this quickly she rushed towards her opponent when the gong rang.

Her opponent looked like he was enjoying all the attention the crowd was giving him, which allowed Aqua to strike first.

Going in from his blindspot she tried to grab him,

But at that moment her opponent smiled and jumped over her with an arc. Gently landing on his feet as if he was an acrobat, standing back to back with Aqua.

He turned around and quickly grabbed her waist.

"Being flashy is always good, I must praise you on the strategy that you thought of, but that wasn't enough to best the great Radish Glimmer! In return for my respect to you, let me show you how the move should be executed."

Radish arced his back pulling Aqua over him and making her land head first on the floor. Quickly after Radish threw her upward allowing him to set off a series of combination skills ending the rush with a huge dropkick straight in her belly.

Weakened and almost unable to continue Aqua tried getting up with all her might, not wanting to go through the frustrating defeat without having shown the world what she had to offer started a fire from inside. Tears dropped down as her arms and legs began caving in.

"No... No... No!! This can't be the end!! No!!"

Aqua's only thought was not giving up, which made her slam her head into the ground in frustration.

The adrenaline that pumped through her body to repel the pain made her rise once again.

"I refuse to go down!! Not when I have accomplished so little here... people won't pay attention to failures... I can't lose... not now!!"

Her determination gave her the strength to go on and rise. Now finally standing she readied herself for what was to come.

Radish annoyed by her tenacity made a gruesome face. The veins were visible on his forehead.

Given up on elegance he rushed towards her wanting to end this quickly.

"Bitch!! Go down already... give the audience the match you know they deserve!"

Aqua laughed in the face of danger.

"I've seen through your plans Radish!! And now the audience has seen the real you... the gruesome bastard who thinks nothing about his fellow human beings. I swear to all of them that today I Cordelia Aqua will be victorious!!"

Aqua raised her fist in the air and the crowd went wild, roaring in unison! She had turned the tables,

At least she had won the favor of the people.

This pumped her up allowing her to fight on.

Enraged by the fact that Radish was not the center of attention anymore, this was something he wasn't able to handle, at that very moment something popped inside his head, which made him go mental.

He lashed out at Aqua intending to kill.

His attacks were uncontrolled and wide,

Allowing Aqua to easily dodge them.

Bloodlust seeped through his veins as it oozed out of his poors. It was plain as day, he was out for blood.

The referee noticed this and ordered the match to be stopped, but Aqua begged him to continue.

"Please... please let me finish this match fair and square! I will prove to everyone present in this Colosseum; that I Cordelia Aqua will come out as the victor!!"

The referee questioned her logic but also noticed the uproar it created within the crowd.

Wanting to end this as peacefully as possible he spoke.

"Helena has allowed us to resume the match,

but only for a few more minutes. Please continue the match."

In the time the referee had wanted to stop the match Radish couldn't care less as he stormed towards Aqua. Helena her godly powers shielded her from harm.

When the match resumed she set Aqua free again,

She had enough time to regain some energy which she used sufficiently as she twirled around Radish his wide brash of punches.

She then took the opportunity to throw him off stage,

Resulting in her win and the end of the 3rd round.

Everyone got a quick moment to freshen up as Helena and the foundation of Youth had to fix what had been broken.

"Everyone will be back in one hour,

This will give us the chance to prepare the stage for the next round."

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