Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 39 - 18.3: The Truth Behind The Hood

Going back there are still a few contestants, Alessia found herself in an environment that was worlds apart from what she was used to. It was fascinating yet unfathomable. As her gate opened it felt like she found herself in a world only found in fairy tales.

Looking around as far as the eye could reach it became clear she was indeed underwater.

Quickly trying to hold her breath and to find out how far away the surface of the water as she began swimming upwards in the hope that she could make it. Luckily as she swam towards the surface there seemed to be hidden pockets with air, allowing her to catch her breath.

"This area??? It is really fascinating. It's even thriving with life!"

Alessia having caught her breath went on her way. Taking in as much of the environment as she could huge schools of fish swam past her showing an occasional bigger one jumping out of the water and splashing back into it. Coral could be seen on the surface of the rocks and even weeds on the bottom. What made the environment even more magical was the fact that not only the coral and plants but also the fish had luminescent bodies, lighting up the depths of the darkness in the deep.

Alessia had to find a way out as fast as possible not only because her oxygen was limited but also because she didn't know what kind of beasts could be lurking in the depths of this ocean-like area. For now, it was best to stay to the ocean floor seeing as most fish didn't get close. Finding air pockets on occasion she was relieved for having enough oxygen to keep on moving.

After a while the sandy ocean floor began displaying blood-red plants, revealing the occasional water rainbow slug. Huge for their size these slugs seemed docile not caring about what came close to them. But they really were mesmerizing, with colors fluctuating throughout their bodies. Trying to observe one of them Alessia got lost in thoughts when she began slowly but surely began feeling light-headed. The beast had locked her attention to it making her forget the fact that she was indeed still finding herself inside a huge ocean.

When she began running out of oxygen she finally snapped out of it, but was it too late?

Quickly Alessia rushed around in the hope to find another of those air pockets, but nothing looked remotely like that. There where weird looking fruits on the bottom floor.

Glowing with a bright light blue essence it looked as if the plants were hollow.

Could it be? Alessia had nowhere else to go, it was all or nothing. With her last breath, she desperately swam towards the fruit. Closing in the light began to pulsate faster and faster when it suddenly popped as it came into contact with her hand.


Alessia felt refreshed, almost as she had never lost any oxygen. In the excitement of her victory against death she unnoticed went deeper into the ocean, now being in open waters it dawned on her.

"Shit! Where am I? There are only open waters as far as I can see??? damnit???

I can't hold out for long like this??? and what if I'm attacked out here? Then there would be nowhere to go???"

Alessia kept going forward in the hope of finding another gate of some sort.

Before it noticed her Alessia needed to get to the surface.

Quickly making her way up she hoped she was not yet spotted in these vast open waters.

But to no avail??? A huge roar could be heard felt throughout the waters.


Alessia didn't dare to look back as the creature closed in on her.

She was almost at the surface! She could do this! I looked like there where small islands all around, she would be saved is she could make it there. Not giving up hope she swam for her life as fast as she could with the beast breathing down her neck.

Making it to the surface she jumped out with all her might, landing on the edge of the island, only to see the sheer size of the beast that had pursued her here.

It's long oily black looking eel-like body was covered with white and blood-red coral, leaving the occasional opening for what looked like spikes. Even its faces were covered in coral only giving way for its eyes that were imbedded deep into its skull.

horrified by this Alessia couldn't move, The beast didn't approach the island and roared loudly before lowering its body into the water.

It's mouth??? its mouth was completely covered in coral only revealing its razor-sharp teeth when it roared loudly.


The sheer power of the beasts roar created a shockwave that shook the waters and islands around it. Slowly lowering its body into the water it jumped towards the sun one last time,

revealing its entire body, a huge tail with a razor-sharp needle was revealed and something that looked like??? "Legs?!"

She couldn't allow the beast to chase after her, quickly hiding her presence as she went deeper into the island. Alessia found her path blocked off by a huge wall.

looking closer it showed the same symbol that her entrance gate had. Holding up the tile it slowly began budging allowing her to move on towards the rocky area when she quickly found out that she was not the only one of the first for that matter.

The Gate of Lightning opened allowing the hidden talent to venture into the Lands of Thunder. Wherever the hidden talent looked rocks, the ground even the beasts were all charged with lightning. Needing to act fast the hidden talent went onward towards the end of the area, making sure not to agitate the wildlife or to get caught in discharges the hidden talent made it towards the other gate in the time of two days. During this time it was a challenging journey leading to the reveal of a brute metal weapon and light armor, but who could this person be?

When the gate finally opened it looked like it was right next to the watergate Alessia had just passed through. Quickly going into hiding and masking her presence she hoped she wouldn't be found out. The hidden talent looked around and slowly closed in on Alessia.

"Don't be afraid. I am here with only one purpose."

The hooded person said with a heavy voice.

"thou hid thyself quite remarkable. But alas forgot to hide thou soul energy.

I can't really blame you, as thou are one from another world, like myself.

Please??? show thy and allow me to introduce oneself."

Alessia, rather confused about the situation decided it was best to comply with that the hooded person said, revealing herself to it.

"I am Alessia, one of the summoned ones as you guessed correctly,

who might you be mysterious one?"

The hooded person took off the hood revealing a young blond-haired woman with blood-red skin, firefly green eyes, pointy ears and a horn on the left side of her forehead?

"My name is Ereth of the Ancients, allow me to request help to stop a certain individual."

Ereth Kneeled down asking for help in the most sincere way she could think of and continued to plead.

"The one you call Gideon is a follower of The Dark Lord a dark elemental being with immense powers, he uses black magic to take over minds and even enslave the dead to his will. I Ereth Thross was sent by my superiors to seek help and end the onslaught of this highly dangerous vessel of his. You see Gideon has been sent to find usable containers for its power and it seems they tend to use this tournament to find one such opportunity."

It became apparent to Alessia that Ereth wasn't dangerous or at least no to her,

She decided to team up and search for others to join the cause. Finding Cordelia and Leonardo in the process. Allowing all to speak to each other they too join up and quickly make their way towards the central arena.

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