Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 43 - 19: Cultivating Shadow Manipulation

Several days had past when Michael was finally allowed to leave the church of healing.

As Yami and Michael exited the church a familiar face was waiting for them at the entrance of the guildhall.

"Ragnee! What are you doing here?"

Michael said being surprised by her presence.

Looking at master Ragnee closed in and answered.

"waiting for a certain someone to awaken. After the events that transpired we wanted to offer you the opportunity to nurture your skills even if you may technically not have won,

you still managed to save the rest of them. Allowing you to be at the winners' table."

being a bit slow on the uptake Ragnee grabbed my arm to escort me to the rogues ??ssociation.

Not getting much attention during the time of the tournament this was sure to surprise me,

making my face glow bright red.

Finally, we arrived at the center of the guildhall. Where another familiar face came rushing towards us as if she had seen a ghost. It was Amaris! Noticing that my other arm was still free she quickly grabbed it as she hugged tightly around my arm.

"Michael! You're back! You're really back! Waaaaahhh I was so worried!!"

Amaris cried as her she came ever closer, pressing her ??h??st firmly against my arm.

Both her arms where now around my neck as she couldn't stop hugging me.

The worry she felt of not seeing me was overwhelming her, making her worry and sorrow turn into blissful happiness.

Ragnee and Yami got embarrassed by the scene as both tried to win me over for themselves.

"Careful with master! He left the church just now, even if he is fully healed???

shouldn't master take it easy for a little bit?"

I turned to Yami as all three kept clinging onto me.

"Master cannot do that Yami." "But why master?"

Yami began making a pouty face and puppy eyes as she was looking forward to having a bit of quality time with her master.

"I have to catch up to the ones who won the tournament, Geo my rival, I heard he was there as well as he worried about my wellbeing. I heard there was another person, the one who healed me, right? I have to thank her too!

As for what happened during the finals, I don't???. I don't remember much, to be honest.

There are slivers where I remember entering a dark place, as well as a shadow leaving Gideon's body. But other than that everything is just blank???"


"Master??? Yami was looking forward to spending time together???

now??? Yami has to leave your side once more as Yami is not allowed in with master."

Yami quickly gave me a peck on the cheek before leaving to train with the martial novices.

The other girls where shocked, the innocent Yami had actually beaten them in giving Michael a kiss before they could initiate it.

"Hoo! I see how it is."

"Michael, you don't remember what happened during the finals?"

Ragnee quickly turned over to Amaris as she whispered something into her ear.

"It's best, for now, it Michael doesn't find out what transpired???

It could freak him out or worse, the shock could make him lose control again."

Amaris nodded and redirected her questioning.

"You see, I have to report what transpired to the higher-ups of the guilds.

You said you saw a shadow leave as Gideon's body collapsed?"

"Yes! It was just for a brief moment, a split second if you may. But it was definitely there.

Soon after Gideon collapsed??? Does any of you know what happened to him?"

"You see??? Gideon was found dead after the finals of the tournament had ended.

We didn't want to keep this from you, we actually you had come to the same conclusion as you witnessed his final moments."

Worried I looked down, before mustering up a fake smile to hide my worries.

"Maybe it's better this way? Now he won't slaughter any more innocent people."

What was that shadow? They know more than they let out??? Well,

I can find out more in time. For now, I should focus on the training that lays ahead of me.

Amaris parted ways with us to finish up on her report. Ragnee and I arrived at the rogues guild shortly after. Entering the premises I didn't recognize most of the surroundings.

After passing through the registration lobby and putting out some information Ragnee quickly showed me towards the training quarters. Once there Geo looked like he was cultivating calmly. We passed him without disrupting his practice. Ragnee led the way to a small private room where we began analyzing what had happened to me previously.

While in the room it had become clear that everyone was given and used the same hollow magic crystals, which bonded with their natural energies providing the magic displayed in the tournament. Noting to the fact that neither of the participants had unlocked the cultivation needed to manipulate the energy around them directly. Making it crucial to use the crystals provided by the magic guild.

"What I still can't understand is that your crystals became the darkness itself???

It's difficult to describe, but you could say the crystals became as black as a starless night???

containing unimaginable density within."

Confused I looked at Ragnee, not knowing what she was talking about,

al though it made me think about the location I had found myself in during the finals.

"Of all the crystal information we could gather, yours have never broken Michael.

If you don't believe me, see for yourself."

I reached into my bag, my expression dumbfounded when indeed I found both crystals inside???

But looking at both the crystals there was nothing inside???

"I have to say??? we were able to collect the data,

but??? for some reason, the crystals didn't break. Looking at this unique opportunity we want to collect as much data as we can, starting today."

I looked at Ragnee not sure of what to make of her words.

"You see, Helena, the goddess who looks over all of us in Sharoo has given the order to contain the chaos within you as much as possible. Hence why we the roque ??ssociation were burdened with this task."

Ragnee saw my eyes turn towards the ground in worry.

"maybe to the ??ssociation it would seem like a burden, but not to me??? which is why I begged the guild leader to be your guide for the time being. I have seen what you are capable of Michael and I will do everything in my power to help you control and master this chaos within."

Worried that everyone would have come to hate me after hearing what had happened, Ragnee's words came to me like a radiant dim light, gently warming my being.

A tear fell down my cheek as I realized I wasn't alone???

"Thank you???"

I uttered slowly as Ragnee continued her lecture.

"We will be doing what most of the others will also be doing. Learning to control our own soul energy by cultivating and expanding our spirit. In the beginning, this might seem like nothing more than meditation, but you see, in time??? you'll even be able to do things like communicating with spirits or even bond with them.

One could say that making a contract is also possible allowing you to do things like this."

Ragnee showed her soul energy to me, it slowly left her body through her upper arm towards her left hand. The gentle blue-white energy quickly converted into a dancing blue flame of the same size.

"This dancing fire is one of the basic principles of energy manipulation. There are different names for it, like Mana, Ki, Chakra, Soul Force, Magic others might know it like MP in games haha. In all honesty, it is the same basic principle. This takes an immense amount of practice being able to manipulate this so-called "energy" without the use of magic crystals.

Eventually, bonding with a spirit makes the manipulation of energy a lot easier,

but this too requires enough experience with one's own energy. One could have talent,

as this remains to be seen.

Now that you know the basis I want you to take place in the middle of the room and begin meditating. Allowing to mold your own container of energy within the soul."

I scratched the back of my head, trying to grasp the full concept.

Something inside me reminded me of the trips I made inside myself, could that be what Ragnee was talking about?

"This meditation or cultivation if you please, I may have done something similar previously.

I recall being inside a dark space where a small light source could be seen, once I got closer???

This source seemed to be a giant flame of pure energy, later on, this flameproof to only be the outer shell??? As within, there was a huge source of energy waiting to be found."

Surprised Ragnee smirked towards Michael and slapped his shoulder bursting in laughter.


"Oh! So you already established contact with your soul sea. For someone to be in our world for such a short time and to be able to find it??? that is quite remarkable! Geo also found it in a manner of hours after he listened to the ladies' instructions. Which is why he started cultivating his container for the maximum amount of energy, also known as the soul sea. Metaphorically speaking because the energy will become so fast it will form something as large as an ocean.

We have a technique we liked the others to learn to aid them in their future adventures,

as for you since you technically didn't win the tournament. We would like to make an exception also teaching you the same technique."

"But??? why? Why am I allowed to learn something that I basically have no right to?"

Ragnee looked at me, holding my hand firmly.

"That's because thanks to your help during the tournament, most people came out of it alive.

But I suppose I should also tell you about the other reason???"

I looked at Ragnee, questioning, and wondering what she was going on about.

"You see??? The tournament is one of the mediums to weed out imminent tread towards the capital. Here in Sharoo, all people who want to obtain the right to take on quests or earn money fighting off monsters first have to prove their worth. By pinning others against each other their true nature surfaces from deep down, revealing future intentions.

As to why we decided to take you in as well, that's because???"

Ragnee looked away, as if worried. Worried about what was to come.

I tightened my grip on her hands, now holding them both enclosed into mine.

"It's because of what came out and took control over you during the tournament.

Helena sees it as something dangerous which should be contained or controlled,

not by others??? But by yourself. You see, the intentions of the one called Gideon weren't clear to the board. It only became clear after talking to the other participants,

which is why Amaris needed to file in a report, not only from your point of view but also from the others."

"Then??? the reason I am here right now???"

Ragnee smiled continuing her explanation.

"that's right, you are here to learn how to cultivate your body. One of our ancient masters once said. "One gets to know one's true self when one dives deep within themselves confronting their inner demons." We of the rogues ??ssociation live by this code, hence why we mastered the way of the shadows.

I hope this explained a bit why you too are allowed in right now."

I nodded, keeping my attention focused on Ragnee.

"We will start with the principles you've gone through during the evaluation of the three guilds.

Including ours, this must mean you already understand the basic principles of cultivation.

I want you to close your eyes and slowly start breathing."

Doing as Ragnee told me I became relaxed, opening up my guard to allow energy to pour out.

In doing so I completely cleared my mind allowing Ragnee to guide me through the process.

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