Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 48 - 19.5: The Principle of Shadows

Arriving at the training grounds I prepared myself to receive training in what the others called;The Principle of Shadows.

I was told to meet up with Geo and the others but could not find anyone, as I was unable to find them I decided it was best to focus on my cultivation for the time being.

Meanwhile, Geo and June went to a private room as Alexandra had ordered her to entertain Geo until they were readily stabilizing the seal.

June was eager as she pulled Geo along as rapidly as she could. Finally,alone she couldn't let this chance slip by. As she had found the true winner of the tournament. Geo didn't know what to expect when June quickly closed the door behind them.

"Finally, alone... no one who can disturb us now."

June flicked the lock of the door making sure escape was futile. Not wanting to raise suspension she quickly moved towards Geo who was unaware of her intentions at the time.

Pushing him against the wall Geo didn't know what came over this woman, but decided she must have lost it in front of his manly charms.

"Right... so... what is it exactly that you were planning to do?"

Geo asked getting close to grasping what June wanted. Only to see a smiling s??xy woman blocking the only way out.

"Oh dear... if only you knew, haha. We are gonna have so much fun together."

Realizing there was no way out Geo decided it was best to own the moment like a man.June was hanging over Geo ready to strike at her prey. But was he?

Geo quickly grabbed her nice firm bu???? tightly making June flinch.

"Hiiiii! That's not what I was thinking about you perv, Although I might be in the mood for just that later on."

June grabbed one of Geo's hands who held her bu???? cheek firmly and tightened her grip.Showing Geo, she was in the mood for such things later. I was sent here with more pressing matters I'm afraid.

"Which are?" "I was brought here by the high council of Mineral to find and recruit the strongest survivors of the tournament, allowing them to quickly rise in ranks and giving them a bright future to look forward too. You see, although not much has been revealed to the participants there are certain reasons for the tournament to be held.

While weeding out the weak they emphasize and nurturing the strong in this tournament it is also known as a cornerstone to finding suitable drift candidates."

While understanding half of what June was telling Geo got confused by the other half.

"Drift candidates, what are those?"

"Well, to explain let me take it from the beginning.

Drifters are adventurers who not only explore dungeons but are skilled enough to go on an expedition to other words, as they will travel through rifts and portals "drifting" towards the other side, hence the name "drifter"."

Starting to make sense of it all Geo scratched his head.

"So... seeing as how far you are willing to go, you wish to "recruit" me, right?"

June smiled.

"I'm glad you are so quick on the uptake.

Yes, I wish to invite you to come and adventure for our guild in Mineral. I represent one of the many guilds in the capital. Please, let me introduce myself once more.

My name is June Serpentine. One of the members of the Serpentine Guild. In a few weeks, there will be an expedition towards uncharted ruins in the heart of the forests around Sharoo. This will be a good test to see what you are made of Geo Birchwood.

I too will participate in this expedition, keeping an eye out for more potential candidates. Since I know what your elemental affinity is called it might be interesting to teach you the appropriate cultivation technique that's ??ssociated with it."

"Tell me, tell me!! Does it involve wide flashy movement or maybe even grappling moves?"

June slapped his face as Geo's ignorance annoyed her a bit.

"No you fool... don't you remember, we just checked out your elemental affinity, which showed you what element(s) is most suited for you. In your case, it was Spiritual Forest affinity.Which shows why you resonated not only with earth elemental magic but also with nature magic,made later on even life magic!

The technique I would like to teach you is befitting to your name as it is the Sacred Birchwood Technique. Mastering this cultivation technique allows you to draw in essence from nature itself exponentially increasing your cultivation speed."

June quickly thought Geo the correct words to the technique. To do this she needed to be close. Withering the pronunciations into his ears.

"Listen carefully now as I will only tell you this once."

Geo nodded allowing June to sit down on his ????p, facing towards him with her face. Unable to resist Geo grabbed her firm and round bu???? tightly.

June noticed Geo was looking at her goods and got a bit annoyed even if she secretly liked it.She put her thumb and index finger around his chin pulling him towards her mouth to him from his delusions.

"Hmmm... I hope you'll pay attention now, boy.We will have time to do all this after the preparations have been made, hope you'll be able to hold till then... This is important for your and my future alike. Not to mention the future of this world as we know it."

"Oh lord The Creator, give me the ability to sense the essence in the world, the essence of life which flows to all of us... allow me the follower of life to understand the principle of it. Allow me... to become one with the understanding, one with nature and one with cultivation. Yggdrasil, bestow upon me your power as you let me become one with you."

Reciting together with June, Geo memorized the incantation, seeing that soon after his cultivation began growing stronger in minutes.

"Reciting the first pronounce of the technique will allow you to get a closer understanding of the forest guardian technique. Perfect for your body to get accustomed to the flow of essence around you."

Geo thanked June as he quickly began his cultivation. June saw Geo was really into it and decided to leave him be for the time being. Allowing Geo to focus on his cultivation.

Later that day I joined the others, as Geo was ordered to explain the basics of the principle to me.Immediately after my arrival June and Geo looked alarmed by my appearance.

"Hey man, you're back? What happened in there? I mean... half of your body looks very,very different..."

I awkwardly tried to laugh it off as I was too embarrassed to tell what had happened.But then Alexandra took over and explained to both of them what had transpired inside the room.

It was more challenging than we anticipated, what you see is the result of it almost going seriously wrong, thankfully we succeeded in the end. Which allowed the demonic essence to be fused with Michaels's soul sea.

"It seems you have already begun your cultivation and training of the Principle Geo?May I ask what Technique June thought you, taking your Spiritual Forest affinity into account?"June looked proud as a sparkle left her eyes.

"I thought him the 1st phrase of the Forest Guardian Technique. Surprisingly it has been a great fit for him. That sounds great June, then I take it that Geo has a fair understanding of how the principle of shadows works?"

Geo got all the attention for a change, thinking about this it was important. Because Alexandra wanted to allow him to teach me the basic understanding of the shadow principle.

"Boys, we have to leave shortly, but before I do.Let me ??ssign Ragnee to the both of you, allowing her to keep watch over your training.

But before we go we have to make sure Michael has a good enough understanding of cultivation...Well... looking back, I think he has, so I'll leave the two of them in your hands Ragnee."

Alexandra and June left the scene as Ragnee took over. Motivating the boys to give it their all.

"Well then, Geo? If you would be so kind as to explain what June has thought you about the shadow principle?"

Bothered by her appearance, Geo struggled to answer.In the end, he decided it was better to comply as this was also a matter for his friend.

You are correct, June previously thought me what it is to apply the shadow principle to my own shadow? This, in turn, allows oneself to its presence in the darkness making it difficult for others to be detected.

Impressed by Geo's knowledge Ragnee continued.

"You are indeed correct, although there are almost infinite possibilities to apply this principle,that indeed are the very basics of the principle.

This is also why we made sure you first understood how to cultivate properly as this is essential for the growth and understanding of principle all around the world."

Ragnee turned towards Michael as she continued her brief explanation.

"Michael, I hope you understand the basics now as I will let you both work on the principle of shadows... I'll keep a close watch on the both of you, giving aid whenever this is needed. For now, I'll let you both to your cultivation."

Ragnee bowed down in a respectful matter as she quickly sat down in front of us allowing us to begin our training.

In turn, we both sat down and began cultivating. Taking into account what the others had thought me about the principle of shadows and knowing the basics of cultivation I instantly focused on my own shadow.

At first, my shadow had the same form as me, when it gradually changed shape it began taking a circular shape. In time this shape got wider as it began covering my body, slowly allowing myself to blend with my surroundings. When it began passing my lower body I lost focus making the shadow revert to normal.

Geo tried the same but couldn't make the shadow cover its body...Not because of his lack of focus but because he was unable to sit still.

Again I tried to cover myself but was unable, When suddenly an idea dawned on me.

What if I could manipulate the light source in the surrounding allowing the shadows to grow larger and stronger?

Thinking about this I tried focusing on the flame closest to myself. Inserting essence it grew larger covering the area in brighter light.

"The stronger the light, the bigger the shadows."

I said to myself knowing it would listen and continue our training.

Quickly seeing results with the improvised plan I didn't hesitate to increase the essence inside my shadows, now covering up to my shoulders it was clear the plan was bearing its fruits.

After some time passed we both succeeded in completely shrouding ourselves in our shadows allowing us to blend with other shadows in the area.

Trying to do this we both noticed it took massive amounts of energy.

"Man... it's more difficult than it looks..."

"What did you guys expect? That this would be a walk in the park? No, you can expect that it would take some time and effort this time around.

But... since we don't have that much time left before the expedition, we have to give you a quick way to learn and maintain the basics of this principle, that way you'll be able to utilize its many uses whenever it is needed.

If you gentlemen would be so kind as to follow me to the next training sight, there everything will be explained."

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