Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 65 - 30 - The Inhabitants of Another World

Not wanting to be discovered as we did not know how the unfamiliar residents would react we began observing the wall, hoping to find a point in a rather weakened state. 

Even if Haruka had done most of the scouting in the wide radius around us, she had not examined the fortified wooden walls yet. As we didn't know what was the best way to approach the inhabitants of this world we had to find a way without much disturbances.

As we hid our pressence we quickly split up allowing us to cover more ground as we searched for a way in.

As we covered ground examining the walls whenever the coast was clear, it became apparent that the only ways in where heavily fortified...

Quickly I came to the conclusion we had to confront the inhabitants. After a while Haruka had finished her round giving me the same answer as I had concluded myself. Now together I began discussing the options we had.

"Examining the walls has led me to believe this world might be in a state if war... if we want to win their trust we have to show them we don't mean any harm..." 

Haruka turned her head to the left and then to the right, curious about what I had noticed.

To her it seemed like I had come to a conclusion.

"Master, do you have a plan to approach the situation we are in?"

I looked up and faced Haruka with a sigh as it was of most importance that we had a place to spent the night.

"I'm not sure, but, it seems like its the only way to do this, we have to go in through the front entrance, as the guards will close in on us,

it will be of utmost importance that we don't resist them."

Eve popped out joining the conversation.

"My analysis tells me it is the most peaceful and humane way to get inside, but I don't know what the results might bring..."

"Halt! Who goes there? State your purpose stranger..."

The city guards had similar attire to the hooded woman I had encountered as most of their face was covered with a black hood and attire in the same shading colors. The only difference was that their ears were totally revealed as well as the patches of grey shading that kept on returning throughout their attire.

I non-chalantly walked up to the guards that covered the front gates and tried to reason with them.

"We are travelers who seek shelter from the dangers at night honorable sir. My companion and me hoped there would be a possibility to spend the night here and maybe even fill up on our supplies."

The guards never seeing people like us before,

went off on our attire and didn't know how to react.

As they kept up their guards. As we walked closer they became suspicious as they could feel strong essence emanating from our bodies.

But as we didn't resist they decided to take us inside.

As we walked through the gate I took it upon myself to ask about their culture, way of life and whomever would be in charge of the village.

not just because of us, but also because of the fact that danger could be lurking around every corner.

As the guards took us inside two others took their place, making sure no unwanted guest could get inside.

"The village is heavily fortified isn't it?

Could it be that the village is in a state of war?"

The guard left of us nodded and looked at his partner with questionable eyes. As the other nodded he got closer to me and wishpered into my ear.

"Not many here know this yet, but our village has been in a state of war against the leading races.

We already have been ambushed a few times,

and are trying to build up a force to strike back."

The way the guards told me about his suspicions made it clear war had broken out shortly before we arrived, or at least he gave the impression that it has not been long before the war had started in this dimension.

I quickly grabbed two gold coins hoping this would loosen the suspicions of the guards as I quickly grabbed my chance to ask for their leader.

The guards gladly accepted the coins and took me to a building close to the great oaken tree in the middle of their village. As we arrived there the guards introduced us to their commander.

With her back facing us we didn't regocnize whom this individual was, but when she turned around to sent away her messenger I regocnized her face in an instant.

"I've finally found you..."

The woman looked at me with confused eyes, when I finally realized that she hadn't seen me back when I had saved the baby who was taken by the Savage Angus.

The commander got closer and began speaking in sofisticated tongue.

"Found whom, me? I don't think we have met before... Have we not? Tell me... were is it that you think we might have met young one..."

I noticed she held her authority as she spoke to me in a respectfull but cold manner.

"You are correct, in a sense... we haven't met each other."

"And who might this flashy lady be? Could it be you're not from here? Guards!! Get rid of them, now!!"

The commander snapped her fingers and signalled the guards to corner us. I had to think of something quick if we wanted to get out of this unharmed.

"Stop... what gives you the right to accuse us and throw us out, right when we don't mean any harm...

As we come in peace, doesn't that mean we should both treat each other with respect? Why make enemies when you don't even know our intentions?"

The woman glared at Haruka,

scratched her head and sighed deeply.


She then proceeded to stop the guards as quickly as she send them our way.

"So... tell me, why it is you are here?"

"I want you to allow us shelter for the night,

as well as supplies for the coming days allowing us to survive in our own. While we are at it,

mind telling us why it is you are so hostile towards us?"

Again the commander sighed...


"Letting outsiders into our affairs...

how low have we ghouls fallen?"

She stared at us before turning towards her commanding table and signaling with her hand for us to come closer. As Haruka and I both walked towards her the guards quickly held back my companion.

It was clear she didn't trust us, yet...

"Only you are allowed by my sight, for now..."

As I joined the commanders side the guards closed the linnen, separating us from Haruka.

Worried she didn't know what to do, 

knowing how she was I quickly walked back and told her to wait for me and not to worry.

"It's okay Haruka, let me handle this, don't worry."

Haruka nodded and quietly sat down,

as she waited for my return.

As I returned to the commanders side I noticed a little boy at the outer right sight of the room. He peacefully lay in his bed as we began to discuss what we had to offer.

"I heard from one of the guaeds that they informed you about our situation, if this is true it will save me a lot of time."

I nodded and allowed the commander to continue.

"First... let me tell you that I still don't trust you, why that is... is because of what happened a few days ago. You see, a few days ago we got attacked by those we are at war with...

The "Daywalkers", as the war was split evenly in manpower it had become a great stalemate as we both lost manpower on both sided, but before we lose track of what happened... a few days ago we got attacked by their companions,

those coming from another dimension...

Known as "Drifters"."

The settlements we had acquired true blood, sweat and tears had been seized in moments... their strenght... unrivalled, to be honest...

we wete lucky to get back alive..."

I stopped the commander in her story and looked at her as I knew I had to tell her the truth "if" we wanted to come to trust each other.

"I have to be honest with you, although I don't know what happened and that we genuinely want to help your tribe, I have to tell you that we too are "Drifters"."

A flare of emotion shot through her eyes as she grew silent. Quickly she signalled the guards as they took the both of us to a place unkown to us...

As we arrived, it quickly became clear that she indeed did not trust us and had ordered her guards to lock us up... we sat there... unaware of what had happened, but could think up a few reasons why the commander reacted the way ahe did.

Knowing we couldn't do anything to win their trust for now, it became clear we had to sit out until they noticed we didn't mean them any harm...

The night grew longer as it slowly cooled down...

The moon shined through the opening of the room giving me enough light to see my surroundings.

Worried they could be ambushed once more the commander had trippled the manpower of her guards as there were now multiple guards cycling through their duties. As time grew longer, deeper in the night the young man awoke. Hungering for adventure the curious baby left its home, exploring a different sight during the night.

Unaware of the guards he slipped through every opening he couls find when suddenly he picked up an energy pattern that he had felt before.

Deciding he wanted to know what it was he made its way towards the energy. During which intruders silently slipped past the guards...

Unaware of their objective the little boy varried on without a worry in the world as they slowly crept closer towards him...

Now closing in on the stables where we got held hostage the boy slipped inside, being drawn in yo the energy he had felt before...

As I tried to relax against the hay, the intruderd crept ever closer. Unaware of the little boy now inside of the stall I was kept in I stood up wanting to stretch my legs. Quickly the intruders warped inside the stall, and taking out the guards as they jumped towards the little boy.

At that moment I noticed the little boy crawling behind me and tried to protect him. The intruders vame at me with daggers, blocking them in the process I quickly made them trip with my leg. 

During the same movement I jumped on the intruder and knocked him unconscious, they were clearly targeting the boy as two others appeared in front of me.

This time a window appeared in front of me ȧssigning a mission of survival.

[Survive the ambush and protect the tribe leader's son 


Kill ambushers 0/2

Protect the tribe leader's son 0/1


+1000 exp

+3 attribute points

Bonus rewards: unlock skill: swiftness

Notice: if unable to clear mission will result in fital sign failure.]

It became clear the system wanted me to stand my ground while at the same time making me stronger.

Deciding it was a chance to kill two birds with one stone as taking out the ambushers would proof our loyalty towards the tribe I decided to take them on.

Not to mentiom if I would fail this mission it would result in permanent death for me.

The ȧssailants rushed towards me and the boy as they came in a pincer movement. Preparing myself for impact I blocked their knives.

"Again... with the knives? Can't you be more original?"

The ȧssailants quickly reacted to my defense manouvre as they jumped back and came in with a kick. Almost in unison I knew I had to dodge...

But, doing so would allow them to get to the boy.

Deciding to keep him save I quickly grabbed the boy and curled around him taking their kicks at full force slamming me inthe wall. The impact could be heard and felt in the room next door where Haruka was held captive.

Alarmed she quickly came to my aid as she saw me laying wounded on the floor. Overcome by anger she dashed towards one of the ȧssailants only hit air as they vanished in front of her and appeared behind her.

As she tried to keep them away from me the ȧssailents pushed her through the wall alarmkng everyone in the surrounding area.

Soon after the alarm sounded throughout the village.

The ȧssailents knew they couldn't waste anymore time and came at me with killing intent.

Again they struck with their daggers, as I did everything I could to protect the boy I let one of them grace my arm. 

What the ȧssailants didn't know was that I had hid the boy behind the giant collective of hay... allowing me to focus on the fight and throw them off guard.

Quickly taking this chance I came in with a drop-kick as the idea shot through my head thanks to Geo.

Slamming both ȧssailants to the ground. Knowing th system I wasn't allowed to fail, meaning I had to kill them both. My arm guards reacted to my thoughts and emotions manifesting sharp blades made of shadows.

Just before the commander arrived I finished both off with a clean strike, which pierced their hearts.

Alarmed, because of worry and confusion the commander arrived.

"Garrett! Has anyone seen Garrett?!"

The commander looked at the stalls we were kept in and saw me finish of the ȧssailents in a swift strike.

Then the shadows from my armguards vanished allowing me to calm down...

Shortly after the boy walked towards me giggling as he was overcome by joy. The commander... didn't knew what she saw, but one thing was certain. I didn't mean any harm to the boy, even protecting him by taking out the ȧssailent in front of us.

Happily the boy babbled something we didn't understand raised his arms as if to say I had to carry him. In which I happily obliged and gently lifted him, allowing him to sit on the soft pelt that covered my neck and shoulders.

The boy pushed his fist foward and happily shouted: "Aaaayyyaaaa!!"

"We really don't mean you any harm commander...

In fact, let us help you, we can give our support in this war if need be."

The commander smiled, relieved by how the situation had turned out.

"Follow me, seeing what you accomplished and how you protected my little man, you gave my gratitude...

As I followed the commander she stopped and turned around. As she looked away and became shy. It became apparent that her suspicions were wrong to accuse us.

"Before we go to my lodge I think an apology is on point."

Haruka joined us with one of the ȧssailents in hand. Snapping annoyed at the commander.

"You think?! As if we ever meant you any harm... hmph!"

The commander looked surprised at Haruka as she got overcome by laughter.

"Hahaha, aren't you a feisty one, young miss?

I did deserve that didn't I? Well... join us as we are going to feast because you protected my little baby boy against those ȧssailents tonight! Not to mention miss, you even caught one alive for us to question! I really am eternally greatful!!"

We joined the commander in the feast for the protection of the heir to the tribe.

As we celebrated the night away soon dawn came looking around the corner and we set foot on our next journey to come...

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