Arganthes: The Capital Of Dungeons

Chapter 68 - 61: The Secret Mission

I quickly mustered up the strenght to stand unaware of the situation I was I... Unable to see in front of me trying to make sense of it all the window revealed what was about to happen.


The gods are willing to find a worthy sacrifice,

Since ancient times they would summon those seeking strenght & wisdom to prove their worth.

Will you be able to catch their eye or will you die trying? Try to survive as long as possible! The longer you do the bigger the reward.




A timer showed in front of me which registered the time that passed as the challenge had presented itself.

Suddenly fire began to dimly illuminate the room previously engulfed in darkness. Quickly it became apparent that there was no way out. Gates across the room began to open allowing a gust of wind to envelope the room with an eery and chilly breeze.

For a moment I hoped nothing would have to happen, but I knew better than to think that.

The first creature walked into the dimly lid room closing the gates surrounding the area.


Only one enemy? Was this a trap?

I had no informatie to go on... As far as I eas concerned I had just walked into a trap...

But little did I know...

That these events would forever change my life.


A minute had passed as the first creature cast a shadow revealing its shillouette in the flickering lights of the torches. Was it a grasshopper?

No... nothing even remotely similar to it...

Although it definitely had to be an insect...

Its body in ways looked identical to that of ants,

yet in a way... different...


Two minutes had passed as I observed the unknown creature that had walked through the gate.

Slowly it crawled ever closer to me,

when the glowing lights revealed its body structure. What I saw chilled me to the core.

It was an eight legged insect more similar to spiders than to ants. It had scythe-like arms, in front peared with sensory skin. But what struck me as odd...

Was the fact that the creature didn't seem to have a head.


Time steadily passed, when suddenly the creature lauched itself towards me. My body bȧrėly reacted in time, I tried to dodge the incoming attack as I tried slide from underneath the creature.

It showed signs of intelligence as it blocked off my path. Unable to stop myself I had to think of a way to use my momentum. In that instant I could only think of going faster. I held back my arms and did the only thing I knew how.

Using my trusty fireball spell.

In that moment I had to act fast, propelling my trajectory I tried to increase speed. The creature struck down with its scythe-like arms trying to catch me in the act...

I had to distract the beast,

Not sure how much my abilities would drain me in a crucial situation like this, there was only one thing left to do... move out of the way.

Doing so created a chance to escape, but eas that the best option? I was unable to leave the area, knowing this I could only confront what was in front of me.

Drawing my knives I tried to think of a plan as the beast launched at me with ferocious speed. This time I had to be prepared to strike back.

I found myself in a tight spot... What could I do to win? Was I even able to? Doubt began to creep in ever so slowly as the beasts attacks became more frequently. 

I had to pick up the pace, I had to create a chance no matter what! So far I hand not seen anything which looked remotely like a weak spot. So, the first order of business was to find one and exploit it.

Observing the creature it didn't look al that big,

I wondered why it kept attacking me from above?

Would it really have an advantage that way?

I waited for the opportunity so I kept observing,

and just when it jumped I unlocked the posibility to observe through the system.

A window popped up giving me the minimal information about the creature.


[You as "the player" has unlocked the skill to "observe" allowing the player to observe objects and creatures alike, revealing information about the target. Observe lv 0]

It looked like this was just what I needed,

thinking about how this might be utilised I thought to myself. Without realizing, activating the skill in the process.

"Skill <Observe lv 0> activated observing target".

[Name: Fletching Scout / LV: ???

Race: Terranoids

Rank: ???

Title: ???

HP: 1500

MP: 0

DEX: ???

VIT: ???

INT: ???

WIS: ???

LUK: ???


Creatures from a distant reality, crossing dimension they devour everything within their path leaving nothing but emptiness in their wake.

Using its connection to the hive, they won't act on their own, meaning where there is one, prepare for more to follow.

Not much is known about this race,

except for few who have lived to tell the tales.]

Trying to read the contents as well as trying to keep my distance prove to be rather difficult...

To be honest it didn't really tell me much...

Except for its connection with the hive? What were they? Were they really ants from a different dimension? 

I couldn't really believe it, still the system had given me a clue to fight back. Whatever it was, its weakness must lay with its connection to the greater consciousness.

I held back the beast, when it dawned on me why it kept approaching me the way it did, its mouth...

Its mouth was located at the bodem of its body!

Horror struck as I thought how insane it would be to get eaten alive by it, swearing to myself not wanting to end up as dinner for the creature I struggled to survive. 


It had only been one for quite some time now,

Where were the others? A hive would be a collection of more individuals, right?

Before more had the chance to arrive I needed to finish this one. I pushed the beast off of me, jumping back in response.

Before it had the chance to retaliate I struck with a fireball hoping it would hit. I thought to myself that it wouldn't be enough, but surely the beast had been wounded. It screeched in agonising pain. Almost to high to comprehend...

The sound shot through my head making me fall to the ground in pain. Moments later the piercing couns stopped as the beast got infuriated.

Its orders must have been to leave none alive because it stormed at me without a second thought. I... had found its weakness...

The beast launched at me once more from the air. I was lucky, since its attacking pattern hadn't really chanced during this time.

Prepared for the worst I tried to slide across the floor as the beast slammed into the ground. At impact It opened its gigantic mouth as it tried to devour me.

Not giving into fear, I repeatedly casted as much fireballs as possible shouting at the top of my lungs.




I knew that it worked as the creature began to screech loudly, the beast began to burn as its screams turned into gurgling. The flames scorched throughout its body, shooting through the opening of its mouth had proven to be the right choice!

Finally the beast collapsed on top of me, making it almost unable to move. Thankfully shortly after its body famished leaving behind a large crystalized rock. 

Glowing a dark purple, its shine felt rather out of place, eery even.


[You have proven your worth,

secret mission cleared!


Mystery Box

Status Recovery

Title: The One Who Survived:

+5 to stats

+10% MP Recovery]

I didn't really know what was happened althought being happy I had survived the challenge ahead, was it really over?


The timer continued indicating that it wasn't over yet.

After some time had passed all gates began to open simultaneously, portals began to open from behind the gates as creatures similar to the last walked out of them. 

Standing still they all just stopped and stared at me, when suddenly the floor began to light up.

A massive roar could be heard. I heard a voice from within... Nothing like I heard before...

This wasn't me... 

"Kill... avenge... bring... him... to... me..."

Shivers went down my spine as I realized that whatever controlled these insects had set its sights on me... All at once they started moving, rushing towards me. But before they could strike the warp activated... leaving me for dead within the ruins...

I collapsed onto the ground not knowing what might happen next...

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