"What?! The official uniform is ready?!"

Hannah's eyes suddenly lit up, staring back and forth at the undead man.

The undead man was a little embarrassed by Hannah's eyes.

Why did she suddenly become excited?

"Ahem, Mr. Wandering Soul."

Hannah coughed twice, and she spoke seriously.

"I think that in order to ensure that etiquette will not be lost when the time comes, it is necessary to give you, Mr. Wandering Soul, some guidance on aristocratic etiquette first."

Vina turned her head and looked at Hannah.

Wei Na understood it, so she nodded and said seriously.

"Ah...yes! I think so too! It's better to do this, Mr. Wandering Soul. Now you can change into your party clothes or suits, and we'll tell you how..."

"go out."

The undead man picked up a piece of firewood from the side and threw it into the bonfire in front of him. He issued an order to expel the two of them.

"we'll talk about it then."


Vina and Hannah's words suddenly got stuck in their throats.

Plan failed!

The blond silly dog ​​resting next to him raised his head and glanced at the three of them blankly.

What happened?

105. Spell Charm

No matter what, life must go on.

Two days after Vina returned to the lower city, she went to the upper city again to deal with the things she needed to do.

As for Hannah and the Immortal, they are still waiting for news about Weena in their own house.

During this period of time, the Immortal Man has not received any letters from Skyfire. If it weren't for the fact that he hadn't received a letter of dismissal, the immortal would have thought he had been fired.

But one thing is certain, that is, the next time Vina attends a banquet related to the Drak nobles, she will bring the undead with her.

Before that, the undead man had to get Skyfire's consent to allow him to go as an assistant.

Therefore, Skyfire's letters are particularly important now.

Need to find an opportunity to talk to Tianhuo about this matter.

After Wei Na left and waited for another two days, the undead man really couldn't wait any longer.

This morning, the immortal decided to go to Tianhuo to take a look, at least to confirm what Tianhuo was doing recently. Otherwise, his job as an assistant would not be worthy of the name.

After thinking about this, the undead man changed into his work clothes while Keob was still sleeping.

When Kyobe woke up, the undead man told her to take good care of the house, and then went to the sky fire.

Uptown is still as noisy as ever. It has to be said that Londinium has put a lot of effort into building the upper town.

The perfect combination of old-school Victorian style and new-school Colombian style, the buildings in Uptown always allow people to find the look of Victoria itself in the technological style.

Following the route in memory to Skyfire, the undead costume successfully blended into the whole of Victoria.

It's a pity that the mask on his face still attracted the attention of some passers-by.

Were it not for this mask, he would have been a Victorian gentleman.

Half an hour later, the undead man arrived at the door of Tianhuo's house.

It was clearly morning, but Tianhuo in the past was still sleeping at this time. But what is different from the past is that the lights are on in Tianhuo's home today.

The undead man came to the door and rang the doorbell.

Ding dong, ding dong.

The doorbell rang several times in succession, and after the immortal waited for a long time, there was still no response.

So, he rang the doorbell again, this time several times in a row to ensure that Tianhuo would be woken up by him even if he was sleeping.

This time it finally had some effect, and the undead man heard rhythmic footsteps coming from the house.


Tianhuo's voice came from the room, but the undead man could hear a rare hint of fatigue.

The door was opened, revealing the face of Skyfire.

Deep dark circles remained around Tianhuo's eyes, and his lips were slightly chapped, looking like he was overworked.

"Mr. Immortal?"

When Tianhuo saw that it was an immortal, she was half surprised and half confused.

"Why are you? Come see me today. Is there something wrong?"

"It's been a long time since you contacted me."

The undead man tried to look into the room, but saw nothing.

"I thought I was fired."

After hearing the undead man's words, Tianhuo opened the iron door of his house apologetically and let the undead man come in and sit down.

"I'm sorry, I've been so absorbed in research these days that I've really forgotten the things around me."

As he spoke, Sky Fire led the undead man into the room to sit down.

All the lights were on in Tianhuo's room, and she was sitting next to the sofa, seemingly sorting out information and recording what she needed.

"Before, you told me that I need to understand the emotions represented by flames. I vaguely remember seeing such a description in some book. Later, when I recorded it before doing the experiment, I also recalled some of the key points. .”

Tianhuo said as he sat on the sofa and picked up the information that he had not finished reading just now.

"Flame brings light and the beginning of life. Light itself is a characteristic endowed by civilization. This is what this book talks about, but I still don't understand something."

As Tianhuo spoke, he used the pen in his hand to record the things he found and the ideas he came up with in his notebook.

The appearance of Tianhuo looked very much like those scholars who studied magic that the undead had seen before.

The undead man came and sat down next to the sofa. He looked around and saw that the entire area around the sofa was filled with books.

It can be seen that Tianhuo has indeed been staying at home to study these things these days.

Such a gesture of diligently studying magic is indeed worthy of Tianhuo's long-standing title of genius.

But over-research will definitely have a certain impact on the body. Especially since Tianhuo's physical abnormalities have become obvious to this extent.

"It's time for you to rest."

The undead man whispered that he did not agree with Tianhuo's research method.

Although Tianhuo's passion for flames exceeded the expectations of the undead. But this kind of research method ultimately affects your own body.

Judging from her appearance, she must have not rested for a long time, and the dark circles almost spread to her entire eye sockets.

"I never stop checking the information in the middle. My thoughts will be interrupted, and the next time I check it again, I may not be able to remember what I am thinking about now."

Tianhuo shook his head and continued his research.

After she was suddenly awakened by the undead man's words, she immediately carried out the investigation so far.

Although she did find something, she thought it was still not enough, at least not enough to support her next assumptions about her spells.

Immortal Jian Tianhuo still maintains such enthusiasm and did not want to interfere with her work. But Tianhuo's current state is indeed a bit too much.

Then, the undead man raised his right hand.

"Skyfire, miss. Look here."

When Tianhuo heard the undead man's words, she subconsciously raised her head and looked at the undead man.

And just when she raised her head, she saw the small flame burning slightly in the undead man's right hand.

"?" At this moment, her tense nerves suddenly paused, and then slowly relaxed.

The fire in the undead man's hand gradually spread, turning from the original golden flame into a ball of pink light, which was reflected in Tianhuo's eyes.

Taking advantage of Tianhuo's absent-minded moment, the undead man stretched out his hand and pointed the pink ball of light at Tianhuo, and the ball of light gradually turned into a thin line in the air and penetrated from Tianhuo's forehead.

"Now, it's time to rest."

The immortal's words were like the highest order. Tianhuo froze on the spot and nodded slightly. Then she put down the book in her hand, leaned back, and fell on the sofa.

His soft body leaned weakly on the sofa, receiving some support.

Feeling this soft touch, Tianhuo could no longer resist her instinctive demands, and she slowly closed her eyes.

Spell (charm)

Although this spell sounds a bit strange, the essence of this spell is to disrupt the target's thinking ability so that it can listen to your own words.

Perhaps it was because the first person to use the spell was a woman, and what she did made the spell cast a feminine light.

Tianhuo breathed evenly, sunk deeply into the cushions behind the soft sofa, and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

The Immortal sighed, and he covered her with Tianhuo's coat that was placed on the sofa next to her. He then put away the unread books for her, separated them with a pen, and placed them next to her.

Don't over-study flames, because the essence of research does not lie in how powerful they are, but in the uncontrollability of flames.

You must know that in the spell system, flame is life itself. All spells that rely on flame release are using flame to interpret the essence of life.

If Tianhuo continues to study according to the path he has guided, it is likely to have an impact on her mental state, and then affect her own level of life.

However, this also shows that Tianhuo's obsession with fire spells has exceeded that of many people.

At least, try to study the nature of fire without being exposed to spells. This kind of thing cannot be done without a certain understanding.

Now, Tianhuo's mental state is still unstable. There is no other better way than to rest, and if the undead want to communicate with the sky fire, they have to lean back and put it further back.

Seeing that Tianhuo needed time to rest, the undead man was too lazy to go out again.

It's still morning, it's only one day, and even if you don't die, you don't know where you can go.

Just stay here at Tianhuo, pick up the book she was reading, and start studying it yourself.

Undead people are also somewhat interested in what Tianhuo studies.

Undead people still have only a superficial understanding of Origin Stone skills.

So, he sat on the sofa next to Tianhuo, listening to Tianhuo's slow breathing while reading the classics.

The sun was sinking, the day had passed, and the immortal man turned the book in his hand to the last page.

What this book tells is the experience of many users of the Flame Origin Stone technique, including explanations by origin stone technique masters from various countries.

The undead even saw the experience of Heavenly Fire in it.

At such a young age, Tianhuo can be said to be young and promising if he is able to leave his own words in such a large publication.

When the undead man gently turned the book in his hand to the last page, Tianhuo next to him finally opened his eyes.


Tianhuo stretched and yawned widely.

When he woke up, Tianhuo was still a little confused. After stretching, I kept rubbing my eyes with my hands.

Her flaxen hair was spread out as she slept, and the ears on her head were drooped.

It can be seen that she has not had a good rest for a long time, and she actually slept for such a long time.

"Immortal, sir?"

Tianhuo saw the undead man next to her, and she murmured in a confused tone.

I still haven't realized what happened.

"wake up."

The undead man put the book in his hand on the table and poured her a glass of water.

Tianhuo was still a little confused, so she stared at the undead man, watching the undead man get the water, then walked over and handed it to herself.

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