But then again, who can say that this is the advice of the elders?

Perhaps, there are no teachers or disciples.

They are all people who are surviving in the dark ages. It's just getting together to seek false warmth.

Just like the flame in the campfire, if you don't know the meaning behind it, it will always be just a shadow.

Tianhuo looked at the undead man who suddenly stopped on the spot without speaking. She stretched out her hand and waved it in front of the undead man's eyes.

"What's wrong?"

The undead man came back to his senses, raised his head and looked at the sky fire in front of him.

After another long silence, the undead man nodded to her and said.


This thank you must be worth it.

Tianhuo's attitude towards the undead has gone beyond the scope of the original deal.

Like a little admirer of the undead, she kept deliberately throwing out some theories related to fire spells in the conversation, waiting for the undead to come out and answer them.

These theories are exactly the differences between spells and fire spells.

I have been searching for spells for a long time, and I have been studying fire spells.

As an expert in fire spells, Tianhuo naturally knows how far the undead can control flames.

And she deliberately raised these questions not to deduct some interest from the dead.

It was simply to introduce the undead into the conversation, and not to let him stand still next to him.

She knew the undead's temperament. No one wanted to talk to him, and the undead could stay alone all day without saying a word.

She deliberately asked questions that only she and the undead could answer, just to give the undead a chance to show off.

Now this round, the undead have obtained the contact information of many warlocks.

Not only that, after tonight, the fact that the War Knight is proficient in Origin Stone spells will also be spread, and the entire warlock circle may cast its eyes on the undead.

Skyfire not only gave him an invitation letter, but also gave him a ticket to the upper-class warlock circle.

Now, in addition to ordinary nobles, the mansions of scholars and sorcerers may also open their doors to him.

This is exactly what the undead lacks, and it is also something that Vina and the status of a battle knight cannot give him.

This is a right exclusive to members of the sorcerer's circle.

Only with the approval of the warlocks can you get in touch with these arrogant people and get what you want through them.

And among them, there are also staff members belonging to Drac and Unicorn.

Although it is just a brief acquaintance, if the undead want to get some information through them, it is also an excellent channel.

The favor the immortal owes is huge.

"It's nothing, it's just that I should do what I promised you."

Tianhuo shook her head, she never cared about these things.

"Don't forget what you promised me! You will teach me spells in two days!"

The undead man nodded to the beautiful Philin girl in front of him.

Perhaps, he should also have his own spell disciple.

I just don’t know how far Tianhuo can go?

The banquet was almost coming to an end, and the waves caused by the undead still did not affect the entire audience.

After all, this banquet involved many high-ranking officials. Even though the identity of the immortal attracted some attention, it still did not become the focus of the audience.

And he also kept a low profile after that, and got to know Tianhuo and the warlocks.

After the exchange ended, no one around him came over to take the initiative to talk to the undead.

This made the undead a little more relaxed.

You can find a place to sit down, rest, and wait for the banquet to end.

Tianhuo hasn't eaten today. He first helped the Immortal to withstand the attack of the enthusiastic entrepreneurs.

I took the undead man to walk around the warlocks again, and now that my stomach was empty, I naturally wanted to eat something.

Tianhuo went to get food, while the undead man just found a place to sit down and rest.

There seems to be something new happening over at Wei Na. Xisha and Jiao Feng are talking to entrepreneurs.

But before the undead man could rest for long, two figures came to the undead man's side.

"It's Mr. Immortal, right?"

The undead man raised his head and looked at the two figures in front of him.

The men only look like they are in their forties. But there is already a slight grayish-white beard on his chin, showing a tendency of premature aging.

Although the woman has some wrinkles on her face, she still has full charm. If she were ten years younger, she would definitely be a lady who would make many gentlemen stop in their tracks.

The two of them stood still in front of the undead man, slightly stooped, with a bit of panic and excitement in their behavior.

Their hatless heads were crowned with two furry ears.

There are tails hanging on the ground behind them, which look like two Philin tribesmen.

"It's me, you?"

The Immortal feels that these two people coming here are probably not entrepreneurs who want to discuss cooperation.

They looked the undead man up and down again, and the woman kept nodding her head, as if she recognized something.

The man stretched out his hand and spoke to the undead man.

"My name is Dio Wilson. This is my wife, Vivian."

The woman bowed her head slightly to the undead man, as if to pay tribute.

The immortal nodded.

"Very happy to meet all of you."

But he was also a little confused, because the attitude of the two people was a little strange.

I always feel like I know him.

"You guys know me?"

Because it was strange, the immortal asked directly. He had always been like this.

Ms. Vivian and Mr. Dior in front of them looked at each other.

The two of them took a step back, then bent down to the undead man, put their hands on their chests, and saluted seriously.

"?" The undead man was stunned for a moment. Who are the two people in front of him? !

When Dior raised his head, the prematurely aging middle-aged man spoke.

His tone was filled with excitement and excitement, as well as deep gratitude.

"It's been more than a year, and I finally found you!"

Dio took out a pocket watch from his chest.

He pressed the button on his pocket watch and the lid popped up, revealing a photo stuck inside.

"This is our daughter, Melanza, and your disciple."

Dio handed the pocket watch in his hand to the undead man and pointed at the purple-haired girl with a shy smile.

"If it hadn't been for a year ago, when the infected rioted, you fought through the array of infected people and helped us stay away from danger. I'm afraid that our family of three would have died that night."


The immortal man looked at the photo of a family of three on the cover of his pocket watch.

His eyes were on the girl, looking straight at her.

An inexplicable feeling of familiarity surged from the bottom of his heart, swirling in the heart of the undead man.

He knew that he had definitely met this girl and had a very deep relationship with her.

Now, the petite and cute Philin clan in the photo looked like an immortal, slightly curling the corners of his mouth, revealing a subtle smile.

The undead man was silent and he looked at it for a long time.

Is this his first disciple?

it's beautiful.

The immortal thought this, and he looked at it for a long time.

"Little Melanza was injured in that riot and contracted oriosis."

"But at least we are all still alive, and Melanza is also very strong. She endured the dangerous period of the operation."

"Later, through my connections, I sent her to Rhode Island. I heard that there is the most advanced technology for treating oriosis there. At least it can delay the onset of ore disease and reduce the chance."

When Dio talked about what happened at that time, he remembered his daughter's pale face at that time, and his lips also lost some color.

When anyone involved thinks back on that day, all they can remember are the houses burned down by the infected mob and the corpses around them.

There are also the crazy eyes and postures of those infected.

"She told us a lot about you. She said that you were very powerful and could fight many bad guys. She also said that you never took off your helmet. She said that although you were called the Ghost of Victoria, she felt You haven't done anything bad."

"Later she saw you fighting in Casimir on TV, and that's when she learned that you were in Casimir."

"She asked us to help find your traces. If there is any news about you, we must tell her."

"She also said that if we find you, we must say a word to you for her."

The immortal looked up from his pocket watch.

He looked at the student's father in front of him.

"What words?"

I don't know why, but the undead man is slightly expecting and worried at the moment.

Many emotions are intertwined, and this strange emotion has a common pronoun.


"She said that she can now swing the knife 300 times without slacking off for a day."

"She wants to cheer you up."

Hearing these words, the undead man's eyes were in a trance.

He seemed to see a thin figure holding a long knife, repeating the simple action of slashing next to the campfire.

Wearing a suit of rusty armor, he sat in front of the campfire without even looking to see if the girl was practicing seriously.

The scene came and went as quickly as it came.

The undead man blinked.

Is this familiar feeling a fragment of memory?

"In short, everything we have now and Xiaomei is still alive is all because of your help!"

Mr. Wilson lowered his somewhat gray head again and thanked the knight in front of him.

He was not giving thanks for his life.

But for his daughter, the most beautiful fruit of love between him and his wife.

"thank you very much!"

The immortal man did not help him. He stood there and looked down at the pocket watch in his hand.

The girl in the photo still had the same smile, but it made the undead man feel a little guilty.

The disciple has been looking for him for so long, but Bye is still hesitant to send a letter.

What kind of mood did that girl from the Philin clan have when she wielded the sword?

The immortal doesn't know, he can't understand.

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