Ah, except for those steam knights.

The Steam Knights are Victoria's hidden power, said to be controlled by Parliament and the Royal Party.

But now that the three pillars have not yet been unified, this power may always be in the hands of Parliament.

And the undead have never seen the power of the Steam Knight, so it's hard to say what the outcome will be.

However, apart from the Steam Knight, there is indeed no force that can stop the undead.

After all, in Casimir and Kjerag, the undead experienced burning and draining twice. In a short period of time, his memory and strength should not suffer any decline.

The undead who have returned to their current state already have the ability to use some high-level spells, and can also actively use the first fire hidden in their bodies to enter a short-term ember state.

Although, it is still incomparable with the strength of Casimir who could wield tens of thousands of thunder spears with just a wave of his hand, but after all, it was Solar's parting gift to him.

If you want that state to last forever, the undead must explore more of the past and find the heritage of the Age of Fire hidden in this world.

Thinking of Solar, the undead fell silent again.

He always felt that it was not the last time they met, and maybe there would be another chance to meet again in the future.

Wherever the immortal man wants to go, no one can stop him.

But the problem is that force is not omnipotent.

Yes, force can make people control themselves and achieve many results that can only be obtained through violence.

But with information, force alone will not work.

If the undead really puts the sword on someone's neck, let him tell him something related to the Age of Fire.

Maybe that person will look confused and ask him what the Age of Fire is.

Times have changed.

Terra today indeed contains the remains of many generations. But most people don’t know its meaning, so they certainly don’t know what it is.

What the undead man has to do is not as simple as crushing them with force. He has to deal with these people and find traces of the past from their words.

If the immortal had not accepted Yin Hui's request, he would not have been given the dragon head stone by Yin Hui, and he would naturally not know the secret of the ancient dragon hidden in Victoria.

It's all the same. The immortals who once stood at the top of the martial arts have deep feelings about this kind of thing.

Thinking about some things, the undead man didn't even notice someone coming behind him.

It's Vina.

"Mr. Wandering Soul."

Vina took the initiative to come over and sit down next to the undead man. With a natural expression, she handed the other glass of wine she was holding to the undead man.

"I found something."

Vina's words made the undead man raise his head and look at her.

Found something? what?

"An informant saw a group of guys coming out of the lower city area."

Vina whispered, tapping the table with the index finger of her right hand, with a faint smile on her face.

It was as if the two of them were just having a normal chat.

"He was not wearing a mask, but he came from the same place as the one we found."

Vina said while taking a sip of wine.

"Want to go and have a look?"


The immortal asked in a low voice, taking the wine glass from Vina's hand.

"Just tonight."

Wei Na's eyes were bright and she was fully prepared.

"If they want to take action, let's take action too, let's use their ideas to do it together!"


The immortal nodded.

"How to do it?"

Vina smiled and stretched out the wine glass in her right hand.

The immortal man also extended his wine glass and took the initiative to clink it with Vina.

"According to circumstances."

After drinking the wine, Vina stared at the undead man and said.

"I have arrangements."


Back to the present, the undead are still sitting in the vehicle and are about to enter the colony of infected people.

Next to him, Boots was still telling the undead man what had just happened.

"My assistant is from the parliament. Although I don't know who he is, he often comes in and out of the city hall."

"Why would a police aide go to City Hall so often and stay there for dozens of minutes?"

"And he often tries to guide my thoughts, and with some weird little details, anyone can tell that something is wrong with him."

Boots said while looking out the window at the night scene.

Boots wasn't nervous when he was close to a colony of infected people.

He is also an infected person, but the files are well prepared and no one has discovered it yet.

"This afternoon he took the initiative to change the duty time with another policeman. I felt there was something wrong at the time. Today is the day of the banquet, so I also changed the duty time with the senior policeman on duty tonight."

Boots smiled.

"If my colleague were to deal with you, maybe you would be locked up for two or three days before making arrangements. Fortunately, it was me who arrested you today. I felt something was wrong when I received the police request. , so I communicated with the second sister in advance. She clearly told me that she wanted me to find a way to get you out."

"You mean, someone wants to control me?"

The immortal asked doubtfully.

"Why, today?"

"I don't know, but we're about to find out."

Boots shook his head and said.

"Morgan's side... ah, that's our second sister. The second sister has been trying to collect information in the settlement recently. The boss is active in the upper city, and he also got some information from the congressmen and nobles."

"I heard that a new policy will be promulgated the day after tomorrow, regarding areas where infected people live."

"Morgan also found some clues in the settlement. The number of infected people here has been inexplicably decreasing recently. But because of the infected people, no one will pay attention. So we left it alone."

Boots' eyes flashed.

"However, the final result surprised us. Most of the places where the traces of infected people last appeared were the same location as the base of the organization that assassinated the boss."

"Well...go on."

The immortal thought for a moment and let Boots continue to speak.

"We suspect that this may be related to the previous infected riots. Last time, countless infected people suddenly appeared, setting off riots in the entire lower city and part of the upper city."

"Are you saying that the infected and the riots are man-made?"

"Yes, this is our conclusion."

Having said this, Boots sat up and stopped looking back.

The undead also saw a light on the windshield in front of the vehicle.

It seems that we have reached the pass.

Sure enough, half a minute later, the vehicle stopped at the pass and someone knocked on the passenger window.

Boots rolled down the window and showed the ID in his hand.

"I am a senior police officer from the Londinium Police Department. I am escorting infected prisoners. Please allow me to pass!"

Boots had a serious expression, looking like a good, business-like policeman.

The security personnel at the checkpoint outside glanced behind and saw the undead man with handcuffs in his hands, and then glanced at Boots' police badge.

After recording Boots's alarm signal, he waved his hand and let Boots and his three vehicles enter the colony of infected people.

After the vehicle drove forward for some distance, Boots spoke again.

"We're almost there."

Boots glanced at the two cars behind him through the rearview mirror, then took a connected phone from the side, adjusted the call channel, and then spoke.

"Sister, what should we do next?"

"Ah, okay, got it."

After hanging up the phone, Boots' body tensed slightly.

The Immortal saw Boots' embarrassment and spoke.

"Are you nervous?"

"Well...a little bit."

Boots smiled, the smile on his face stiff.

"How should I put it? Although I am also an infected person, I have never been to an infected colony."

He looked towards the car and saw the dim lights. There were garbage bags still on the ground everywhere on the road outside here, which was different from the clean and tidy Londinium.

"I don't know what kind of place this is. But so far, no one has come out of the infected colony. Well... except for spies from various forces."

Boots took another deep breath and said.

"Although this area did exist because of the riots of the infected, in the past, this was also part of the Lower City. It was the main living area for the infected."

"They are sensitive and emotional, and they may get into a fight without even saying a few words. But they are also timid and full of fear of everything."

Boots shook his head.

"Although I am an infected person, I have been hanging out with my eldest sister and the others for a long time, and I became an infected person during this period. My eldest sister and my second sister are very good to me, and the boss doesn't care about our identities. He often drinks and chats with us. .”

"I don't think infected people should be locked up here. But there's nothing I can do. I can't even guarantee that infected people won't riot again."

"Sometimes I really feel that infected people are no different from ordinary civilians. Don't they all want to live a good life? But why does this happen?"

"If one day, I choose to riot because my life rights are threatened. Am I wrong or right?"

The undead fell silent.

He couldn't answer Boots' question.

In fact, at this point, Casimir has already set a great example.

After the undead left, Casimir announced that infected people would be allowed to participate in the special tournament, which meant that infected people could also participate in national events openly.

This brought more labor to Casimir to a certain extent and also injected fresh blood into the knight competition.

It has even alleviated the conflicts between some infected people and civilians.

But Victoria...

Although this country looks elegant and noble. But in the city of Londinium, the undead only feel that their lives are depressing.

Not even as open as Casimir’s policies.

why? Just because the royal party has not yet taken control of the palace, can't the parliament come up with effective measures?

The undead don’t think so.

If it is true, as Boots said, that someone is deliberately leading the infected to riot behind the scenes, then perhaps the answer can only be obtained by facing the mastermind directly.

Before that, the undead could only see and feel with their own eyes.

And tonight is an opportunity.

Find out more information about the Royal Party, and the Immortal will know more.

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