The steam knight in front of him was a man whose fighting skills surpassed that of the Blood Thorn. With the blessing of steam armor, he has a stronger physical quality.

The various pieces of armor protruding from the armor fired miniature crossbow arrows and exploded explosive sparks to destroy the defensive postures set up by the undead.

All kinds of endless means have beaten the undead's defense to the point of collapse!

Under the extremely fast attack frequency of the opponent, the undead man had just the right amount of time to block every time.

After blocking with the giant sword, the undead man could always seize the opportunity that flashed by and hit the steam knight's armor with his fists or legs and feet.

Steam rises and sparks fly.

Although the defense of the undead seems shaky, it is always able to hold on at the last moment.

The Steam Knight's series of attacks failed to achieve even half of the effective damage.

The Steam Knight knew that the undead's giant sword was not suitable for close combat, and his long sword and fist armor needed to be close to the undead.

But the undead have a mountain of defense. Even if you use all your methods, you can only get half a step forward of the undead at most, and you can't get any further!

For a moment, it was as if no one could do anything to anyone, and they were stuck here.

But only two of them knew it.

If the undead were to seize the opportunity, even just once, the Steam Knight would definitely fall into the most unfavorable situation!

And when the Steam Knight made his next attack, the undead man's giant sword was held horizontally in front of him, blocking another stabbing attack.

The steam knight was about to strike forward with his left hand, breaking through the undead's blockade, grabbing the undead's stiffness, and taking advantage of him.

But he saw that the undead man's left hand, which was pressed on the hilt of the sword, seemed to be lit up with a fiery red light.


The Steam Knight was shocked. He seemed to have forgotten a key piece of information in the battle just now!

The battle knight in front of him is also a magic master, and he has never used any combat power related to magic since the beginning of the battle!

And it was this mistake that put Steam Knight into a passive situation.

The undead man's left hand suddenly rubbed against the blade of the sword.

The smooth gauntlet scratched a huge amount of sparks on the pitted giant sword. At the same time, the magical fire in his left hand was quietly released.

The sparks seemed to have life. Under the guidance of the magical fire, they turned into billowing fireworks and entangled the giant sword.

And at this moment, the entire giant sword seemed to have come to life, and with the rising flames, it suddenly pushed outward!

Flames burst out, sword blades intertwined with each other, and the giant sword, wrapped in huge power and fireworks, suddenly hit the long sword that the Steam Knight had retracted from his chest!


The Steam Knight flew backwards, and while he was in the air, a huge amount of steam exploded from the vents on his chest and back.

The white mist rose, and the steam knight adjusted his posture in the white mist. When he landed, he had landed on all fours and regained his balance.

The undead grasped the giant sword with both hands and put it on his shoulders.

The crimson flames ignited on the giant sword seemed to hide countless wails and misfortunes.

This is not an increase caused by simple flame burning, but a beacon ignited in the war.

It is this flame that accompanies the immortal legions in their battles.

And Overlord Warnir defeated all the countries and absorbed the crown of kingship among the kings.

From then on, there was only one crown left!

Spell (Casas's Bending Fire)


The steam knight couldn't help but cough. Even the steam armor couldn't completely resist the burning and impact caused by the high temperature and huge force.

The engine, which was already running over capacity, now felt as if it had been soaked in magma, extremely hot.

He knew very well that if the battle was not resolved as soon as possible, he would be the first to be unable to survive!


The steam knight named Feiyan is worthy of the name Feiyan, and his fighting style is light and fast.

But just because the undead caught a flaw and counterattacked, he was at such a disadvantage.

But Steam Riders are not vegetarians.

Even the immortal has to admit it. If you don't use other powers, just talk about strength, speed and skills.

If you use a giant sword to fight against the enemy, you won't win easily.

The Steam Knight is indeed Victoria's hidden military power. One person alone has the ability to surpass the Blood Thorn. What if there were dozens or even hundreds of people in an entire knightly order?

And Feiyan is just a high-class knight. Maybe there are other positions above the high-class knight?

This is the heritage of the country and why Victoria remains standing.

"Then I'm here to attack."

Before Feiyan could fully recover, the undead man rushed forward.

He grasped the hilt of the giant sword with both hands and used all his power for the first time to confront the Steam Knight!

The sword wind pressed down, and the heavy blade of the giant sword looked like a big mountain above the steam knight's head!

Feiyan gritted his teeth, and the heavy power made him breathless.

The steam hole on the chest pushes out a huge amount of steam, which also buys Feiyan a little time.

Jumping back, the sword blade hit the ground right in front of his eyes.

Boom! !

It was as if the earth was shaking, and the impact was like a wave, pushing Feiyan back a step. The escaping flames spread like a bomb exploding on the ground!

Where is this a slash? It was clearly a blow from a giant hammer! Such power and impact! How did this guy get trained? !

Feiyan was horrified, but the attack in front of her was not an opportunity!

At this moment, one-third of the giant sword is sunk deep into the ground, and the biggest weakness of this powerful attack is the accumulation of power!

The undead man's remaining power has not been exhausted, and the new power he wants to attack has not been released. This is the best time to attack!

The long sword in Feiyan's right hand regrouped in an instant!

The tip of the sword, illuminated by the flames, was like a cold glow in the sea of ​​fire!

Feiyan no longer hesitated, he took a step forward and thrust the long sword in his hand towards the undead man's curved body!

At this time, the undead man's upper body was bent, his hands still holding the hilt of the giant sword on the ground, and his head was exposed in front of Fei Yan!

This is a life and death duel, there is no holding back.

If Feiyan doesn't seize this opportunity! The one who died was himself!

At this moment, the tip of the sword was less than half a meter away from the undead man's head.

In the hands of a warrior like Steam Knight, this half meter is only one...



The pupils of the Steam Knight hidden under the visor suddenly shrank, and the undead man actually advanced instead of retreating, and took the initiative to get close to the Steam Knight!

And the hilt of the sword held by both hands was pulled directly on the body!

At this point, the Steam Knight's long sword grazed the back of the undead man's head and back and stabbed out, missing the last chance!

The undead lowered his body and took a step forward, holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, pulling the hilt of the giant sword behind him, and using his shoulders to resist the heavy blade at the front!

The entire blade is retracted like a rotating propeller, spinning in a circle with the undead's back as the center.

When the sword was pulled back, it hit the side of the steam knight, taking away his last balance.

Amidst the imbalance, the only thing left in the Steam Knight's eyes was the blade of the giant sword spinning sideways behind the undead man.

The undead man's right hand pulled back the hilt of the sword, and in the process of leaning down and pressing down, he actually staggered his steps on the spot and turned his entire body in one direction!

At this moment, the undead man pressed down, while his left and right hands grasped the hilt of the sword on his left shoulder.

One step forward is like a heavy hammer blow.

The one leg wrapped in steel armor sank deep into the soil, and the huge force actually made the undead sink in!

And his upper body also regained the strength of support during this step.

He straightened his upper body slightly, and the power from his core and abdomen made the undead man's upper body straight, and his left and right arms acted as axes, exerting the greatest strength!

The flames were torn apart by the sword blade, and even the air screamed!

He grasped the hilt of the sword with both hands, pulled it down from his left shoulder, and slashed forward in the largest arc, as if drawing a full moon!


Just for a moment, the flames of war gradually died down.

The hilt of the giant sword returned to the right shoulder, and there were still dark red traces of high temperature on the blade.

And the steam knight named Feiyan was even still confused.

He only felt boundless pain, exploding in his waist, enveloping everything in an instant and swallowing up his consciousness.

In front of the undead, two body parts were floating in the air, like broken paper, which could only float helplessly in the air.

Blood spurted out, mixed with the broken source stone liquid, and scattered in the air, reflecting light in the tearing flames.

Time seemed to be slowed down at this moment, and the broken flames looked like a waning moon.

Under the reflection of the flames, you can even see the twisted steel intertwined with the armor being torn apart by huge force.

The next moment, the steel fell. The blood also left its own cry on the ground.

The flames dissipated, and the dim moonlight fell, as if to replace the flames and ignite the blood.

The huge amount of pain caused the Steam Knight to scream subconsciously, lamenting the loss of his lower body.

One blow, cut in half!

The undead man held the heavy sword steady with his right hand and hung it on his right shoulder. He bent his knees slightly, lowered his center of gravity, and exhaled a breath.


116. Uneasy shaking

There were only screams and shouts from the steam knight in his ears. The undead breathed a long sigh of relief and put the giant sword back behind his back.

Under the barrier of the flames, the giant sword's blade was not stained with any blood at all, and it was still clean until now.

But the Steam Knight is miserable.

The full swing of the giant sword was regarded as a move with extremely terrifying attack power in the memory of the undead.

This combat skill named Spin Slash can only be so powerful when used by a giant sword.

There's no way, it's just too big.

With such a big sword and such a broad blade, when the undead man used the giant sword to swing and slash, he always felt that he was not cutting people, but hitting them with this thing.

But who said you can't kill someone without a sword edge?

The advantage of the greatsword itself lies in its powerful and light swing method, and the variability brought by the broad blade in combat.

It can be used as a shield, or it can deliver a critical blow at critical moments.

Not to mention that the undead man has already reached the state of weapon use, and anything is possible in his hands.

The steam knight subconsciously judged the undead according to the attack methods of the normal heavy armor knight and heavy sword knight, so he misjudged the final blow in the game.

It was this miscalculation of the attack that completely cut off the Steam Knight's retreat and cut him in half with one strike.

But then again, the undead man was still very satisfied with the combat effectiveness of the steam knight in front of him.

It is quite difficult to fight to such an extent without freeing the embers and using other offensive and auxiliary spells.

Even the immortal can see that the Steam Knight's biggest weakness is that he cannot delay.

The reactor in the middle of their armor is the greatest guarantee for their actions.

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