"I told you before that if you want to build something here, don't put your hopes too high."

The middle-aged blacksmith waited until the undead man came in, first brought him a cup of hot tea, and then asked him to sit down.

"Although the craftsmanship inherited from our family is not bad, there is still a big gap compared to the modern good things made in Casimir City."

The blacksmith pointed to his side of the wall.

"They are basically handmade goods like this. I don't know how to do those high-end gadgets made with source stones."

The immortal nodded.

He knew it, but for him, it was these strong and simple cold weapons that were most in line with his habits.

"Such as this armor on your body."

The blacksmith knocked on the undead man's body and ripped off the thing from the square-headed knight.

"It's an item of modern craftsmanship. If it's better, there may even be an energy shield made of Source Stone. I can't make those things no matter what."

The undead man shook his head.

"I don't need those."

There were some pauses in speech, but basically there was no language barrier.

The blacksmith all regarded the immortal's language habits as a problem of the elderly.

In his eyes, the Immortal is really just an old man.

The undead man himself has some beards, and coupled with the wrinkles on his face, he looks like an old man in his seventies or eighties.

"Hey, the old man is quite confident!"

The blacksmith smiled. After communicating with the undead, he went to the inner room and took out two boxes.

The blacksmith placed the two boxes on the table and stretched out his hand to signal the undead to open them himself.

The undead man opened the box and saw a weapon and a simple shield.

The weapon is a standard one-handed sword style. The sword grid, that is, the hand guard is slightly bent forward to form an arc.

After the undead man described it to the blacksmith, the blacksmith quickly drew a sketch and showed it to the undead man.

As for the shield, it was a medium-sized shield built for the undead man according to his own requirements.

This medium-sized shield can give the user considerable defense while not affecting the user's load too much.

The surface is curved, making it a very good shield whether used for blocking or as an impact weapon.

"I really didn't expect that after so long, there are still people who are fond of this ancient style."

The blacksmith himself also sighed.

Today, when knight sports are very popular, he originally thought that only some old-school nobles would use these ancient gadgets as decorations.

But I didn't expect that someone would actually use them to fight.

However, if your skills are good enough, even ordinary swords and shields can shine far beyond the material and casting skills, right?


The undead man nodded slightly and stretched out his hand to hold the long sword. The weight and balance of the long sword were very good. It could be seen that the blacksmith's skills were not as bad as he thought modestly.

"Old man, as long as you are satisfied, hehe."

When the blacksmith heard the words of praise for himself, he felt a little proud unconsciously.

However, the blacksmith suddenly remembered something. He folded his hands on his chest and made a proposal to the undead man.

"Since they are your sword and shield, why not give them a name?"


The undead man looked at the blacksmith with some confusion.


"Why? Master, don't you go to the knight competition?"

The blacksmith spoke to the undead man with some emotion.

"Give the weapons and shields that accompany you a resounding name, and then take them to your own stage. After victory, people will not only remember your name, but also the name of the weapons you use."

He looked at the weapons and shields with scratches on his wall.

"There are also some weapons in my collection here, which were sold by the down-and-out knights who had to face reality. But the history left behind has never been changed, and it is all recorded in people's minds along with these names. .”

The undead man was slightly silent. The blacksmith's words reminded him of something.

Indeed, a long time ago, there were always some special weapons that would continue to grow with their owners, recording everything they experienced, leaving it to future generations to observe and guess.

The undead man lowered his head, looked at the two simple weapons in his hands, and nodded.

"You are right, they do, should have names that belong to them."

The undead mused.

The blacksmith also looked at the undead expectantly. He wanted to hear some nice names from the undead.

Then the undead reached out his hand.

He pointed to the long sword and said.

"Long sword."

He pointed to the shield again.

"Iron Shield"


The blacksmith still nodded expectantly, waiting for the undead to take his name.

The undead man also raised his head and looked at the blacksmith. The blacksmith still had a smile on his face and said nothing. The undead man thought he didn't hear clearly.

So he pointed to the sword and shield in the box and said.

"Long sword, iron shield."

"?" The smile on the blacksmith's face froze.

"Any questions?"

The undead man looked at the blacksmith's face in confusion.

He really didn't know how to take names, and he remembered that he seemed to have used a long sword and an iron shield, and they were not bad at all.

"Ah...it's okay, old man, just be happy."

The blacksmith shook his head and said nothing more. After all, it is the undead's own weapons and shields, so let him decide for himself.

With an angry expression, the blacksmith drove the undead man out of his blacksmith shop and asked him to come back in three days to get the complete set of armor.

The undead man stood at the door of the blacksmith shop. The blacksmith seemed a little angry for some reason.

But he doesn't care about that now.

Because the bonfire in the cabin I rented was almost out.

There is no particularly good wood in this village. The surrounding trees can only be said to be fresh, but they cannot be said to be easy to burn.

If you want the burning to last longer and the burning ground to look better, you need good wood.

The undead man was making calculations as he walked towards his house.

There should be good wood in Casimir.

Should I find a way to get into the city?

The undead man who ran away had no idea that his escape from Warehouse No. 1 had put the entire eastern city of Casimir under martial law.

The theory that the armor exploded was just a lie after all, and the people above quickly realized something was wrong.

They immediately started investigating the matter. After two or three days of investigation, the company responsible for Donggang keenly discovered something that might be related to it from the small files recorded in various places.

On the night of the explosion in Warehouse No. 1, two knights came out of the bar and shouted for a duel on the street.

But the Round-Headed Knight was never found again, only his armor was found in the alley.

The square-headed knight also left Casimir City that night.

Regardless of whether this was a coincidence or not, the staff of Donggang, under pressure from the company, sent people to investigate the traces of the square-headed knight.

Finally, three days later, they found the square-headed knight who suddenly left the city in a village.

At this time, he was buying firewood with the farmer at the door of a farmer's house.

22. Fake square head instead of square head

"So, the guy who was talking to the farmer over there for a long time about a piece of firewood is the same Fang Tou from before?"

Kos sat in the car and asked his companion sitting next to him.

"I remember doesn't Fang Tou hate these rural people who still live in the ancient world the most? Why did he stop here?"

The fat man next to him threw a toffee into his mouth and shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he knew nothing but armor.

"It's just like armor! Well...tsk...look, isn't it the armor we gave him?"

Kos rubbed his hands on the control panel for a while, thinking.

Although everyone in the company knew that square heads and round heads were not easy to deal with, both of them aimed at the same position on their heads to climb up.

But the round head disappeared and the square head also went outside the city. According to normal people's thinking, the square head should have killed the round head, and then wanted to avoid the limelight.

But after thinking about it, Kos always felt that something was a little strange. This square head didn't look like he was absconding in fear of crime.

If Fang Tou and Yuan Tou really had a fight, and Yuan Tou lost and was eliminated by Fang Tou, then why did Fang Tou come here?

First, it doesn’t fit Fang Tou’s personal character.

Secondly, if you really want to run away, why not run to other countries? Still staying so close to Casimir?

Just as Kos was thinking about it, the fat man next to him reached out and patted Kos.

"Fran, calm the fuck down while you eat, don't get so worked up."

"No, that Fangtou is gone!"

As soon as Kos raised his head, the square-headed knight picked up a load of firewood from the ground, took another firewood from the farmer's hand, and left the farmer's house on his own.

"Want to follow?"

The fat man known as Fran put away the toffee. He was ready to get out of the car and follow.

"When the time comes, find a secluded place and pull him in?"

As he spoke, Fran scratched his chin from the left to the right, originally trying to make a fierce expression. But the fat on his face was piled together, and he still had toffee in his mouth. That expression is a bit funny no matter how you look at it.

Moreover, Fran is a Liboli tribe, and the black feathers on his head look like two antennas. They tremble and tremble as he moves his hands, and they are funny and tight.

Coase shook his head. He did not intend to solve the matter in a traditional way.

"There's no rush, we just need to drive slowly to catch up. This Fangtou may not be the Fangtou we know anymore."

Kos started the Originium Car, turned a corner, and followed the undead man walking past.

He planned to see Fang Tou's reaction first, and then decide on his attitude towards negotiating with him next.

Is it to ask him to hand over liquidated damages, or to recruit another down-and-out knight for the organization who is not under Fangtou.

He hung far behind, then slowly accelerated, arriving behind the undead little by little.

The undead man heard the movement behind him and looked back.

Although Casimir's knight's helmet also has a full head protection like an iron barrel, the matching helmet worn during ceremonies and celebrations does not have a face protection.

Square Head and Round Head happened to be participating in a battle that day, and the helmets they carried were big iron buckets, with only a slit left.

Even the undead man's glance back made Kos see the undead man's eyes.

He could see clearly that this was completely different from the square head he knew, not only in his eyes, but also in his walking posture.

He will observe these. In order to ensure that he can still live a good life in Casimir without participating in the knight competition, this is an essential survival skill.

However, in order to confirm that it was not some strange Originium skill, he still drove over, keeping the speed of the car about the same as the walking speed of an undead man.

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