And Ling has already given the answer. This is the so-called body of the god itself. It is the habitat of demons made of the body of supreme power. It is also the most painful curse left by the deceased god to Dayan.

Even the undead felt inexplicable pressure after entering the Cave of Ten Thousand Demons.

Perhaps it is the wandering souls of the dead who have been here for thousands of years, or perhaps it is the gaze of the gods that no longer exist.

Half an hour ago, an army of two thousand people entered the Ten Thousand Demons Cave and started a never-ending battle with the long-awaited demons.

Not only the Jin Yiwei, but also the two thousand elite border warriors also clenched their weapons and, with roars, strode towards their finish line.

Everyone knows that this battle is an endless battle, and the battle between Dayan and the demon has been going on for a long time.

If there was a permanent solution, this could have been ended long ago. But unfortunately, such a method only appeared in dreams.

Historically, how many Great Yan generals and Great Yan soldiers have been looking forward to ending this never-ending war. But the facts tell them that this is a struggle and a pain that they must suffer while living.

Just like Li Qing now, there are two thousand southern expedition troops who followed the undead people.

When Li Qing lost his power, the Immortal naturally became the commander with the highest authority on the field.

So, he raised his sword.

The light of gold appeared on his sword blade, and another spear collided with his sword.

Wengstein tightened his grip on the cross gun in his hand, and the armor transformed by his divine power appeared out of thin air. The golden lion revealed his majesty in the Ten Thousand Demons Cave.

As the spear and sword came closer, warm power surged into the body of the sergeant behind him.

It was a battle that started a new era, and it was also the beginning that countless knights would yearn for in the future.

Miracle (The Oath of Gold and Stone)

Silently, the two of them separated their gazes in tacit agreement and turned to their goals.

Li Qing has long said that before reaching the real fire in this battle, at least two channels need to be closed first to ensure that the fire ceremony can end without interruption.

The process of the fire sacrificial ceremony is not long, but if a demon comes to disturb it, the sergeants need to buy time for Li Qing.

If the two passages closest to the real fire were not closed, when Li Qing performed the fire ceremony, the sergeants would not be able to withstand the huge pressure, and the tide of demons would swallow them completely.

The two of them each brought an army and entered the winding passage like a maze through a predetermined path. Ling and Nian followed one side to help kill the enemy.

When Ling Yunian was on the field, they could clearly feel the power of the amulets carried by the sergeants.

That was their former power, divided into countless parts and given to the people of Dayan, so that they could also resist the evil from outside the world.

Ling Yunian, on the other hand, was able to activate such power, take the initiative to take over part of the malice on the sergeants, and help them resist the influence of the longer abyss.

But the human body is always fragile.

Even gods like Ling Yunian are troubled by the influence of the abyss. How can humans resist the erosion from the abyss?

Therefore, not long after the war started, some sergeants began to struggle because they could not resist such a huge amount of demonic aura.

Their bodies mutated, the power of the abyss made them lose their minds, and everything turned irreversibly toward the abyss.


But the comrades beside him remained motionless, still pursuing the undead man or Wenstein ahead.

Because they know that their death will eventually come.

Thin fish scale armor, a long sword with fire patterns, and that iconic animal face.

This is the duty of the Jin Yiwei, to kill demons and protect the internal stability of Dayan.

The long knives in their hands are not only sharp weapons for slaying monsters, but also the tombs of Dayan's people.

When the head falls to the ground, it means that the birth of a demon has been forcibly terminated, and it also means that they have an extra life of a comrade in their hands.

Perhaps on some unknown night, they also thought about their ending.

In the battle with the demon, his body was torn apart and his blood spilled on the ground.

Deeply trapped in the pain of the blood in his hands, he became disgusted with himself as he gradually merged with the demon.

But before the body is dead and the spirit is gone, it is the duty of the Jin Yiwei to kill demons and eliminate demons regardless of right or wrong.

Even walking with monsters is the fate they are destined to face.

This is a battle with no end in sight.

Chen understood from the beginning.

"Chen Huijie, what are you doing?"

In the midst of the rebellious army, such a voice rang in Chen's ears. She turned around blankly and saw the same Jin Yiwei wearing black armor and animal masks staring at her.

"Now, you are a royal guard, this is your duty."

The person kneeling in front of her also endured the discomfort caused by the physical changes.

He is obviously such a vicious person and such a powerful senior. At this moment, he firmly held the long knife in his hand and knelt in front of him.

He raised his head and looked at Chen. Only half of the broken beast's face was left, and something seemed to be surging under the exposed skin. All the texture and biological common sense were shattered, as if it would explode from his face the next moment.


The half-animal-faced eyes were like projections of ferocious beasts from ancient times. Such ferocious gazes made Chen's whole body shiver and took away her last trace of hesitation.

So, she raised her scarlet sword.


A head, like a football that had lost its elasticity, bounced on the ground, then continued to roll downward along the piles of bones and coagulated blood, and finally stopped next to another corpse.

There was no longer any abnormal food protruding outward on the head's face, his eyes were slightly closed, and there was a slight arc at the corner of his mouth, as if he was sleeping in a wonderful dream. And from the huge incision on the neck, something sticky slowly flowed out. The dark black liquid merged with the earth, and then completely dispersed under the trampling of another Jin Yiwei.

For the first time, the long sword Chi Xiao was so quiet in her hands. It's like the countless rejections and resistances in the past were all dreams.

This sword was originally used to protect the family and the country, and to kill evil spirits and evildoers.

But when the sword edge passed across the neck in front of him, Chen felt for the first time that he had complete control over Chi Xiao.

No longer infected by Chi Xiao's anger and disdain, Chi Xiao obeyed Chen's inner weakness.

Her unwillingness, her confusion, her helplessness.

For the first time, Chen felt such a huge sense of powerlessness. It's like I can't close my fingers together, unable to grasp anything valuable that belongs to me.

Her breath was hot, as if it was burning her respiratory tract. His eyes were blurry and his consciousness began to feel dizzy.

Her hands were stained with her own blood for the first time, even though that was not what she wanted.

Chen felt that he needed to rest.

But no one would give her time.

"'s up to you."

A familiar voice came from behind Chen, and Chen looked back.

A young man's beastly face was disintegrating inch by inch. His body could no longer bear the demonic aura, and even his armor began to turn into black air and dust from the ends.

The fire-marked sword in his hand also began to shatter from the blade.

But Chen still remembered him. During the New Year's Eve dinner two days ago, the boy was curious about who forged the Chixiao Sword in Chen's hand. He thought it was very powerful and said that if he had time, he would also like to find that person after the New Year. A blacksmith remade a fire-patterned sword.

Chen invited him to sit down and have dinner together, and then Chen realized that this young man had just grown up and had a girl he liked.

Chen remembered that he said that he still had a lot of things to do, and if he could retire in the future, he would like to see other places outside of Dayan.

I want to see Casimir, the country of knights, and meet Mr. Knight, a victorious warrior, to see how close I am to him.

I want to go to Minos to participate in the immortal competition and hone my martial arts amidst endless food and glory.

I also want to visit Ursus, which is cooperating with Dayan, and see the scenery there, the tundra scenery in the far north.

But now, he dragged his remains slowly closer to him, his intestines squirming out bit by bit from the gap in his abdomen. Not a drop of blood gushes out from the broken arm. It was filled with thick, pitch-black liquid, trying to remove his original body. of human bodies torn into pieces.

So, the young man knelt in front of Chen and said to Chen in a young and immature voice.


The girl unconsciously clenched the sword in her hand.

The red sky shows its brilliance and is endlessly passionate.

The darkness outside the world is where countless original sins gather.

It is an ocean composed of darkness, malice and depth, a darkness without color and temperature.

Lobbyists scramble for bodies that have fallen into the abyss as food for their own hunger.

The Harland knights, entangled in tree roots, held the swords they had snatched from the dead warrior in their hands, running around and patrolling aimlessly.

There are also deep black creatures with animal faces and insect bodies, raising their heads from the deep sea and looking up at the empty sky.

Countless monsters gather here, where they are born, die, and transform into different forms under the mixture of abyss and soul. Everything is in chaos, with only the most primitive desires remaining.

This is what is hidden under the Cave of All Demons, the vicious curse left by the dead gods.

Based on Terra's original world rules, a hole was forcibly opened to connect to the abyssal sea outside the world.

Whenever the tide of rules weakens, these people of the abyss will follow the unstable but eternal cave, open the weak wall blocked by the rules, and pour into the real world.

In the sea of ​​​​the abyss, the concept of time does not exist.

For these monsters born from the abyss, they have no idea how long they have been in this dark place.

However, since the last reincarnation began, five passages have been opened on this weak wall.

Countless monsters poured into the passage and were crushed into pieces by the rules of the world. Occasionally, one or two lucky ones could pass through and enter the world full of life.

The flames that suppressed them have become extremely weak after fifty years of wear and tear. It is another good time to eat a lot of food.

Therefore, they will never resist the desires they are born with.

Eat, destroy, whisper.

Embrace the endless darkness and indulge in the bottomless evil of human nature.

But everything changed in this reincarnation.

In the sea of ​​​​the abyss, a hole that was originally opened lit up with a red light for some unknown reason.

That was the first ray of light in this endless darkness in millions of years.

It burned the eyes of the abyss creatures staring at the entrance of the cave. But it also attracted them to flock towards the light like moths.

At first, it was just a spark, but as time went by. Like a heated iron ring, the cracked lines at the entrance of the hole are clearly visible against the red light-based passage.

Countless monsters born in the abyss quickened their pace to get a glimpse of the light. They crowded towards the entrance of the cave to get to the other side.

When they touched the entrance of the cave, they discovered that the light was not just light, but a supreme fire that was hot enough to annihilate them.

But by the time they realized this, it was already too late.

The first ray of light pouring into the abyss in endless time brings greetings from the old days.

Golden flames emerged from the passage in the form of fire, and then ignited into a huge fire.

A ring of fire started from the hole as the center and extended outward along the quagmire on the ground. It used all the filth and malice as fuel for the flames, in order to ignite all the endless filth.

This seemingly unstoppable reversal finally awakened the people of the abyss, and the fear in their bones made them retreat, burying their heads into the sticky sea of ​​the abyss like bereaved dogs.

It was a war of ages ago, a war that burned half the abyss.

Just the great power and silent roar brought by one person can make the lightless abyss grow bright.

And this light also attracted the attention of beings from the depths of the abyss.

The malicious eyes were full of surprise.

Here it is, the opportunity he has been waiting for has finally arrived.

——Thousands of years of resentment, today I finally meet the rightful owner.

This war that has lasted for generations has never ended. He will announce his return with the overwhelming darkness, and he will devour the owner of the flame alone.

Not enough, not enough.

The power of plunder, the sharing of the Eucharist, the joyful memories of that moment, are so wonderful in these millions of years of loneliness.

Just thinking about it, I can't suppress the tyranny and greed in my heart.

As a result, the evil of human nature almost solidified, and waves of darkness surged into waves, covering the ring of fire in reverse.

After all, it is a rootless fire. The ring of fire is shattered and extinguished under the surge of the profound tide.

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