After a shudder, the elevator slowly sank into the dark water like a fishhook.

350. Church and Scripture

“Ever since the Great Quiet, Iberia has been inseparable from its past glory.”

Kelsey was walking on the land of Iberia, and walking with her was an old man with gray hair and slightly cloudy eyes.

"It's like a patient infected with ore disease. This is a chronic disease. Although you won't die immediately due to the temporary infection, it will follow you forever in the days to come. It will become an inescapable pain."

The old man and Kelsey chatted in low voices, as if they didn't want to disturb other residents in the town.

Although his mere presence was enough to cause a commotion.

"Such changes are irreversible. Since the golden age disappeared, it has inevitably ushered in decline."

He spoke in a low voice, as if chatting with an old friend. His tone was very flat, but people could feel the sadness behind his words.

"People have abandoned their ideals and raised their swords to face their companions, wary of possible betrayers among them."

"The church has also changed from a guardian existence to a judge. If it were not for the influence of the concepts of the old era, I am afraid that the church today has become a villain in people's eyes."

Kelsey glanced at the old man.

When people around them see the old man, they will subconsciously avoid him.

Because of the sword and fire at his waist, and the hand cannon beside the fire.

"Maybe it already is."

The old man sighed.

"Those who avoid the flame are avoiding themselves. Even if this flame, which is called judgment, does not show its power, no one is willing to face his or her heart in front of the flame."

Do you face your heart?

Kelsey suddenly thought of a person who could sit in front of the fire for a long time. Even if there was nothing to do, he could sit for days and nights just staring at the bonfire.

"So, your visit at this time really surprises me."

The two reached a fork in the road, and the old man stopped and turned to look at Kelsey.

"During this critical period, the situation in Victoria was turbulent, and news from Lateran spread from the mouths of various messengers, preparing to convene a meeting of the nations. Even Minos had developed their means of contacting the outside world and held an immortal competition. But Kai Ms. Ersi, you actually still have the leisure to come to Iberia."

The old man couldn't quite understand Kelsey's behavior, but he still welcomed Kelsey's arrival.

"Is it because something attracts you? Or is it that your endless lifespan has reached the age of hearing the mission given to you by this land?"

Kelsey didn't pay attention to the old man's joke, she ignored it.

Instead, he looked at the flames on the old man's waist.

"The situation in Iberia is not optimistic."

This was the first sentence that appeared in her conversation with the old man.

"Yes, of course. I know."

The old man turned around and looked at the streets he was walking through. People were putting away their things, and the shops that were selling goods were also closing quickly.

They seemed to be hiding from something. Wherever the old man passed by, there was silence. People hid in their homes to avoid the coming darkness in their eyes.

"The echoes of the ocean are becoming more and more sweet, as if they are bringing the turbulent filth at the bottom of the sea to the surface. Our former friends are about to return, but in the form they least want to become."

The old man subconsciously touched the lantern on his waist.

"Perhaps we should also add those monsters, those who cannot be killed or burned."

Of course, Kelsey didn't come to Iberia just to tell riddles with the old man.

The two of them knew each other's situation somewhat, and there was no need for Kelsey to come and chat with him.

“How many coastal towns are there in Iberia?”

Kelsey said it lightly.

“How many are still connected with the church today?”

"You've noticed."

The old man looked at Kelsey keenly.

"Someone has communicated with you. Is it another Grand Inquisitor?"

"No, the church's walls are impenetrable. At least for now, I can't find a place to infiltrate."

Kelsey doesn’t mince words.

"You are a group of lunatics who are willing to burn everything for so-called purity and virtue. You are very similar to another friend of mine."

The old man seemed very happy when he heard Kelsey say this.

A few bursts of laughter squeezed out of his dry throat, and he beamed with joy.

"Hearing Ms. Kelsey's comments like this means that my trip was not fruitless."

"Although this is not a compliment, your concept may indeed be a good medicine to solve the crisis."

Kelsey once again couldn't help but look at the lantern on the old man's waist.

To be honest, she would never have paid so much attention to this lantern before.

But since establishing a connection with someone, she has become more and more concerned about anything related to fire in today's Terra.

What was that flame? Even she couldn't resist the desire rising from the bottom of her heart.

Such a desire to give everything for it is definitely not my sincere idea.

But the flame didn't look like some evil existence. It was pure and flawless, and just standing there made people dizzy.

"There are hunters walking up the coast."

Kelsey said.

"They come to hunt and to escape. And their homeland is calling them, making noises that prevent them from sleeping peacefully."

"There are also old friends from my hometown chasing me. I want to reunite with them and become part of the big group."

After hearing the news, the old man looked calm.

He already knew the news.

"The church in Iberia has made arrangements. Even if it is not complete, every inquisitor is ready to throw himself into the fire."

This includes him.

"I know that you have always been like this. Decades and hundreds of years have passed, and nothing has changed."

Kelsey nodded.

"But this is not a danger you can contend with, Lord Carmen."

"What is the danger? Ms. Kelsey."

The old inquisitor known as Carmen raised his dim eyes and looked at the young woman standing beside him.

"Are you referring to the hunters who are being chased by their hometowns and are fleeing, or are you chasing their hometowns?"

Kelsey looked at Carmen and said no more.

She didn't need to speak anymore, Carmen did not give up Iberia's resistance.

After the great silence, all insiders had a vague premonition in their hearts.

The secrets buried under the deep sea are about to surface.

On the contrary, the dangers and terrors associated with these secrets will also appear around people.

The church in Iberia has been preparing for this for fifty years, and the old man in front of him has also been waiting for this for fifty years.

Until everything settles, he will not give up his fight or his fight with the sea.

And these deep-sea hunters Kelsey was talking about. In the eyes of the judge, it may be powerful, but it is definitely not unmatched.

Relying on the sword in their hands, the fire in their waists, and the guns in their palms, they can fight against the giant beasts and protect the tranquility of Iberia.

Even though Iberia has become silent, they still serve as the last light.

Just for the purity and virtue of Iberia.

But they didn't see it with their own eyes.

Kelsey thought of the undead again.

It was he who gave Kelsey the long-lost eagerness.

If even such a powerful person is not what he originally looked like. So how unmatched were the enemies he faced back then, those legendary creatures?

Kelsey couldn't convince herself to stay calmly on the ship before settling down.

"You said we haven't seen the truth."

Carmen put away his eyes, and he addressed Kelsey with his honorific title.

"Where is the truth? Can it be illuminated by the light of the flame? Is the shadow it reflects complete?"

Kelsey lowered her eyes.

Carmen is still willing to communicate with her because Carmen is still rational and has not been blinded by the infinite decline of Iberia after the Great Silence, which burns like a flame in her heart.

"I have no idea."

Ever since Kelsey had communicated with the undead, her speech became much more comfortable.

"However, that kind of ending is definitely not what the church desires to see, and it is not your destination."

"I can only peek through the gaps in history. The threats hidden in the depths of the ocean are no less important than the impact that the Source Stone has on us."

"Mr. Carmen, you can hear the echo at the bottom of the ocean, but you can't see it."

Carmen stared into Kelsey's eyes for a long time.

He seemed to want to see the color of Kelsey's soul from this so-called soul window.

But he could only see her eyes and himself reflected in them.

He looked like he was dying in his eyes, but there was still a fire burning in his heart.

"Yeah, I couldn't see it."

Carmen responded, and he turned away from looking at the deserted street.

"So, you should take me to see your so-called answer."

Kelsey bowed slightly to the judge in front of him who had stood firm all his life.

"As it should be."

Carmen nodded.

Kelsey's respect for him comes from his lifelong protection of Iberia. Not his devotion to the church.

The church has lost its proper role. In this chaotic era, only the sword and fire in their hands can protect their final retreat.

Therefore, there is no need for him to continue to be pedantic.

"Ms. Kelsey, I agree to the help and deal you mentioned."

Carmen gave a positive answer and then looked at Kelsey.

Kelsey came to Iberia, of course, not just to chat with Carmen.

In fact, ever since Kelsey reached a deal with Gladia, she began to plan operations related to Iberia.

This time I came to Iberia alone to get in touch with the local military forces in Iberia.

Fortunately, she met her old friends here, which saved her a lot of time.

"As for what you said about relaxing movement restrictions, I am also willing to give those hunters some time."

Carmen rubbed the skin of her palms, which were as dry as old trees.

"If they are enemies of their hometown, as your words say, then we are not enemies."

The old man has a liberality that belies his appearance.

Of course Kelsey also knew that this was her luck, and it also meant that the old man could no longer wait.

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