Ding ding ding...

"Welcome to Martin's Bar, may I ask...?"

Martin began his welcome speech as always. But when he raised his eyes to look, his words suddenly stopped.

The old knight no longer turned around to look, but when he heard Martin stop suddenly, he seemed to realize something.

Everyone turned their heads together and looked at the guests entering the hotel door.


A knight in gray and white armor stood at the door of the hotel carrying a large bundle of firewood.

"Teach me, sign up, independent knight. And."

He looked at Maria and said calmly.

"Can you light a bonfire here?"

42. The legend returns!

The next day, under the scorching sun, Casimir roared into the arena.

"Okay! Here we come! I'm your old friend! Big Mouth Mob! In yesterday's game, except for the last little knight defeating the famous "Venomous Snake" Hel! There is absolutely nothing that can ignite people! "

"Just like before, the knights are fighting on the field for their own honor! And my dear friends will also donate their wallets! Contributing to the exciting changes in the knight's competition on the field!"

"To be honest, half of the qualifying days have passed, and there are not many seats left on the current list! Strong players occupy the high ground, while the unknown knights are still fighting hard! Let's take a look. How many knights will get more points today! How many knights will leave the sidelines!"

Big Mouth Mobu still used his explosive voice to try to arouse the audience's reaction.

Zofia and Maria were sitting in the front row, clenching their fists, waiting for someone to appear.

But unfortunately, most people are already used to Mobu's mouth, and more people want the host to fast forward directly to the introduction of the contestants.

"Jump over quickly! Skip over for me!"

"Hurry up to the introduction part! I've heard enough of your mouth, Mobu!"

Mobu used his skillful dodging skills to avoid all the garbage thrown from the audience, and then coughed twice.

"Okay, okay, that's enough! Old rules! Today's first game is a points match! If you successfully attack your opponent, you will get one point. All points gained after falling will be cleared! Today in The top ten players with points in the Howling Arena will receive a special sponsored knife!"

Mobu picked up the terminal in his hand, and his mood began to change with today's knight list.

"Okay! It's time for the shocking debut!"

"So the first thing I want to introduce is! Uh...?"

The audience was waiting for Mobu to introduce the knights, but now Mobu suddenly got stuck and stared at the terminal in his hand for a long time.

"Hey! Mobu, can you do it?"

"Hurry up and introduce him! I want to see the handsome knight!"

Mobu woke up as if from a dream. He stared at the terminal in his hand and took a deep breath.

"Hey hey hey! Did I read that right?!"

He stared at the terminal in his hand and took a deep breath, with a rare and inexplicable excitement in his tone.

"Does this have the same name or is it the same person?! How did he become an independent knight?!"

As he spoke, he clicked on the name again, and the information displayed was accompanied by a picture.

Although the color of the armor had changed, Mobu saw the familiar armor pattern and the same sword and shield.

"Okay, okay! I admit that the first game today brought me a surprise!"

Mobu quickly reached out and pressed a button on the console in front of him.

Half of the drones in the field were mobilized and arrived at the south entrance.

"Dear viewers! Do you still remember the knight who faced five people head-on on the first day of the qualifiers, and all of them were forced to withdraw?"

As Mobu's voice came from the drone, the originally noisy auditorium gradually became quiet.

"Do you still remember the legend of winning twenty-five games in a row without losing a single game? The shield in his hands that can defeat all defenses!"

As his voice shouted, the iron door of the south entrance slowly opened, and artificial smoke covered the entrance. But all the viewers were now focusing on the figure slowly appearing on the big screen in the smoke.

"After five days of silence! The knight in old armor has returned to our arena!"

The gray armor walked through the heavy smoke and walked onto the playing field.

He looked up and looked around and found two familiar figures in the audience.

Mobu slapped his left hand hard on the table, propped his body up, and screamed with all his strength.

"He's back! The Immortal Legend!!"

The undead raised his sword and pointed at the blazing sun in the center of the sky.

The auditorium boiled in an instant, like a huge fireball hitting the arena, sparks flying!


"The Immortal Legend! The Immortal Legend! How did he come back?!"

"Fuck! I made a lot of money! I made a lot of money from this game!!"

While the audience cheered collectively, they also did not forget to pick up the terminal next to their seats and start placing bets on the terminal for their favorite players.

And now, there is only one announced knight.

At this moment, in today's Howling Arena prize pool, the amount suddenly skyrocketed, directly crossing the 10 million mark. It did not slow down until 20 million, but the overall amount was still rising!

The staff handling the prize pool in the background also widened their eyes at this moment, and started to deal with it urgently.

Their servers were suddenly flooded with so many betting messages in a short period of time that they could no longer hold it!

But the betting information is like cheers in the arena, with no intention of stopping.

Maria and Zofia also stood up from their positions excitedly, waving their clenched fists.

"Aunt! Aunt! Look! It's the teacher! It's the teacher! The teacher has appeared!"

"I know, I know! Calm down! Didn't you watch him sign up yesterday? Calm down!"

At this moment, Zofia is like a child, completely different from the calmness she showed in the past.

Although she kept asking Maria to stop, her eyes were still staring at the undead in the field, which was completely different from what she said.

The undead man standing here as an independent knight has sent a signal to many people.

You thought I was gone? Do you think I have left?

But now I'm standing here, alone.

stand out! Face me!

This not only sends a provocative message to companies, but also gives other independent knights a shot in the arm.

A knight sponsored by a company quit the company and became an independent knight, and this immortal legend also chose this path.

This means that their efforts are not a fantasy, because there is a strong man standing with them!

The undead looked towards the blazing sun in the sky.

His performance was not as enthusiastic as the audience's. He was thinking about other things.

There seems to be not enough firewood for burning. Where is the nearest firewood market?

The immortal forgot to ask Maria before she went to bed yesterday.

It is of course meaningless to ask about the outcome of this game.

Without any suspense, the Immortal won the first place in this points match.

In one game, he sent away more than half of the players in the game.

Most of these players were unable to withstand the undead's violent attack like a rainstorm. Their armor kept making a clanking sound, and they kept getting points from the undead.

Once he wants to fight back, he will be hit in the face with a shield, and then continue to be used as an ATM machine by the undead to extract points.

In the end, these players were disgraced and chose to retire in order to prevent the Immortal from gaining too many points.

The immortals did not press forward step by step. Most of these knights chose one-on-one tactics.

Since they abide by martial ethics, the undead will also give them a chance to make an honorable exit.

Even so, at the end of the game, the Immortal's points were still five times higher than the second place!

The remaining knights standing on the field could only run wildly around the undead, not wanting to become the next unlucky guy to be kicked off the field.

Under the influence of the undead's good news, the audience watched the undead crush all the way, and their own adrenaline surged crazily.

Today’s prize pool has reached a new high in the past five days! Almost 80 million.

The news of the return of the undead was also spread as soon as the undead appeared on the scene.

After hearing the news, the top executives of the business alliance showed a rare gaffe.

He did not choose to join any company, but competed as an independent knight.

There are strong independent knights participating, although this is not a strange thing, because one pops up almost every few years.

But there are only a handful of people who dare to challenge the company head-on in this way over the years.

It is precisely because of this that the business league executives held an emergency meeting after the game.

They must discuss how to deal with this old knight who originally disappeared and then suddenly appeared.

In the minute the undead man appeared, the reporters who were on vacation were notified by their bosses on the phone and rushed to the Howling Arena to not miss the interview opportunity with the undead legend.

But no matter how much they waited, even if the arena was surrounded by water, they could not find the knight in old armor.

Because the Immortal was pulled away from the backstage by Maria as soon as the game ended and taken away in a car from the underground parking lot.

Zofia judged that someone would definitely come to block her, so she simply took the undead man away as soon as possible.

Looking back now, she made the right decision.

"Hahaha! It's so cool! Even though it's a crushing game, it's so fun for me to watch!"

The old knight laughed and raised his glass.

"Come! Let us drink to Mr. Immortal's victory!"


Everyone's wine glasses clinked together to celebrate the undead man's victory in his first battle after becoming an independent knight.

Tons tons tons...

Even Maria drained the milk in the cup in one gulp. She wiped the milk on her lips boldly and watched her teacher giggle from the side. The ears covered with golden hair on her head hung down easily.

"Hehe, the teacher won...hehe."

The undead man clinked the wine glass and put it down.

"Eh? Mr. Immortal, why don't you drink?"

After Bald Martin finished, he saw that the undead man didn't move at all, and he asked strangely.

The undead man shook his head.

He had smelled it, and there was no taste. It was better not to drink it than to waste it.

"I don't drink."

But no one cares about this. There are many knights who don't drink, and it's normal to have one more immortal.

Besides, for the undead, this is not a big battle.

Just practice to prepare for the competition.

That’s all.

"I can already imagine the expressions of those companies now! Hahahaha!"

The big white bear also drank a glass of beer with a smile. The undead returned to the game. This will definitely have a great impact, and those companies will definitely be extremely unhappy with the undead.

"After all, ranking and reputation determine the intensity of publicity. They must not be able to sit still now."

Zofia sneered, and as she spoke, she asked Martin for another glass of wine.

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