"So, you are my...disciple?"

"Old man, let me be clear. This idiot apprentice is not only yours, but also mine."

The witch wearing the big hat sounded slightly dissatisfied. However, after a brief silence, she let out a sigh.

"It's his disciple who woke up from the ownerless graveyard where ashes should never have opened his eyes. He came from the distant future and followed the smell of the flames."

"Could it be...could he admit his mistake?"

The old conjurer didn't seem to believe it, and his tone was slightly trembling.

"Isn't he already, already in the initial furnace..."

A hand gently patted the old conjurer's shoulder.

The old blacksmith sitting aside comforted him.

"I can smell the sword blade on the child's waist. It's the smell of forged steel after being calcined by the first fire."

"But I didn't feel the magic fire approaching, otherwise I would have woken up."

The old conjurer still couldn't believe it.

"If he is really his disciple, why don't you teach him the spell?"

Only the witch in the corner sneered.

"Old man, I'm afraid you are confused. The things we know are not suitable for little girls."

As soon as these words came out, the old conjurer was stunned.

After a long time, he nodded slightly.

"That's right, Karula, you're right."

"Besides, I didn't smell the smell of the abyss on that child. Instead, there was a strong pure flame that almost burned my eyes clean."

The witch named Karula spoke with a hint of happiness.

"Her relationship with that lady is much better than we imagined. Think about it carefully, if you are not his disciple, how can you be recognized by her?"

The discussion among several people here was not quiet. Especially after the old magician spoke excitedly, it was naturally heard by the people guarding the hall.

However, at this moment, she was communicating with others.

"Mr. Expert, the abyss is approaching. Please leave with those who are willing to leave."

The fire girl took out a map and handed it to the ragged warrior standing in front of her.

"This is the route that leads to the world of the scroll. Please get there as soon as possible. If the darkness completely spreads, the scroll will no longer open the door to the remaining people."

The expert put away the map handed to her by the fire girl.

This was a decision that several people had made long ago, but before leaving, he still had some questions he wanted to ask.

"Thank you, dear lady... So, you have made up your mind, right?"

The expert looked at the elegant and calm figure in front of him, and a burst of respect surged in his heart.

"You go and look for that, the future that you foresee."


The fire girl opened her lips and nodded slightly.

"That was my agreement with him."

"Even if there is a bottomless deep sea ahead?"

The expert asked, as if questioning a fire girl.

"Now, the future foreseen by the profound saint Eldridge has gradually become a reality. How can you be sure. In that boundless darkness, will the only glimmer of light really be born?"

These seemingly offensive words did not make the fire girl feel sullen.

Because she knew that he was not questioning her.

I just want to gain more confidence from her in this way.

"That girl, give me a gift before you leave."

The fire girl said softly.

"On it, I saw fire, I saw light. I saw his hand reaching out to me after tens of millions of years."

The woman clutched the badge engraved with flames and hands in her palm, as if to draw strength from it.

"Actually, you also know that this kind of behavior is just another form of going into darkness."

"But if not me, then who else will bear such responsibility?"

The fire girl whispered, and she recalled what her hero said when he stood in front of her and handed her the eyeball that meant betrayal.

He didn't blame himself, but patiently asked himself to bear the burden with her.

"It was I who told him about the terrible future, and therefore led him on the path he is on now."

"He is the hero who extinguishes the flames and ends countless sufferings. He is also the sinner who extinguishes the flames and destroys this generation."

"He believed in my judgment, and I deeply believed in the only light he brought to me."

The fire girl chuckled and said the words she didn't have time to say to him.

"If it is truly an endless journey, that is also the path I will embark on. This is the only possibility to see him again."

The expert looked at the lady in front of him, and an emotion called envy arose in his heart.

Is this the agreement that man made with her?

Ridiculous, but desirable.

"I understand, ma'am."

The expert took a deep breath and made his promise.

"I will definitely protect the remnants of the Age of Fire and lead these people who want to live to find the harbor he left for us."

"We will meet again, Mr. Expert."

The fire girl made a prophecy.

"I will go there too before the darkness overwhelms everything."

The expert was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Then, see you then, ma'am."

After speaking, the expert turned around, took the map given by the fire girl, and left the fireless sacrificial site.

After the experts left, the prepared lady came to the depths of the sacrificial site.

The people who were still communicating just now fell into silence again.

After hearing the soft footsteps, everyone raised their heads and looked at the woman standing in the aisle.

"You all heard what I said to that child, right?"

The fire girl said.

The old conjurer stretched out his neck and asked slightly nervously.

"So that girl is really my good apprentice's disciple?"

The fire girl nodded slightly.

"Yes, it's the first time I've met her, but it doesn't seem like it's the first time she's met me."

"The confusion of time and space will cause things like this to happen. Maybe you will see her again in the future."

The dark witch Karula dispelled the fire girl's doubts.

"Perhaps, in the future you foresee, it will be you and her who build the bridge connecting my idiot apprentice."

After hearing the conversation between Karula and the fire girl, the old spellcaster from Onuma also relaxed.

He leaned against the wall behind him and murmured quietly.

"It's good to live, it's good to live..."

Everyone fell into silence again.

Until the fire girl broke away from her memories and broke the long silence.

"It's time for us to leave."

So, the rest of the people started to move. They packed up their things, followed the fire girl, and walked out of the sacrificial site where the flames had been extinguished.

She holds a gift from the future in her hand, and around her waist hangs fragments of the sword that burned out in the original furnace.

The fire girl knew that those who stayed here were all related to him.

Only these people who have received his favor are willing to believe in their own words that they have a future with him.

An old sorcerer from the Great Swamp, Komikos.

Karula, the dark witch who studies the magic of darkness and chaos.

There was also the old blacksmith, Andre, whom he had known since the beginning of the Fire Age.

And...Patch, who calls himself an ordinary traveling businessman.

They stayed here to go with her and face the endless darkness.

Maybe there are still people who are willing to join them and run towards that distant future.

This is a journey with no end. They have to follow the already dim road, fight against the darkness, and fight against the abyss.

Now, she has seen the hope from the future with her own eyes, and she has no doubt about the future she foresees.

"The age of fire has passed, and all that remains before us is boundless darkness."

The fire girl chanted softly, stroking the spiral sword fragments at her waist, as if he was still beside her.

"But after that long darkness, there will be light flashing gently. It is a small flame, and it is also the remaining flame of the inheritance of the kings."

377. Never be late, have no regrets 6,000

Since ancient times, fire and darkness have been mortal enemies.

Where there is fire, there is light, which can illuminate the darkness.

But if darkness sweeps across, there is no place for light to carry, and there is no concept of fire.

The fire girl knew that, since that battle, everything seemed to have settled.

I originally thought I had found the qualification to walk in the dark. But it was nothing more than the last effort made by mankind in that era.

They originally thought they had found a new power that could compete with them, but they found that without fire and light, they were just deceiving themselves, and they were gradually stepping into the abyss.

That's why they lost so miserably.

"You know, we once had a meeting at the bottom of the abyss. At that time, we invited you to join us, but you didn't go."

In the lightless and fireless sacrificial site, the woman sat quietly on the steps, and on the other side of the steps, an indescribable creature was leaning next to the throne, and he spoke.

"Obviously, you should be the one who understands darkness best, and you should be the one who can best carry our power, but you refuse to embrace your hometown."

"Look, you made a prophecy of the drowning of the abyss, but you led the people at the end of the generation to rise up in meaningless resistance."

"Obviously you know best in your heart. After the age of fire has passed, the abyss will surely sweep across. You were born to carry the bottomless depth."

"It was you who persuaded the hero of the Age of Fire to make the choice to extinguish the flames."

"Why resist the call from your heart? The children are waiting for you. They need one, just like you."

The black figure sat up straight and said.

"A mother like you."

"But I'm not a mother, and I don't want to be anyone's mother."

The fire girl's voice sounded very weak, and she had exhausted most of her strength just by holding on until now.

"I am just the hero's waiter, waiting for my hero."

"This is not something that can be controlled by your wishes."

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