Greyhound covered his head and sat up, his face wrinkled subconsciously, and the pain that had penetrated his brain before was still vivid in his mind.

"damn it..."

On the other side, W, who was awake with him, also sat up from the ground with a slightly confused and painful look in his eyes.

"Wake up, how many days have we been together?"

"Let me see."

As he spoke, Greyhound turned back and looked at the marks he had made on the wall. Then he picked up a stone from the side and added another line on the wall.

"It's already the seventh day."

The Greyhound came to his senses and looked at the blazing bonfire in front of him.

"Honestly, I can hardly tell the difference between reality and dreams."

Greyhound rubbed his temples, his consciousness almost lost at the boundary between the real world and the dream.

He forgot how many days it was since he woke up, and the time he spent in the dream was longer than when he was awake.

And they have experienced this strange experience five times.

Each time, it creates an illusion of time in the greyhound's mind.

W also lost his memory of time.

Otherwise, they would not choose to draw traces on the wall to count the days when they fell into a dream state.

"Well, it's not bad. I woke up much earlier this time than before."

On the other side of the bonfire, a smooth head sat on the ground, stretched out his hand to feel the warmth of the bonfire, and said casually.

"I took a look and found that you slept for nine hours today, which is one hour less than yesterday."

"Mr. Rapp, didn't you fall into a dream today?"

Greyhound's inquiry seemed a little cautious and redundant.

But the man known as Lapp just nodded.

"I have told you before that I have lost the qualification to enter the dream world. That's why I choose to cooperate with you."

As he spoke, the man named Lapu picked up a piece of discarded wood from the side and threw it into the fire in front of him.

This action made both Greyhound and W couldn't help but look sideways.

The resemblance was so similar that they even had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu.

"Tell me, what did you see in the dream this time?"

After throwing the wood in, Rapp clapped his hands, stood up from the ground, and went to the side to prepare the necessary food for the two of them.

His question also brought the two of them back from their memories.

Greyhound glanced at W.

"According to the method you said, we did successfully come to a dream, but this dream is a bit strange."

Greyhound was still thinking about how to describe it, when W took over the words.

"We couldn't see anything. There was darkness in front of us. Only when we got closer could we see some special decorations in the darkness."

"It should be some kind of temple, but I have never seen this kind of decoration in the point books, and I can't tell its meaning."

This experience is very similar to what Greyhound and W saw before going to the underground world.

But there is a big difference. There is no danger in that place. But from time to time in dreams, monsters will jump out of the darkness.

Once you are killed, you have to start all over again.

Their dreams were fixed by the techniques taught by the man named Lapp, and they have officially begun to explore dreams.

"Well, that's normal. You shouldn't be able to remember that kind of pattern. Just remember what you're looking for."

Rapp came over with the soup that had been cooking for a long time and handed it to the two of them.

"Here comes the fish soup."

The two took the bowl and couldn't help but frowned when they saw the contents in the bowl.

This is a soup made from those monsters called sea heirs. The solids floating in the soup are really hard to swallow.

But they had been drinking for days.

Rapp crouched beside the two of them, resting his arms on his knees and staring at them with a smile.

"Drink, why don't you drink?"

Although it was indeed very disgusting, it was this bowl of soup that gave them the qualification to fix their dreams.

So, after a moment's hesitation, the two of them put the bowl to their mouths and drank it all in one gulp.


From the moment Greyhound and W drank this bowl of soup, they felt uncomfortable.

In fact, this is not the first day either. In the past few days, Greyhound and W basically lay down during the day, and then fell asleep at night.

This cycle has lasted for seven days, but it does have significant results.

For Greyhound, it doesn't matter what's in the soup. What matters is what he will look like and whether he can find the key clues here.

"damn it..."

Greyhound put the bowl in his hand aside, with a slightly painful expression on his face.

"This thing is quite exciting."

Of course, the energy here is definitely not the energy in the sense of deliciousness, but the impact it brings to the body.

He could feel that there seemed to be something extra in his body, and he was vaguely connected to something deep in the sea.

Sometimes, even while looking at the ocean during the day, greyhounds will have an inexplicable urge to rush down into the water.

And then dive headlong into the deep sea, back into the arms of something...

This kind of impulse is very difficult to describe. It can only be described as the impulse of a wanderer returning home.

But Greyhound clearly knows that he is a Sarkaz, he is a Kazdaer, and there is no reason to have feelings for the sea and the legendary Agor.

"Mr. Rapp, what did you put in the soup?"

W's face doesn't look good either. He is a hard-core ruthless person who can endure the pain and let the undead poke another hole in his thigh.

Even she could feel her stomach rolling after finishing this bowl of soup, and her vision and spirit seemed to be distorted.

Rapp was not surprised, but shrugged his shoulders and said.

"Didn't I tell you a long time ago? These are the monsters you killed before, the monsters that crawled out of the sea."

Rapp put away the bowls that the two had put aside, and then looked at them for a while with a smile, as if he was admiring his own masterpiece.

"Well... I also said at that time that if you can't accept it, you don't have to cooperate with me. After all, I, Lapu, am not a bad guy who likes to force others."


W rolled her eyes, but she thought the same thing. But when someone really puts a sickle on your neck, do you still have the energy to refuse?

Even Greyhound and W couldn't catch him together. Only Greyhound used his Origin Stone ability to leave a trace on Lapu's clothes.

Well, it's just that the clothes are torn.

When this miraculous fighting ability appeared in him, Greyhound and W thought it was something in the sea attacking them.

After all, they have been exploring the secrets of Iberia during this time, and even tracked down some news about Agor.

Even those so-called heirs, they killed several times before following the traces they found and came all the way to this village, which had been abandoned for who knows how long.

However, when they arrived at the village, they were immediately subdued by Lapu, who randomly found a room that was reasonably sheltered from the rain and threw them to the ground.

Then he took off the scythe from his back, and with a blood-curdling sound, the blade popped out and was placed on the necks of the two of them.

Rapp wants them to "cooperate" with him.

The content of the cooperation is for the two to drink a special soup and explore the way back to Agor, which is also a part of exploring Agor today.

The purpose of Greyhound and W is actually this. They want to find the connection between Iberia and Agor and see how Iberia became what it is today.

The shadow hidden under Iberia will erupt at any time, and they must seize the time.

Therefore, under Rapp's coercion, the two of them half-heartedly agreed to Rapp's request.

After that, Lapu gave them the freedom to move around as they pleased, and even go to the beach, sit on the embankment, and look out into the distance at the endless ocean.

After all, if these two people want to run away, Rapp has ten thousand ways to catch them.

"If coercion is also a kind of cooperation, Mr. Rapp, you must be well versed in business rules, right?"

As expected of W, even in the face of powerful forces, he still has the heart to ridicule.

But Rapp wasn't angry either. It would be better to say that he no longer had any reaction to this level of ridicule.

"You're right. But in the past, it wasn't just me looking for others to cooperate. Many people came to me."

Rapp squinted his eyes, a look of nostalgia on his face.

"Humans, as they live longer, they see more and more things. There are so many things that you can't even hold them in your brain."

“Sometimes I wake up and have the urge to just do nothing.”

"What you can't understand is that I have seen too much, too much... the filth and ugliness of people's hearts. Of course, there are also what the world calls kindness, or other so-called "beautiful qualities." "

When he said this, the smile on Lapu's face turned mocking.

"But, after all this time, things are still the same. The human heart has never been clean, so it's no wonder it's like this."

Rapp seemed to be lamenting the past again. Greyhound and W looked at each other and didn't say anything, just listening quietly.

Rapp gave them conflicting feelings.

He clearly looks like a young man, but he doesn't look young at all. His speaking style is like an old man reminiscing about the past in his twilight years.

The methods used against Greyhound and W were also very harsh and swift, showing no mercy at all.

The most important thing is that they could not find any traces of race in Rapp.

He also didn't tell the two of them what race he was.

Could it be the legendary Agor people?

Greyhound and W also guessed that he had the highest probability of being an Agor. After all, the legendary and mysterious Agor people are very special. They may be a racial branch of the Agor people, and he is still looking for traces of Agor people.

"Mr. Rapp, how long are we going to react like this?"

W couldn't bear it anymore. It was like there was an extra creature in her stomach. This feeling of messing up her internal organs was really uncomfortable.

Greyhound's face was also ugly, and he looked at Lapp in agreement.

Rapp stopped reminiscing, and the expression on his face returned to that half-smile feeling, making it difficult to understand what he was thinking.

"This bowl of soup doesn't just allow you to connect, it actually does some kind of transformation to your body."

Rapp's squatting posture has never changed. It is hard to imagine that a powerful person like him would squat on the ground like a second-rate man.

"Whether the result of the transformation is good or bad, I can't tell. After all, the raw materials are different from the original... But it doesn't matter, it won't die anyway."

Rapp has always been like this. He can't finish his words and always stops mid-sentence, which makes people grit their teeth.

When W heard this, she couldn't help it anymore.

"Then what if we all become monsters and drink this kind of stuff every day. Aren't you going to cooperate with us? Is this your cooperative attitude?"

"Then, change."

Rapp said nonchalantly.

"Don't forget, you agreed to this cooperation condition. I didn't force you. I told you before. If you want to ask me for a solution, I will give you the answer. But whether you can bear the consequences is up to you. Problem."

Rapp glanced at the empty bowl on the ground.

"Besides, isn't this your goal? To find the legendary Agor and the secret of the golden age."

It’s not like Rapp doesn’t know everything. He can like Greyhound and W, so he naturally knows something about them.

While W was still cursing, Lapu waved his hands, finally stood up from the ground, then turned around and walked out of the room with the bowl in hand.

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