In order to protect the facilities and various medicines in the camp, the wall formed by soldiers still did not allow any Haihei to break through the encirclement.

Occasionally, some fish slipped through the net, but they were picked up one by one by Rhode Island's elites wandering around the field.

However, fighting Haiji involves taking risks. What's more, there are such a huge number of heirs.

In this battle, the Iberian side lost more than 20 sergeants, while the Rhode Island side lost more than 20 soldiers. Because of the high quality of the personnel, only three were seriously injured, but no one died.

After the battle, the corpses of Haihe all over the ground were dumped in the wilderness.

Carmen looked at the wreckage of the battlefield and sighed.

These heirs still need to be dealt with, and finally burned with cleansing fire.

Kelsey needed some corpses of heirs for research. After collecting some of the corpses that were still intact, Kelsey watched the sergeants pile the corpses together, and Carmen lit them on fire.

The piled corpses were nearly as high as a three-story building. After the cleansing fire came into contact with the corpses, the ignited flames soared into the sky.

A battle raged from the afternoon into the night, and the ignited flames illuminated the sky reddish.

Everyone looked at the bodies piled together in silence.

If this is the crisis in Iberia, how many more will they encounter in the coming days?

Carmen stood next to the makeshift sentry tower in the camp, looking at the flames over there and thinking deeply.

This was only the first day. Including the patrol team that disappeared in the dream, a total of nearly fifty soldiers were lost, which was already a quarter of the total.

"Your Excellency Carmen."

Kelsey came behind Carmen, and she seemed to want to talk to Carmen.

"It's night again."

Kelsey, like Carmen, looked at the pile of burning corpses like a hill over there, her tone was so calm.

"The sergeants are very tired and need rest."

"Rest? But once you fall asleep, you may never wake up again."

Carmen turned back and looked at Kelsey.

"Dr. Kelsey, what can you do?"


Kelsey didn't speak. Carmen already had some other ideas in his mind.

Even if they know how to avoid this kind of thing. But do those sergeants know how to avoid it?

If you don't have enough mental strength to notice something strange about yourself in a dream, how can you find the existence of the immortal?

In this accident, can everyone just wait for the deep-sea hunters to come to the rescue?

No, that's not possible, that's not the style of the Iberian Church.

The cleansing of Iberia does not come passively.

"I will arrange for a small team to leave the camp tonight and return to the capital to seek rescue."

Carmen said.

"However, it is uncertain whether they can leave here safely. So we can only survive as much as possible, Ms. Kelsey."

With that said, Carmen turned her head and looked at Kelsey, his expression was more serious than ever.

"Now that you have been involved in the Iberia incident, stop hiding it. If there is any way, come up with it as soon as possible. I don't know how many years you have lived, and I don't believe that your power is limited to this. "

Kelsey pursed her lips.

Carmen's spirit is very tenacious. While he is worried about the status of the sergeants, he also treats them as expendables in his calculations forcefully and coldly.

But even so, the saint did not want the children of Iberia to die pointlessly.

"Immortal, it's time to sleep."

Kelsey said.

"He will enter the dreamland with us. If there is any chance, it should be tonight. I suggest that one of us must stay awake."

"Then it's up to you."

Carmen said without hesitation.

"I will also leave at least one team of men to keep order in the camp, and they will obey your orders. If anyone falls prey to the dream, don't hesitate."

"I see."

Kelsey nodded, and she accepted Carmen's arrangement.

This is a gamble, but humans really have no basis for advantage when facing the Haihei population.

What's more, they have already taken the initiative to enter the game scene set up by Haiji.

Now, they seek to get on the chessboard.

On the other side, in the abandoned village by the sea, Greyhound and W had already drank the two bowls of soup and were resting against the wall.

The soup slowly transformed their bodies to adapt to the dream state. While enduring the pain, Greyhound forced himself not to fall asleep.

They need to wait for Lapu's return, otherwise once they enter the dream, their bodies in reality will be defenseless.

Although Rapp also has his own ideas, they are now in a cooperative relationship and can be trusted.

Just when both of them could barely hold on any longer, sporadic footsteps sounded outside the room.

The two immediately cheered up and subconsciously touched the weapons around them, ready to attack at any time.

"it's me."

It was Rapp's voice. His tone was the same as usual, casual, but also filled with some strange sincerity.

But now, his words were full of exhaustion.

"What happened?"

When the two came to the door, they naturally saw a somewhat embarrassed Lapu.

Rapp's clothes had many tears, and his walking posture was somewhat limping.

Rapp waved.

"When you meet someone who is hard to talk to, just take a night's rest and it will be fine."

Without bringing the topic to himself, Lapu entered the room and urged the two of them to enter dreamland.

"You can start getting ready for bed. Remember, you don't have much time. You must seize the opportunity to find what I am talking about."

Greyhound and W were hesitant, wondering what else they were going to ask. But Rapp had already dragged the two of them and pushed them down on the straw mat.

Rapp seemed a little uneasy today, and both Greyhound and W sensed his emotional instability.

The two lay down on the straw mat again.

After a while, their eyelids began to fight, and meaningless whispers seemed to sound in their ears, pulling their spirits gradually into deeper abyss.

It was at this time that Rapp suddenly spoke and said again.

"I almost forgot, if you see someone dressed similar to me in your dream, don't contact them, let alone let them send you out of the dream. If they kill you, it will weaken your connection with the dream. , it is very possible to leave the dreamland directly."

Greyhound and W could only hum twice in a state of confusion to indicate that they heard it.

Rapp then spoke again.

"If you encounter someone wearing full body armor, with a sword that has flames on it, and can discharge electricity...don't hesitate, just run."

Rupp's words directly awakened both Greyhound and W's consciousness.

Why does this person he is talking about sound so familiar? !

But before they had time to ask, the consciousness of the two of them was grabbed by the big hand that existed in the dream and dragged into the dream.

403. Live towards death

The flames continued to burn into the night, leaving a scorch mark on the ground outside the camp.

Haiji's body was ignited by the cleansing fire and turned into a solid-liquid mixture, and the burning range of the cleansing fire continued to increase.

The smoke spread toward the sky, and soon formed another huge dark cloud.

The already gloomy Iberian sky became even gloomier.

The moonlight was obscured by dark clouds, and except for the sparks in the camp, nothing could be seen around it. It was like a city in the deep sea, mysterious and strange.

However, the people in the camp cannot sleep with the flames. They are fully aware of the dangers in their sleep.

"Except for the people in the groups I named, no one else is allowed to sleep."

Carmen stood in the camp and said to the judges under her.

"I allow you to use various means to help yourself stay awake, and the tobacco in the logistics department is also open to you without restriction. But before I wake up, no one should fall into a dream. Do you understand?"

"Yes! Your Excellency Carmen!"

The judges straightened their bodies. They paid Carmen the etiquette of the state church, and then left the camp when Carmen was dismissed, and went to their respective arrangements.

Just as several inquisitors left, a white-haired doctor opened the curtain of the tent and walked into the camp.

"Sir Carmen, it looks like you are ready."

Kelsey walked into the camp holding the documents in her hands and some small biological specimen boxes, and placed these things on the table under Carmen's gaze.

"I would like to ask, can you accept the smell of coffee overflowing in the camp?"

With that said, Kelsey took out a few more bags of coffee powder from her body.

The operator behind her was pushing a small cart, which contained many instruments that Carmen could not recognize, but one of them was particularly conspicuous.

An exquisite coffee machine.

"The aroma of coffee is very refreshing, Dr. Kelsey. If possible, I hope I can have a cup of hot coffee to drink after I wake up."

Kelsey needs to stay here all night. When Carmen enters dreamland, she is the most talkative person in the camp, so naturally she cannot doze off.

Carmen understood.

"I know, there will be a cup of coffee waiting for you when you wake up."

Kelsey nodded and put the coffee machine on the shelf in the corner without ceremony, then connected it to the power supply and tore open the bag of coffee powder.

"Then it's up to you, Doctor Kelsey."

After Carmen nodded to Kelsey again, she put on the coat she had put aside and left the main camp tent.

"Have a sweet dream."

After saying goodbye to Carmen, Kelsey asked the operator to place the items on the cart on the cleared main table bit by bit in order.

That's what she's going to do tonight.

If such a huge number of Haiji corpses could not be used for any research but were simply burned, it would not be worthy of her status as a researcher.

Likewise, this can also help her spend this long and difficult night together.

Watching the espresso slowly flow out of the pipe of the coffee machine, Kelsey rubbed her hands, put them in front of her mouth and took a breath.

So cold.

It looks like it's going to rain.

On the other side, in the building where everyone lived in Rhode Island, many people gathered around the undead man's room.

Hearing that the undead was about to enter the dreamland, these people who also needed to sleep tonight also came to the undead's room after a small meeting to provide him with information.

"There is actually no feeling when entering the dream state. It is just like ordinary sleep. It is just that after falling asleep, there will be a feeling of being pulled."

Scout recalled the strangeness when he fell asleep yesterday.

"It was like someone was pulling my body through a membrane. Then when I opened my eyes, I was already in a dream."

"Hmm...the film, is it still pulling?"

Logos on the side recorded the key words in Scout's words in his notebook, using his mental power. Just staying up all night is not a burden.

But after discussing it with Kelsey, Logos didn't intend to retreat.

As the inheritor of the mysterious language source stone skills and spells in the Sakaz family, Logos may be able to get inspiration for dreams in dreams.

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