During the leisurely vacation after training, a rare small gathering is held.

"No, do we really want to see what Instructor Dupin told us?"

The pink-haired little guy was lying on the table with a sad look on his face.

"It's hard to have a holiday. Now I feel like vomiting when I see things related to fighting. It's really uncomfortable!"

"You can't be so lazy, Kati. And don't forget that Miss Linguang was also born from Casimir. Aren't you very interested in her shield-using skills? Maybe you can find something to learn from it. "

Ansel put his ears back on his head and looked at the big screen attentively.

"And the Casimir Major is really grand. It happens once every three years. It's really not easy to have this opportunity to see strong players fighting together."

"The cookies are ready! Does anyone want to eat them?"

Undercher, wearing an apron, brought a plate of cookies from the kitchen and placed it on the table.

"I'll try it."

Stewart put down the terminal in his hand, picked up a cookie and threw it into his mouth.

It was at this time that a close-up finally appeared on the big screen.

"Good afternoon! Casimir! And friends from all over the world! Welcome to the Casimir Major! We are your old friends! Mob, Big Mouth Mob!"

Mob spoke passionately in a voice that had long since grown tired of being heard.

This is his first time commentating on the main event of the Major, and he must seize this opportunity.

"Eh? Speaking of which, where is Melantha? Why hasn't she come yet?"

Undercher asked curiously as he took off his apron and hung it on the wall.

"Ah, yes, Xiaomei got up and went to exercise in the morning! She just returned to the room just now, I guess it will be a while..."

Boom, boom, boom.

As Kati was talking, suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Ah! Xiaomei should be here!"

Katie went over to open the door, and it was Melanza who came in.

"Am I late?"

Melanza looked carefully at her friends in the room.

"No, you came at just the right time. Come and sit down."

Ansel smiled and called Melanza to come over and sit down.

Melantha breathed a sigh of relief, and the little ears on her head stood up, showing that she was very happy.

This is the second time she has attended a gathering among friends. Her companions are all very nice people, and Melanza doesn't want them to be unhappy.

"Furong and the others should be watching this game too, right?"

Stewart stared at the screen and said something.

"I remember that Fen was very interested in Casimir's knightly competition?"

"Maybe, we can invite everyone to have dinner together tonight."

Undercher clapped his hands, took a bag of sandworm leg snacks from the table and ate them.

Melanza was still putting down the snacks she had brought from the room, and Mobu on the big screen continued to talk.

"Then this is the list of our contestants today! Let everyone see it first! Otherwise, you will feel panicked."

As he spoke, the names of thirty-two knights appeared on the screen, as well as the weapons they used.

Everyone scanned it down one by one and let out their own sighs.

Stewart said in wonderment.

"As expected, these knights are so strong. I saw many knights using weapons such as heavy hammers and big swords."

"Maybe it's because their fighting style is not just one-on-one combat. At this time, powerful weapons can often bring greater suppression to the opponent."

Ansel spoke his mind.

"Undercher, you said..."

"Eh? Number twenty-two?"

Before Ansel finished speaking, Kati next to him suddenly said something.

"Have you seen Knight No. 22? His name is so familiar. I feel like I've heard it somewhere before."

Ansel turned his attention to the screen.

On the number twenty-two, the knight's name is...


Ansel propped up his cheeks with his hands in interest.

"This name is quite interesting."


No one noticed that when they heard the words "immortal", Melanza on the side also stopped sorting the snacks. She looked at the big screen in astonishment.

To be precise, he could clearly see the three words next to the number twenty-two.

That was the name she missed.

48. Archery competition! Very handsome spear! Seven thousand

"Excuse me, give me a moment, give me a moment, thank you!"

Zofia struggled to squeeze into the crowd with Maria, and the two finally squeezed into the front row five minutes later.

This is the location that Zofia spent a huge amount of money to buy. In order to observe all the fighting skills on the field at close range, Zofia has good intentions.

"Aunt! When does it start!"

Maria had not been sitting in her seat for less than a minute, and she immediately began to ask Zofia anxiously.

Zofia glanced at the big-mouthed Mobu who was still explaining in an passionate tone on the big screen. She curled her lips and said helplessly.

"When that sausage-mouthed fool has finished speaking, the knights will appear."

"Eh? Was it the same when my aunt participated in the major tournament?"

Maria suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but ask Zofia curiously.

"Is it so lively and so many people come to support it?"

"It's like this in every Major, little Maria."

Zofia patted Maria on the head, she said.

"Don't you like knight competitions the most? You should know these things."

"Hehe, isn't this the first time I've come to watch the Major from close range!"

Maria said with a smile.

"My uncle didn't let me watch my sister's last major tournament, so I could only watch it on TV. For the next major tournaments, I can only watch them through videos."

"Okay, let's treat it like today and take you on vacation. But you have to remember that watching the knight competition is not just to see who is more handsome."

Zofia told Maria seriously.

"The swordsmanship taught to you by Mr. Immortal is to be used together with a shield, and he appeared as a sword and shield knight. He did not stop you from watching the game. He wanted to let you see how he uses swordsmanship and shield. If If you care about who is handsome and who is more beautiful, huh."

Zofia pinched Maria's little face and said maliciously.

"I'll report it to Mr. Immortal when I get back and ask him to give you extra training!"

"Hey! Auntie, you are so hateful!"

Before the conversation between the two ended, the big-mouthed Mobu on the commentary desk finally finished talking about a lot of sponsor advertisements he wanted to say. He didn't even take a sip of water, he just swallowed and opened his arms.

"Then! Allow me to announce! The competition from the top 32 to the top 16 has officially begun!"

Along with the fireworks and loud noises sprayed by drones, the audience began to shout.

Just because the doors in the four directions of the Flame Blade Arena opened at the same time, the thirty-two most powerful knights in the past three years walked into the stage together.

"The format of this competition is the same as in previous years! The top 32 will advance to the top 16, and player points will be accumulated through three different games! They are!"

Three different pictures appeared on the big screen, and at the same time, large characters appeared below the picture.

"Shooting competition! Racing competition! And the big melee that everyone is looking forward to!"

"Then the first game is the shooting competition! Next, let me introduce the rules of the shooting competition to you!"

"The rules of the shooting competition are that each knight occupies a different high ground! Use crossbows or spears, as well as your own Origin Stone skills, to shoot at various targets falling in the sky!"

Three targets of different styles appeared on the big screen.

"The green target is the largest and easiest to hit! But please pay attention! Green targets can only increase one point!"

The green target is a green ball that falls slowly and is not small in size.

"The blue target is second. While it is smaller, the falling speed will also increase significantly. If you don't have the necessary confidence, please don't leave a precious shot to the blue target. But with risks, there are corresponding benefits! The blue target adds three points at a time!”

The blue target is a small blue square.

"The red target! It's the target with the highest score! In addition to being the smallest, its movement trajectory is irregular and the hardest to hit! However, a red target is worth ten points!"

Big Mouth Mobu's tone becomes more and more comical with each target that appears, making people want to punch him.

"Of course! In this competition, knights are also allowed to fight in their own way, including but not limited to attacking each other! However, what needs to be restricted is that explosive arrows and Origin Stone skill attacks with excessive damage range are not allowed. Points target!”

"Knights who have not prepared a crossbow or do not have Origin Stone skills can find the crossbow provided by the organizer in their own area after entering!"

Big Mouth Mob took a deep breath.

"Finally! For profit and honor! Knights, please enjoy the fight!"

As Big Mouth Mobu finished speaking, dozens of figures walked out of the gates in all directions.

The voice in the audience reached its peak.

"Skeletons! Skeletons! Use your bow and arrows to tear those idiots apart!"

"Lava! You are the strongest! You have to give me credit!"

The audience cheered for the knights they supported, hoping that they would live up to their love and the prizes they had placed.

The knights also waved to the people in the audience during the entrance process to express that they had received their support.

The immortal is the most special one.

When he entered the venue, he forgot to look at the schematic diagram and forgot where his position was, so he had to look for it one by one.

"Twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two. Here we are."

The undead man walked towards the direction where the numbers were getting bigger and bigger, counting at the same time, and finally found his area.

He stood in the circle of light where the virtual projection fell, silent, and seemed out of place with the other knights.

To his left and right were a crossbow knight and a hammer knight respectively.

The crossbow knight waved his arms vigorously and stood still in his own circle of light.

Then he greeted the undead man with a smile and waved.

The undead man also nodded to him, expressing his kindness.

The Hammer Knight on the right doesn't look so relaxed. He is a knight wearing heavy armor and is not good at shooting. After the shooting competition, he should be among the bottom.

"The knights have all finished entering, right?"

Big Mouth Mobu chuckled.

"Then let's start showing the truest appearance of the stage!"

Before he finished speaking, the entire arena suddenly shook violently.

Numerous cracks suddenly appeared in the huge arena, and the positions of the knights were lifted high.

At the same time, on the back side of the platform where the knights were, a row of weapon racks rose up, as well as a small opening next to it where arrows could be accessed.

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