The sword that had just cut off the tentacles that pierced Melantha's calf was the undead man who obtained the flame from Melantha's straight sword.

However, the flame was like rootless duckweed. It dissipated after a moment and could not stay for long at all.

"Ah? Teacher, can't you do it?"

Melanza was a little confused. She looked at the undead man carefully and then raised her hand.

Melantha's originally dry and wrinkled arms had black lines like cracks. Just when Melantha called for the flame in her heart, those black lines lit up in a red and golden color.

Like breathing, it flashed across Melanza's body.

This appearance is exactly the same as those embers that have been blessed by fire and have temporarily possessed the power of fire.

Just when the undead man was puzzled, Gladia next to him interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Although I'm sorry to interrupt your communication, I think we may need to discuss the current situation."

Hearing Gladia's words, the two stopped looking at each other at the same time, and then turned their attention to Gladia.

At that moment, Gladia's breathing stopped for a moment, and then she subconsciously took a step back.

For some reason, she actually felt a similar sense of oppression from Melanza and the undead.

Although there was no hostility in the eyes of the two of them, the pressure that hit her instincts caused Gladia to stop what she was about to say.

"So are we late? Or are you fighting it not long ago?"

Greyhound appropriately intervened in the communication between the three of them, relieving such tremendous pressure.

Facing the gazes of Melanza and the undead, Greyhound said calmly.

"We came down from the sixth floor through a special passage. This is the seventh floor, and the next floor is the eighth floor. I don't know if there is a special passage leading to the ninth floor, but it only took us a few minutes to get down. "

Gladia recalled it and said.

"The time we fought was not long, but from the time Laurentina and I met that monster to the end, it was at least ten minutes."

Gladia looked back at Laurentina.

Laurentina stood up supporting the wall. She recovered very quickly and could already hold the chainsaw in her hand again.

"About ten minutes, but the tide will be earlier."

Laurentina has been sitting and resting, and her control of time should be the most accurate.

Greyhound nodded and said.

"Starting from the fifth floor, Haiji will appear on the floor to join the battle. But Haiji will usually appear ten minutes after our battle."

"However, when we were on the sixth floor, we didn't hear any sound from below, and when we came down, the sea wave had already started."

Greyhound's words easily led everyone's thoughts in one direction.

W raised his eyebrows.

"You mean, our time is different?"

"To be precise, either part of our time has been swallowed up, causing our body perception of time to be inaccurate. Or the time when each of us arrived on the seventh level does not overlap with the time of the entire dream."

Greyhound spread his hands and said.

"This is actually easy to understand. The time and space of the dream itself are chaotic. If we don't rely on the bonfire as a nail to put us together, no matter how we move forward, or even stand in the same place, we can't see each other."

"But our time is overlapping."

Greyhound pointed at Gladia and then at the undead man.

"Although this ship is very big, the noise caused by that monster cannot be hidden. It's too quiet here."

"But when we were fighting above, did you hear any movement below?"

Gladia didn't speak, she hadn't been here long.

Instead, Ceob shook his head.

"There's no movement! Keob didn't hear it!"

"But now, we are gradually gathering together, which means that the entire dream space is beginning to come together."

Greyhound said.

"Didn't you realize that the time we stayed in the dreamland today was a little too long?"

Only then did everyone realize that although today was only the second and third day after entering the dreamland, the time spent exploring in the dreamland was far beyond their perception.

"Time has been extended indefinitely, and if we can't find a way out, I suspect we will all be trapped here."

Greyhound's words sounded the alarm in everyone's heart.

Even the deep-sea hunters frowned.

The situation is now very clear. If this big guy is not cleared away, there will be no way to find the coordinates of the hull.

Everyone gathered together and spent a few minutes briefly communicating that they knew the clues.

Just when everyone understood what was happening, a voice suddenly sounded from a corner of the room.

"The people are pretty neat."

A man wearing a black hood came out of the closet.

"I'm sorry, this is just a way of moving. I always have a reason to appear. I'm not hiding in it from the beginning."

Faced with everyone's confused and stunned looks, the doctor chose to explain briefly.

"These are not the important points. What Greyhound just said is right. The dream itself is shrinking. You appear one by one and are linked together by the bonfire. The dream has been almost pierced by nails. The dream that was originally unfolding has also been pierced by the bonfire. Crucified together.”

"So, the appearance of this monster is essentially a self-protection mechanism in dreams."

The undead interrupted the doctor.

"Is there any way to kill it?"

The undead think very clearly, but in fact, it is useless to say anything. If you can kill it, all problems will be solved.

"Of course there are."

The doctor gave the answer everyone wanted to hear, but the next sentence was.

"But you can't do it."

"?" The undead man sat up straight.

"Tell me."

Apparently, the Immortal didn't believe it.

And he was tired of this simple obstruction.

There were many powerful people present. In addition to the deep-sea hunters who knew something about dreams, there were also undead people and Melanza who could trigger the First Fire.

Although W and Greyhound seem to be bonus items, they themselves are considered elite warriors among the entire Terran group.

However, the doctor still shook his head.

"It's not that you can't harm it, but you can't kill him completely."

"It is not an ordinary dream nightmare, but the manifestation of the rules of this dream, which is equivalent to some kind of special defensive program."

"Within the rules of this dream, as long as you damage it by any means, it can recover at an extremely fast speed. I believe you have experienced this many times."

"Other than using the same level of power as the dream to disrupt its rules, there is no way to give him the concept of death."

"Its goal is also very simple, to devour another nightmare trapped in the tenth floor. In this way, it can control the entire dream, and even use the bodies of those left in the dream to affect the real world."

After saying this, the doctor raised a finger.

"Don't forget, how many years has the dreamland been running, and how much information and data on powerful people has been collected?"

"Even you, the immortal, left some information in your dreams, didn't you?"

The undead man pondered for a moment, and the doctor's words shaped this nightmare into an undefeatable being.

It’s daunting.

But since the doctor appears here, it means there is still a way.

After all, he never works in vain towards an unattainable goal.

"But, I just said you can't kill it. In this dream, there is another person, she can do it."


The undead man naturally knew that the doctor was talking about Kelsey. But he doesn't think Kelsey can play a decisive role.

"Are you serious?"

Faced with the immortal's questions, the doctor raised a mysterious and confident smile.

"Guess why I brought Theresia here in the first place?"

"Do I really just want her to understand the past?"


While the undead and the others were still discussing, the sludge aggregate was on its way to the eighth floor.

In a room on the ninth floor, Kelsey stood in front of the mirror, admiring her own appearance.

There was another person leaning against the door of the room, crossing his arms and looking at Kelsey curiously.

"Seriously, why would I want my hair to be white?"

Kelsey's tone was no longer as cold and stiff as before, but much more flexible.

"There's even a hint of green... It's not that I look down on green, it just feels a little weird."

"Who knows? You can't even remember what you have experienced in so many years, right?"

Patch's tone was lazy, as if it was vacation time and there was no urgent matter at all.

Kelsey stared at herself in the mirror. Her already dark hair roots spread upward between breaths. After one breath, the white hair on her head turned back to a deep black.

The original dark green eyes slowly dimmed, leaving only pure black in the pupils.

"It's more comfortable to look at like this."

She fiddled with her hair with satisfaction, took off the Rhode Island uniform coat she was wearing, picked up a white coat from the side and put it on her body.

Patch watched with interest as Kelsey changed into a coat and clapped her hands.

"Hey, this outfit really suits you. How many years have we not seen this?"

"Ten thousand... well, forget it, I can't remember."

Kelsey waved her hands and said not to care about these details.

She casually put the notebook on the table into the top of her clothes.

Except that the outline of his face is still somewhat similar to before, his whole person has completely changed.

"It's like going back to the old days."

Kelsey smiled unconsciously. She felt that she had just arrived at a new day, with new experiments and goals waiting for her to complete.

"Appropriate recall is good for physical and mental health. But if your mind is completely occupied by the past, it is not good."

Suddenly, Patch said such a sentence.

"Kelsey, you are not here to work."

"I know, Mr. Patch, you don't have to keep saying it so many times."

Kelsey walked to the coffee machine next to her and picked up the coffee she had ground before changing clothes.

After putting in a lot of sugar cubes, Kelsey took a sip and suddenly felt refreshed.

She put down her coffee and stretched.

After laziness, the whole person's expression turned cold again from the excitement and enthusiasm at the beginning.

Patch put down his hands on his chest and left the door.


Patch asked as if confirming.


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