"Did you clean up?"

"There are still those that have popped up, and there must be more inside the ship, but the number has indeed become smaller."

Scout shook his hand. It was indeed difficult for him, a specialist in investigation, to deal with these heirs.

"Sure, thank you for your hard work. After the area is almost cleared, you can prepare to board the ship."

Kelsey turned around and looked up at the giant ship again.

"I don't know what has become of it inside."


While the people on Rhodes Island were dealing with matters related to Heir, a figure quietly buried his head in the dim environment, and then took advantage of the gap between shadow and light to hide behind the sentry tower.

After a while, a head emerged from the water on the back of the watch tower and stared at the figure standing next to the watch tower.


Patch knelt down and looked at his friend floating in the water.

"We'll be ready to board the boat in a moment. If you want to get on, it's best to do it now."

"I have almost solved the Deep Sea Church, and there will be no pursuers behind."

Urbi in the water stabilized his hat and said.

"How do I get up there?"

"It depends on your ability."

Patch squatted down in the same posture as before, put his hands on his knees, and looked at Ulbian in the water with a half-smile.

"I can't get you on board in front of everyone."

Ulbian fell silent.

When Patch saw him like this, he quickly took two steps back.

"Don't be angry, I didn't trick you. But if you really want to go up, I suggest you go around in a circle and climb up from the back. Anyway, the Alk is not difficult to climb. Do you want to try?"

Ulbian glanced back.

Then he turned his head back and asked in a somewhat stiff tone.

"This ship is at least a few kilometers long, are you serious?"

In other words, Ulbian had to swim a few kilometers to the side, then find an uninhabited corner to climb onto the ship, and even have to deal with the heirs emerging from the ship.

"if not?"

Patch stopped arguing with Ulbian and said directly.

"You have to know that I have a guy here who is hard to fool. If you really plan to climb up from the front, I can't guarantee that you will survive."

"Think about your current situation, and then think about why you made this deal with me."

Patch became hardened in a rare way. Although Ulbian felt a little unhappy, he also knew that this was an unavoidable choice.

That guy called the Undead, even if he just glanced at it from a distance, it made him feel pain and dizziness as if his eyes were burned.

He had reason to believe that if he really planned to pass in front of him, he would definitely be pierced through the chest by that big sword.

"I see."

Then, Ulbian sank into the water and swam toward the other side under the cover of the darkness and the dim lights on the shore.

Patch squinted his eyes, watching the waves of the sea cover his tracks.

I didn't expect that when I was trapped in a dream, I would meet such an interesting guy.

It can be considered an unexpected surprise.

After everyone had almost cleared the sea heirs and said goodbye to the Iberian sergeants who stayed on the guard tower, they boarded the makeshift boat and boarded Alk.

Surprisingly, the scenery on the Alk was exactly the same as what everyone saw in their dreams.

This includes the captain's cabin on the deck and even lights near the railing.

The only thing they didn't foresee was that the ship was really so big. It was so big that it was unimaginable and difficult to see the whole thing with the naked eye.

Therefore, after boarding the ship, everyone did not stop.

Immediately, he followed the path in the dream without stopping and headed to the navigation room on the first floor below the deck.

In the dreamland, the undead person is responsible for opening the navigation room. Therefore, the undead also planned to use the same operation to "knock" on the door of the navigation room.

However, Kelsey held the undead back.

After grabbing the black controller from Patch, Kelsey easily opened the door to the navigation room with the controller covering her hand.

It is almost exactly the same as what the three Greyhounds saw in their dreams.

There were documents scattered on the floor, and these sailors collapsed on their seats.

The only thing missing was the statue on the table in the middle.

Greyhound stared at the table in the middle for a long time, and finally looked away uncomfortably.

"Clean up this place first. We should stay here for a while in the future."

Kelsey reached out and brushed away the documents on the table, then used the controller gloves to lift the entire top cover of the table from under the table.

The middle controller section is exposed.

"Some time in the future?"

Scout gets the point right.

“Will we sail for long?”

"If nothing else, yes."

Kelsey nodded.

"When the Agor was built...I mean, according to the description in the document, the ship sailed for more than half a year before the construction site of the Agor was selected."

Inadvertently, Kelsey mentioned a time that made people feel dizzy.

"Wait, wait. Half a year?"

Greyhound can't accept that.

"Then it will take half a year for us to go to Agor?"

"It won't take that long, but it certainly won't be soon. A conservative estimate is a month."

Kelsey pressed the start button.

The entire ship's navigation system turned into a curtain of light from the console and unfolded in front of Kelsey.

Kelsey took a deep breath.

How long has it been since you touched this thing?

Then, the right hand wearing the controller glove gently clicked on the light screen.

The trio of deep-sea hunters standing behind everyone have remained silent since they boarded the boat.

At this time, Laurentina glanced at Skadi next to her.

Skadi seemed to want to say something, but was stopped by Gladia.

Gladia shook her head at Skadi.

Skadi whispered.

"Agor... can feel it getting closer."

"Yes, but, that's not a good sign, and it's not guaranteed to be accurate."

Gladia responded in a low voice.

"Let's see what she plans to do before something unexpected happens."

So, after a violent shaking, in front of everyone's eyes, the originally cold wall suddenly lit up with light.

In an instant, the entire sea surface was displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

And the entire Alk ship also moved.

The low roar of the engine was endless, and a fire light lit up on the top of the giant Alk ship, and the light on the entire ship seemed to be more dazzling.

After thousands of years, the Alk set off from the shore again.

Looking out from the guard tower, it seems that we can also see the scene that happened in that thick historical file.

The Agor sailed toward the distant sea level, and the hull gradually sank into the water, but the lights lit up the entire sea.

Like a holy flame, sailing into the distance in the darkness.

Carmen stared at the scene.

Engraved it in my mind.

448. Quicksand

When sailing on the bottom of the sea, people cannot feel the passage of time.

Just like Greyhound and the others, they obviously didn't stay on the ship for long. But it seems like every minute and every second that passes is torture.

After all, what they were about to face was the king who had his own large group at the bottom of the sea.

As a king born during the Great Quiet Period, his own power is obviously not that strong. But they have already let the undead understand the source of power as the Lord of Dreams.

It is to integrate oneself into the illusory dream world, using it as a seedbed to give birth to the roots of chaos and disorder.

It has to be said that if the four-year plan of the Lord of Dreams really succeeds, then maybe the Lord of Dreams will have no weaknesses.

Its body will be made of fire and abyss. With the blessing of these two, although I don't know where I will eventually go, there is no doubt that I will no longer be afraid of the power of fire.

No one wants to see this happen, and that means. Not even the undead can eradicate its immortality as a sea heir.

It can be said that the Lord of Dreams is trying to distance himself from the battle between the flames and the abyss.

Unfortunately, it failed.

And what everyone is about to face is this Lord of Haihe who has such patience and wisdom.

This puts Greyhound and others under great pressure.

Especially during such a voyage where the passage of time cannot be noticed, it can accumulate a lot of mental pressure.

It is hard to imagine what kind of perseverance the first batch of Iberians who communicated with Agor relied on to survive the half-year voyage at sea.

"What's today's date?"

The gray dog ​​turned his head and asked Scout next to him.

Scout, who was taking a nap against the wall, opened his eyes slightly, and then showed a helpless look to the gray dog ​​next to him.

"Today is the fourth day since our voyage, and it is now 5:47 pm Terra time."

Scout showed the watch on his wrist to Greyhound.

The numbers above clearly show the current date and time.

"And you just asked me this question three hours and seven minutes ago."

Scout put away his watch and continued to close his eyes.

"Stop asking me stupid questions, Greyhound. This is not how you should be."

Greyhound understands the truth. After all, what we are about to face is an unimaginably brutal battle. If you don't rest and conserve energy at this time, you will not be able to guarantee sufficient combat effectiveness for whatever happens later.

But he just couldn't calm down.

Greyhound had an uneasiness so profound that he couldn't even close his eyes for a good night's sleep.

Even if he simply closed his eyes and meditated, Theresa's whisper seemed to appear in his ears.

He didn't know whether he was too mentally sensitive or because he had never experienced such a voyage in the deep sea and felt mentally exhausted.

Greyhound and Scout were in the same room.

We all agreed not to explore the lower floors.

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