Opened his eyes.


It was a voice that appeared directly in her mind. After the miko realized this, she frowned instantly.

A great man has arrived.

"I want to know why my people are weeping."

The voice echoed in the miko's mind, but it was not talking to her.

Instead, he was communicating with the two pardoners.

The two sin pardoners fell to the ground, trembling all over.

This was the purest and strongest breath of the abyss, in which they could feel the confusion and anger from the king.

If they cannot give an answer that satisfies the king, they will surely be immersed in the abyss of the world in such anger.

"King! @! %...?% is Agor. We met your...should be your front of the world barrier..."


The voice was a little surprised.

In the crack in mid-air, the deep black gap seemed to have a solid body, and vision was also born in it.

The miko only felt that her body was glanced at, and then there was an entity-like gaze focused on her.


The miko heard another low moan with interest.

Then, from the dark opening, the profoundness that turned into reality flowed down out of thin air.

The darkness fell to the ground, gathered on countless broken corpses, and formed a human-shaped shadow.

"Such a strong aura of the abyss...You are supposed to be our companion, why do you stand in front of the flames and stop the spread of the abyss?"

The actual appearance of the phantom could not be clearly seen, but a head of white hair and a body wrapped in a black robe could be vaguely seen.

And the lush red light in his eyes.

The miko put her raised right hand away and placed it calmly on her chest.

Ignore it.

The shadow seemed to be angered by the miko's disrespectful behavior.

He hummed softly to the doctor, and from the abyss crack in the sky, a thick black fog dispersed, rushing towards the witch like a ferocious beast.

The witch remained unmoved, even though she was torn apart by the black mist, she remained unscathed.

Even the black mist gradually dissipated, but instead of being annihilated in the air, it was gradually inhaled into her body.

Only then did the phantom become serious.

"I am a descendant of the abyss, the king blessed by the gods of the abyss. My name in this cage, you can call me Tracys."

"Betrayer of the Abyss, why don't you tell me your name?"

After hearing this name, perhaps because of some impression, the miko finally became interested.

She observed the shadow with curiosity.

Then he spoke.

"It's just an empty body, without any substance. It's not even half as good as my stupid apprentice. How can I be favored by those in power in the abyss?"

"The descendants of the big snake are blind after all."

There seemed to be magic in her voice, and there was a soul-stirring charm in her calm communication.

This is the origin of the suffering that she cannot shake off, and it is also the essence that carries her to this day.

"My name is Karula."

"Just like that old man, nothing more than a prisoner of the flames."

462. The man who explores the flames-Cormacus


Not to mention that this name was famous in the Age of Fire. But everyone who has heard it knows the meaning of this name.

Son of the Abyss, Shard of the Abyss, Successor of Manus.

Any pronoun released is enough to make people hide their faces and stay away.

Since the Lord of the Abyss, Manus, created the Abyss and was attacked by the nameless undead, the Dark Soul, one of the four king souls that Manus found, split into countless fragments with his death.

These fragments poured into the bodies of the same race as him, and from then on, this power from the dark soul was permanently stationed in the bodies of the dwarves.

Whether it's because of fear of the power of the Dark Soul, or to prevent the Abyss from breaking out around the world.

Gwen, the king of Wuxin, built the Ring Seal City at the end of the world and gave it as a gift to the dwarf kings, using it as a seal to try to imprison the dark soul there.

But how could the darkness in people's hearts ever be sealed by a simple city?

The moment Manus died, the outcome was sealed.

And not all dark souls will gather on the dwarves.

Among them, a few pieces of the Dark Soul fragments that still retain some residual consciousness have transformed independently in human form and have not been contaminated with any flesh.

This also means that these humans born from the body of the Dark Soul are the original children of the abyss.

Children of the Abyss will follow the strong because of their instinct to constantly thirst for power.

And Karula is one of the original children of the abyss.

However, as the original Son of the Abyss, Karula did not seem to surrender to her own instincts like other Children of the Abyss, surrounding herself with the strong in order to absorb their power or bring destruction.

After many years of traveling, she knew her fate and harbored extreme hatred and disgust for it.

The witch exiled herself from the company of others, considered herself a heretic and a deformity, and allowed her body to lie low in filth.

But fate is such a joke sometimes.

An Ember, of little value in her eyes, approached her and asked for her help.

She still chose to follow the man who was willing to lend a helping hand to her in the darkness.

She called this undead person who was taciturn and didn't show much emotion, but who constantly tried to explore the depths and learn dark arts and even abyssal arts.

Stupid apprentice.

In this way, even though the current abyss has already changed hands, new gods or kings were born in the deep sea era.

Karula is still the predecessor of all abyssal creations in the world.

How could the man named Tracy in front of her be qualified to be on an equal footing with her, or even ask her name directly?

Traces immersed himself in his thoughts, trying to find the impression of Karula in his memory, but there was no trace.

In this way, Tracy became even more interested.

"A son of the abyss who has never appeared in my memory."

Tracy asked with a frown.

"Why did you betray the abyss? Are you bewitched by the flames?"

Tracy didn't seem to have any intention of chatting with Karula head-on. He just asked a few questions as usual, and then answered himself.

"Forget it, it's not important."

Without him, the flames behind Karula said everything.

No matter which side Karula is on, her standing in front of Chuhuo is the clearest answer to Tracys' question.

"It's getting late."

Traces looked away from Carola.

He didn't have much time when his consciousness came here.

He was just here to determine the situation and convey his will.

"Isamara, don't watch the show up there. The deal between us was established under the witness of the gods."

As soon as Tracys finished speaking, there was a completely incomprehensible muffled sound in the ears of the two pardoners and Karula.

Karula suddenly turned around, and then she noticed that something like a shadow began to boil on the surface of the keystone.

Then, from the surface of those countless pairs of eyes, a twisted face emerged.

The face was a little jerky as he spoke.

But this time, it's no longer the language whose meaning you can't understand.

"A deal cannot be broken. But I still have to wait."

It is hard to imagine that Haihe, who was born in darkness, has learned human language at this moment.

Even though it is still a little awkward when speaking, there is no doubt that it can communicate with people.

Tracy looked up at the face.

"Your dream has been shattered, and I have already given you the time I promised you. If you continue to stand by and watch, I cannot guarantee what consequences you will encounter."

"Let me remind you that Black Snake is already dead, and the murderer of Black Snake is on the way here. If you want to end up with the same fate as Black Snake, then continue to delay. But my pardon The criminal masters will not die with you here."

Isamara was a little restless. Its body stuck to the keystone of the World Barrier twisted for a while, and then slowly condensed into the shape of a creature, rising from the muddy body that had no solid appearance.

"The flames are approaching. But I still have to wait."

This time, Isamara finally gave the reason.

Under the shadow of the keystone, a group of heirs slowly crawled out.

And surrounded by Haiji was a figure with silver hair.

Her eyes had lost their brightness and agility, and she was standing among the sea heirs, her body bound tightly by rope-like tentacles.

And behind those tentacles, there are several slender tissues hanging high, connected to the body of the Lord of the Swarm that is clinging to the surface of the wedge-shaped stone.

"Blood is contaminated by fire. Don't be anxious about evolution."

Tracy's brows deepened and he snorted coldly.

Seeing that Tracy's opinion was so loud, Isamara let out another low growl from her biological body.

Haiji appeared from the darkness surrounding the square and surrounded the two sides confronting each other.

This is the core area of ​​Agor and the habitat of Haihe.

It is here that the Lord of the Swarm settles down. Naturally, there are countless heirs here to accept sacrifices and become the food of the Swarm, giving their own strength to the transformation and reproduction of the Swarm.

Seeing that Isamara reluctantly allocated part of her strength and ordered Haiji to take the initiative, Trasisi stopped urging her.

Today's Isamara is just a body composed of powerful heirs, and has no real power as a god.

Only when power and consciousness are unified can new gods be born.

Isamara now is just a shell at best.

Of course, Tracys knew that although Haihe's evolution was very fast, it did not happen overnight and required a process.

What's more, this is the moment when the blood of the old god and the brain of the new god merge.

Traces seemed unwilling to continue to struggle with this issue. He turned back, avoiding the eyes that Karula looked at him.

From behind the two Pardoners, a thick shadow emerged from their shadows and returned to Tracys' body.

The two pardoners finally knelt on the ground, gasping for air, as if their bodies had been evaporated and lacked oxygen.

"My son, don't let me down."

The shadow of Traces floated behind the two Pardoners, then turned behind them, staring at the keystone above their heads.

It seems that he plans to leave this matter to his heirs to resolve.

The two pardoners immediately agreed.

He saw more thick darkness pouring out from the shadows of the black robes beneath the two men.

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