On the other side, in the central square of the lower city of Londinium, the battle between the dragon and the steam armor was almost over.

Facing the death light of the abyss where the dragon was gradually weakening, the huge steam knight stepped deeply into the ground step by step.

And the originally thick abyss death light gradually became thinner and thinner, and the steam knight ran forward faster and faster.

Every step kicked up huge clouds of dust. And when it really starts running, it means that the dragon's breath has ended.

A large shield with a width of more than ten meters was carried in the hands of the steam armor, and the shield moved forward against the death light of the abyss.

Then, in the running steps, the huge kinetic energy was waved by the arms and hit the dragon head-on.


The shield surface came into contact with the dragon head, and the hard metal slapped against the huge dragon head. It was like an experienced knight skillfully using a shield strike to hit the enemy on the head.

As the heir to the royal family, although Vina's usual weapon is a hammer, for her, these qualities that are necessary for a king are all part of what she has learned.

The heirs of the royal family will learn how to use various weapons. As Aslan's only son, Veena has also had high hopes since she was a child.

Although that period of history has now been reduced to the ashes of history, she is still an out-and-out king.

Although the skill of using sword and shield is not as good as that of the top sword and shield knights, it is no worse than those business knights who show off in Casimir.

Although Wei Na was once curious as to why it was clearly a sword and shield. But Aslan's royal swordsmanship is more like using the long sword as a blunt instrument for smashing.

This also made her more accustomed to using blunt weapons such as hammers, and it also became her blunt weapon fighting skill that established her prestige after joining the Glasgow Gang.

It wasn't until she actually sat on the huge steam armor that she understood why her teacher taught her this way when she was a child.

Because Aslan's royal swordsmanship should not be just swordsmanship.

It is prepared for all kings to one day sit on the steam armor.

The shield slapped the dragon's head sideways, and the death light of the abyss disappeared from the dragon's mouth in an instant.

A sudden feeling of dizziness occupied Longtou's entire brain.

Then, it could only use the corner of its eye to see the faint light emitting in the darkness, getting bigger and bigger before its eyes.

It was a strange-shaped axe.

And this ax, blessed by the energy of countless source stone solutions, exudes a golden shimmer.

As soon as the shield attack with the left hand ended, the right arm of the steam armor had already raised the giant axe, dragged the huge ax behind itself, circled the entire right body and half of the body, and swept away!

The golden blade left a faint afterglow in the air. But in front of everyone's eyes, a yellow trace was left.

The huge arc of 180 degrees was like a crescent moon in the sky, and then it hit the huge dragon head.



Unexpected pain appeared in his neck.

The giant dragon only felt that something on its body was broken, and the severe pain in its neck reminded it that it had suffered a fatal blow in a real sense.

Even such a rough giant ax, with the blessing of huge power, tore off the hard scales on the outside and penetrated deeply into the interior of the dragon's body.

The curved blade surface has sunk deeply into the dragon's body, and the external scales even left countless marks of varying depths on the ax surface.

Wei Na pressed the joystick in her hand to death, trying to pin the struggling dragon under her giant axe.

It was just an effective attack, but Wei Na found the right opportunity and smashed the steam armor's giant ax into the dragon's body.

In her sight, the slot representing the source stone solution had bottomed out, and she could also feel that the power of the steam armor was constantly weakening.

She could never let go of such an opportunity.

In full view of everyone, the giant armor representing the people of Victoria put away the shield in his left hand, used the groove of the shield to connect with the locking groove behind him, and hung it behind him.

Then, two giant mechanical hands grasped the handle of the axe.


With a forceful pry, the giant ax was pulled out of the giant object's body by the steam armor.

Then, it stood up straight.

The dragon was still struggling on the ground, its body and pierced wings constantly beating the ground, crashing and shattering the surrounding buildings.

The steam armor held up the giant ax in his hand.

The radiator on the back once again lifts off the outer carapace. From the gap between the shield and the radiator, a huge amount of steam came out and spread out along the outer ring of the shield.

The coolant comes to the radiator again as the gears rotate.


Steam clouds spurted out along the red radiator port, and the hot machinery once again discharged the high temperature.

The cooling down this time is to fully prepare for the next action.

The remaining source stone solution gathered at the engine under the rapid rotation of the gears.

The evaporated Source Stone solution transports energy to the limbs of the Steam Armor.

The source stone circuit connected to the palm of the hand completely poured the excess energy into the giant ax in his hand along the energy circuit of the giant ax handle.

At this moment, holding the ax in his hand high, the steam armor seems to be supporting his faith.

The color on the ax blade became even more dazzling, changing from the original yellow to a deep and dazzling red due to constant pressure and heating.

Then, its head slowly lowered and looked at the giant dragon struggling in front of it.

The outer shell of the radiator closes in just one second.

Countless gears rotated rapidly, and the huge body quickly fell with the giant axe, slashing towards the giant dragon in front of it!

The moment the deep red color came into contact with the dragon's scales, it melted the scales. The huge high temperature brought by the source stone solution and the power of the artificial gods converged to cut the real gods in two!


Dust and hot wind mixed with shock waves swept outward.

Everyone had to lower their bodies to avoid the blow, which was like a meteor falling into the world.

The huge noise echoed in everyone's ears, and even their heads felt as if something had hit them, making them dizzy.

The entire lower city fell into silence.

It wasn't until half a minute later that someone had the courage to suppress his pounding heart and raise his head.

The clouds and smoke dissipated, and everyone could only see the high-temperature steam surrounding the huge armor, but it itself did not move.

"out of battery?"

Someone said something carelessly.

"It should be that the energy is running out."

But the chief engineers reacted.

"The intensity of this battle is not small. It's good if this armor can last for five minutes. I originally thought it could last half an hour, but it seems we were too idealistic."

Even though they said that, they still stared over there.

Wait until the smoke clears to see the battle.

Until the diffuse water vapor gradually dissipated, no one dared to approach there.

Finally, a pair of suddenly widened eyes came into everyone's eyes.

The ferocious dragon still opened its eyes wide.

It was only cut off from the neck by a giant ax that was submerged in the ground.

The mechanical creations created by humans literally killed a god born from the abyss.


A soldier looked at the broken dragon head blankly and said something stupidly.

This time, the dull atmosphere was finally ignited instantly.


"we won!"

Infinite cheers echoed in the lower city, and morale increased unstoppably.

Even the soldiers who were still fighting against the Kazdaele Legion seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and power emerged from their limbs and bones out of thin air.

Yet, amid the cheers.

The huge dragon seemed to have melted.

Starting from the outer scales, the entire body is like thawing ice cubes exuding black liquid.

Until the entire huge dragon body melted like the dragon head, turning into a pool of dark black liquid, and then evaporated in front of everyone's sight.

Black smoke rises in visible light and dissipates into the air.

Until all the flesh and blood turned into black water and evaporated, all that was left in place were the traces of being ravaged by the giant dragon.

"Hey, look over there."

Hannah pointed to the ground where the dragon had dissipated.

A human figure.

There was still dark liquid covering her body.

But she herself closed her eyes tightly, not knowing whether she was alive or dead.

Just from the top of the head, there is a pair of horns extending outward.

"Wait a minute, this horn..."

An operator from Rhodes Island recognized it.

The horns looked very similar to the horns of Tallulah, the leader of the integration movement that they had defeated.

This is a Drak tribesman.

498. The person who inherits the flame six thousand

Suggested BGM for this chapter: Night Flying Star - Bucai

"That is to say, Victoria's Drac has always existed from the beginning, but it was Tracy who found him first, right?"

Ace spread his hands and said to the elite operators gathered together.

"Then Traces used a method we can't understand, using Draco as the core, to create this giant dragon, and then it was defeated by Miss Vina in a steam armor?"

"You can understand it that way, but in this way, I can also understand why the integration movement Tallulah ended up like this."

The doctor's voice echoed in everyone's ears, and he sighed.

"The Drake family has not been heard from since the Dragon Gate Incident. I think that Drake, who has great power, must have been targeted by these guys from the beginning."

As the doctor said, both Tallulah and the Drake who emerged from the dragon's body were plotted by others and ended up with no ending.

After Vina killed the dragon, the steam armor also lost its power source. Fortunately, the little Drak who appeared in the dragon's body was not in any danger.

The Rhode Island operators rescued Drake from the dark water and immediately sent him to the medical camp behind for examination.

After confirming that his body was in good condition, the doctor immediately ordered some of the wounded from Rhode Island to escort Drac back to Rhode Island.

There are many more places where this Draco can be used.

Moreover, no matter what the reason is, it is inconvenient for the descendants of the Drac family to be in the same environment as the current Lord Aslan.

Even if Wei Na has no hostility towards her. But it’s hard to say whether people in Victoria have special thoughts.

Under the current situation, being taken to Rhode Island can be said to be the best option.

"Except for the predetermined candidates, no one else can retreat. Now that we have completely taken control of the lower city, we will immediately launch an offensive on the upper city before Tracy has gathered a new round of troops. .”

After the doctor ended the topic of Draco, he immediately brought it back.

"Katzdale's army was seriously damaged. Although Victoria's First Army and Second Army also suffered heavy casualties, the Third Army still maintained its combat power online."

"Now, regroup the troops and attack the entrance to the upper city. Make no mistake!"

"Yes, received!"

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