Armageddon: Shelters Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 106: The combat effectiveness of the top 5 in the kill list

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The middle-aged hunter was cursing, but he did not relax his vigilance at all. He waved his palm to signal the team members to disperse immediately, and quickly drew the longbow again, ready to shoot Abe Dongming.

As a hunter, he knows how to fight "prey". When hunting large beasts or some more aggressive prey, the hunter will not fight the opponent head-on, but keep a distance from the opponent while quickly While running, use weapons such as bows and arrows and shotguns to constantly harass and attack.

Also known as...flying a kite!

If two experienced hunters cooperate, a bison or lioness can be easily killed without injury.

At this time, Abe Dongming has to face five hunters. Can the Sakura Country swordsmanship he relies on to run wild in the wilderness allow him to win this battle?

【Ding! Ranked 5th in the kill list, the senior player Toaki Abe started the live broadcast! 】

In the game live broadcast system, a live broadcast room labeled "Sakura Swordsmanship is Invincible in the World" suddenly popped up, and the live broadcaster was facing five hunters Abe Dongming at the same time.

Because the whole wilderness is paying close attention to the incident about the siege of the Luyan Refuge at this time, when Abe Dongming's live broadcast room opened, hundreds of viewers immediately poured in.

"Is it a live attack?"

"Wow, I really want to see how Lu Yan's shelter was breached!"

"No! It seems that it is not Lu Yan who is fighting against the warrior team, but another team, the West Coast League!"

In the live broadcast room, bullet screens flew up, and many people couldn't wait to know how far the situation had gone!

"I'm Abe Toaki, one of the three members of the samurai team! Tonight, I will use a hearty killing to prove to the whole world that only Sakura Country swordsmanship is the greatest and most powerful killing technique in the world ..." Abe Dongming's cold face appeared in the live broadcast room, his body was still in the ready posture before drawing his sword, and his voice was extremely gloomy and arrogant: "You will see a wonderful visual feast, don't blink!"

"It's so **** crazy!" The middle-aged hunter frowned and cursed. Surrounded by five people, Abe Dongming not only didn't panic, but turned on the live broadcast function very easily and leisurely, as if it wasn't him who was surrounded at this time, but Member of the West Coast Alliance.

"Shoot him!"

The middle-aged hunter couldn't bear it anymore. The distance between him and Abe Dongming was about ten meters, which was the best time to attack. Following his order, four arrows roared out at the same time, straight Stab the opponent's shoulders, chest, lower abdomen and other parts!

A gust of cold wind blew by, and the dark clouds in the sky blocked the moonlight for a moment, and the whole wilderness fell into dead darkness.

Abe Dongming's figure in the sight of the middle-aged hunter suddenly disappeared, and then he heard the crisp sound of wood breaking, which was the sound of an arrow being chopped off.

An indescribable chill hit his face, and the middle-aged hunter let out a bad feeling, feeling the hairs all over his body. He backed up quickly and placed the carefully crafted longbow as a shield across his chest.

He only heard a crackling sound, and the middle-aged hunter felt a cold chill coming from his lower abdomen. He looked down with his eyes wide open, and saw that Abe Dongming had rushed in front of him at some point, and the cold long knife had already Cut off his longbow, the tip of the knife has already touched his lower abdomen, and he only needs to move forward an inch, and he can be ripped open!

"Go away!"

There was a roar like thunder, and the strong man with an ax rushed over like a hill, and chopped off Abe Dongming's neck with an axe.

Facing such a powerful and heavy axe, Abe Dongming did not dare to resist. No matter how strong he is, after all, he is still a body of flesh and blood that cannot compete with iron weapons, so he can only draw back the knife and roll to the left on the spot. Dodged the strong man's attack.

"It's too dangerous!" The middle-aged hunter backed away quickly, a burning pain came from his lower abdomen, and his palm was full of blood when he stretched out his hand.

The speed of this dog day is too fast!

The middle-aged hunter roared in his heart, he was thrust into the face just now without seeing the opponent's movements clearly, and now his own weapon was also destroyed, let alone being Abe Dongming's opponent.

"Are you a soldier in this team? Interesting!" Abe Dongming stood up, looked at the strong man holding a steel ax, and showed a violent smile at the corner of his mouth: "Let's start with you!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Three arrows flew over again, blocking Abe Dongming's range of activities. The strong man roared angrily when he saw this, and swung his round ax again to chop it down.

Abe Dongming rolled on the spot when he saw this, and his body was extremely flexible to get under the crotch of the strong man. At the same time, he danced the long knife in his hand, and cut through the back of the strong man's ankle very lightly.

In an instant, the two large tendons of the strong man's feet were severed, and blood spurted out like pillars.


The strong man knelt down on the ground screaming, while Abe Dongming swung his long knife and landed on the strong man again. With the sound of bone breaking, the strong man's wrist and spine were cut off, and he instantly became a With blood.

Abe Dongming stood behind the strong man, with a ferocious smile on his face, grabbed the strong man's hair with one hand and forcibly raised his head, so that the other four hunters and the audience in the live broadcast room could clearly see the strong man's pain expression, the other hand raised the long knife high, and said softly: "This is the first one!"


The long knife fell, and the head of the strong man fell to the ground!

His expression was painful and unbelievable, until the moment before he died, he didn't believe that he would lose so quickly!

Three seconds, just three seconds, Abe Dongming killed the strongest member of the west coast team with crushing power!

As the strong man's head fell to the ground the entire live broadcast room exploded.

"Damn it! It's so **** perverted!"

"The members of the samurai squad are really ridiculously strong..."

"Now you know that our Sakura Country's martial arts are the strongest, right? Hahahaha!"


In the live broadcast room, a large number of viewers were horrified by Abe Dongming's fighting power, and even Lu Yan frowned deeply.

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon above the wilderness.

Although I really don't want to admit it, judging from the current situation, if I leave the refuge, my combat power can only be regarded as upper-middle-class at best, and I can't compete with these top players at all.

"This is only the fifth player on the killing list. If it is Yao Qi who is number one on the killing list... how terrible will the real combat power be?" Lu Yan touched his chin, holding the short flintlock tightly in his hand.

At this time, only this thing can give him enough sense of security!

Inside a safe house.

Liu Yuanyuan, who had consumed a lot of brain cells and was unable to find the location of Lu Yan's refuge, was sitting helplessly at the door watching the live broadcast. He couldn't stop asking the tall young man behind him: "Yao Qi, if you fight Abe Dongming, what are your chances of winning?"

When Yao Qi heard this question, he was silent for a moment, and after serious thinking, he replied: "June 4th!"

"June 4th? Then this guy is really too strong..." Liu Yuanyuan sighed.

Yao Qi shook his head, and said calmly: "I'm talking about June Fourth, not June Fourth..."

"It's six seconds, kill him four times!"


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