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Three arrows pierced Kitano Zhi's chest and lower abdomen deeply, and beside him, several members of the Stinger Combat Company and the West Coast Alliance ended up not much better than him. The sudden rain of arrows almost made them into hedgehogs. Everyone has a few sharp arrows hanging on their bodies!

And the worst one was Takeshi Yoshida. When the arrow flew towards him, he couldn't dodge in time, and was stabbed in the throat on the spot. At this time, he had already fallen to the ground and was convulsed all over.

"Cao Nima! Little devil, your design is wrong!" The middle-aged hunter was pierced by an arrow on his left thigh. The seriously injured body cursed and fled to the side.

"You're spicy next door, you've screwed us all up..."

In the Stinger operation, even the leader was shot in the lower abdomen and shoulder by an arrow, and he lay down on the ground enduring the pain, curling up his body as much as possible: "What kind of **** fire blind spot, where did you get this design? ?”

At this time, of course, Kitano Zhi was the most angry. He directly tore the design draft into pieces with his **** hands, roaring hysterically: "Wang Yue! You shameless bastard... how dare you, how dare you!" Deceive me!"

"I swear, if I can survive today, I will use all the rest of my life to hunt and kill you!"

With the help of Wang Yue's design, Lu Yan easily reversed the situation. At this moment, except for Abe Dongming, a hunter, and a blaster who had arrived at the refuge, everyone else They were all seriously injured, and Takeshi Yoshida was directly killed on the spot!

【Ding! Congratulations on killing the high-level player Takeshi Yoshida, the registration of the hero halo has increased! 】

[lv3 hero halo: increase the host's overall attributes by 5%, weaken the courage and willpower of enemies within 12 meters! 】

Inside the safe house, Lu Yan heard a reminder sound again, and a force burst out from the depths of his flesh and blood, making him roar excitedly!

"Cool! So cool!"

There was a ferocious light in Lu Yan's eyes, and every time the aura of a hero increased, the bloodthirsty impulse in his heart became stronger.

At this moment, he felt his blood was boiling, every inch of his muscles was jumping with excitement, and he even had the urge to rush out of the safe house and fight the enemy to the death!

"Chen Hang, keep loading me with ammunition!" Lu Yan roared, with a creepy smile on his face: "I'm going to kill them all! Kill them all!"



The crashing sound of loading arrows sounded in the safe house, but before Lu Yan pulled down the shooting lever for the third time, he heard an extremely violent explosion from outside the gate, shaking the whole safe house.

The terrifying sound came into the safe room through the crack of the door, and Chen Hang, who was shocked on the spot, turned pale and slumped on the ground.

"They're attacking the goal!"

Lu Yan immediately realized that this was the three people who had arrived at the shelter and launched a desperate attack. At this time, Kitanoji and others could no longer pose a threat to him, and the top priority was to kill Abe and the others!

After the explosion, a thick smoke floated in through the crack of the door. This smoke had an extremely pungent smell, which made people feel sick and dizzy after a light sniff. Chen Hang's face turned livid, and he crouched in the corner and vomited wildly.

"Poisonous gas?" Lu Yan broke out in cold sweat, and he also smelled the choking smell, but the title of Wall of Wilderness gave him 30% negative status resistance, so he didn't feel any discomfort for the time being.

But over time, there will definitely be problems.

Lu Yan didn't have time to think about it, he directly grabbed the flintlock gun, the monitor walkie-talkie and the little white dragon, strode out of the bedroom, pushed open the door of the secret passage, and slipped in.

As for Chen Hang, Lu Yan can only let him ask for his own blessing.


Lu Yan gently pushed open the door of the secret passage in the grass, and by the **** moonlight, he saw Abe and the other three were attacking the door of the refuge with their backs to him.

"The leaderboard is a bit conscientious, at least it doesn't directly indicate the existence of the "secret passage" in the information..." Lu Yan sighed, this secret passage is very useful, and it is the only fortification that is not displayed on the ranking information.

He quietly pulled away the hammer of the flintlock and aimed at Abe's back.

Among the remaining three, Abe poses the greatest threat. If he can be eliminated, victory can basically be declared.

Lu Yan's finger was lightly placed on the trigger, and he pressed it very crisply.

In the jungle, little wolf cubs are running wildly.

The hungry black bear was chasing after him.

The little wolf cub was covered in mud and water droplets. It tried to use the terrain to get rid of predators several times just now, but it was helpless because it was too small and too slow. Whether it was a ditch or a small wetland, it could Failed to stop the black bear's attack.


The black bear roared frantically, and the extremely strong stench in its mouth drifted along the cold wind, making the little wolf cub even more frightened.

The distance between them was getting closer and closer, and the little wolf cub's physical strength had reached its limit.

A low-lying valley suddenly appeared in front of him. The little wolf cub rolled down in a hurry before he could slow down. At the bottom of the valley was an extremely soft swamp with a thick layer of fallen leaves floating on it. The little wolf cub staggered to his feet, I found that the "earth" under my feet was shaking violently with my movements!

Seeing this, the black bear stopped. As a predator in the forest, it knew very well the danger of the swamp. Those fallen leaves could bear the weight of the wolf cub, but they might not be able to bear its weight. Once it got stuck, it would be a dead end.

It hesitated for a long time, staring at the little wolf cub, but finally couldn't resist the temptation of hunger, and walked down step by step.

The little wolf cub finally despaired.

It is irrevocable.

At the last moment of the top predator gene buried in its body made it forget its fear and roared madly at the black bear.

The wolf cub is very small, and his roar is not powerful enough, just like a child crying!

But at this moment, the black bear, which was not even afraid of swamps, stopped in its tracks. Substantial fear appeared in its eyes, and it retreated again and again, finally letting out a terrified whine.

The little wolf cub was stunned.

It didn't know when its roar became so intimidating.

But the next moment, a wolf howling full of anger and violence sounded from above the valley behind the little wolf cub!

Then came the second, third...

A giant wolf came out from above the valley under the moonlight, staring at the black bear with red eyes.

Followed by the second head, the third head...

Until the entire valley was crowded with giant wolves!

The black bear turned and ran.

The little wolf cub cheered happily, wagging its little tail and struggling to climb up the valley, huddled beside the wolf king and whimpering non-stop, as if a child who had been away from home for many days and was bullied finally saw his family and vented all the grievances in his heart.

The biggest wolf king stuck out his tongue and licked the cub's head, his eyes were full of tenderness and compassion.

The father and son who hadn't seen each other for a long time communicated intimately.

After a while, the little wolf cub suddenly seemed to remember something. It lightly bit its father's ear, roared non-stop, and ran in one direction alone.

The wolf king was taken aback for a moment.

It was somewhat difficult to understand the specific meaning of the message that the little wolf cub had just conveyed to itself.

It's dangerous to be full?

Who is Dundon?

How did my own child survive during the time when he was lost?


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