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The first thing Lu Yan opened was Kitanoji's backpack. He should be the biggest fish among the group of people he killed tonight, so Lu Yan has a very strong interest in his "inheritance".

With a flash of white light, the first thing that came into view was an old parchment scroll, which looked similar to what he had seen in the ruins of the Void Realm, but Lu Yan didn't know until the whole row of information was revealed I was wrong.

【Low-level treasure map】

[Type: Consumables]

[Explanation: The treasure map that records the address of the buried treasure, after excavation, you can get precious treasures, but please be careful, there may be monsters guarding the treasures lurking near the treasure place! 】

[Possible types of treasures: survival materials, manufacturing maps, consumables, vehicles, special items]

【Precious level of treasure: the same level as the item opened in the silver treasure chest! 】

The first item turned out to be a treasure map!

When Lu Yan saw the last message on the treasure map, his eyes lit up.

The Silver Treasure Chest is the most advanced treasure chest that has ever been born in the wilderness. The items produced from the treasure chest are very practical and expensive, such as generators, vegetable culture medium, and sand motorcycles, all of which are products of the Silver Treasure Chest!

And the treasure level of this treasure map is the same as that of the silver treasure chest, which is enough to show how precious it is.

Lu Yan has also played many types of video games, and he is extremely enthusiastic about digging treasures. When he saw the treasure map, his heart suddenly felt itchy.

"The recorded treasure location is more than ten kilometers away?" Lu Yan looked carefully at the information on the treasure map, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the treasure location was very close to him. It would only take about ten minutes if he rode a sand bike distance.

"I dug it up at dawn!"

Lu Yan secretly made up his mind, he put away the treasure map, and turned his attention to other items.

"Let me see what good things are in the backpack of the leader of the samurai team, a dagger, a bottle of alcohol, five catties of rice, two catties of mutton, two boxes of amoxicillin capsules, one box of Huoxiangzhengqi water, and two The core of the safe house…”

Soon, Lu Yan rummaged through Kitanoji's backpack, but the result disappointed him a bit. Apart from the treasure map, the most precious thing in Kitanoji's inventory was those boxes of medicines. As a A high-level player who is well-known on both the kill list and power list, his material reserves are obviously not worthy of his status.

However, Lu Yan guessed that Kitano had already taken out some supplies when he bought his information before, and they might have put some large and difficult-to-carry things in the shelter before they set off, so there was some confusion at this time. "Pockets are shy"!

"I even forgot to ask about the location of their refuge." Lu Yan patted his head, and said to himself with some annoyance: "I'm still not proficient enough to do things like killing people and stealing goods, and I'm not perfect enough!"

"This is my mistake, it must be recorded to prevent it from happening again in the future!"

"On the eighth day of the end of the calendar, I made a serious mistake! Before killing the enemy, I forgot to ask for the location of the enemy's refuge, which caused me to suffer huge losses!" Lu Yan took out a notebook very seriously, and wrote this sentence on it. : "When you kill a player in the future, if conditions permit, you must squeeze out all the value from the opponent, and you must destroy him and his relatives and friends, so as to avoid the situation where the grass will not be eradicated and the spring breeze will regenerate..."

After writing this sentence, Lu Yan stuffed the notebook he snatched from Chen Hang into his bosom, and continued to count other people's supplies.

Soon, the supplies of a dozen people were stripped by Lu Yan.

A hill was piled up in front of him.

Most of the supplies they carry with them are food, medicine, bandages, weapons and other emergency items, the most precious of which should belong to a monocular scope, which can be adjusted to 4-8 times according to the adjustable distance, which is the legend Eight times the mirror in!

Although Lu Yan does not have a supporting sniper rifle, but it can be dismantled and used as a telescope. Lu Yan went a little farther and used it to observe the safe house that was completely burned by the flames. At a distance of 110 meters, The wreckage of the safe house that is still emitting sparks seems to appear in front of my This is a good thing, it is a treasure for observation and anti-reconnaissance! "Lu Yan put it into his inventory very excitedly, and this thing will also become one of his must-have items when going out.

The rest of the items are not particularly valuable. Lu Yan classified them according to types, among which food accounted for 50%, medicines accounted for 20%, weapons accounted for 20%, and the rest Ten percent of the total is clothing, tools, and safehouse cores.

What is very dramatic is that Lu Yan found a spear he sold in the backpack column of the members of the Stinger Combat Company. In Lu Yan's hands.

"Two pairs of jeans, three shirts...all brand new and clean." A smile appeared on the corner of Lu Yan's mouth: "Niuhuang Jiedu Tablets, Lianhua Qingwen Capsules, and a bottle of anesthetic!...It seems that there is no need to worry about getting sick or getting injured in the future. These medicines can basically solve all basic health problems such as cold, cough, fever, wound inflammation!"

"However, it would be even better if we could get some vitamin tablets and deferoxamine!" Lu Yan looked at the supplies in front of him, rubbed his chin and fell into deep thought.

It won't be long before Lu Xiaoyu will come to this wilderness as his subordinate player.

Lu Yan can solve all the problems such as accommodation and food for her, but only her hereditary anemia, Lu Yan has no solution for the time being.

This disease can only delay symptoms by taking drugs for a long time, and vitamin tablets and deferoxamine are the two most important drugs.

Before Lu Xiaoyu arrived here, Lu Yan had to find a way to solve the source of these two drugs, or find other alternatives!


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