Armageddon: Shelters Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 123: most precious treasure

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Lu Yan didn't want to go head-to-head with the giant ape. Although he had a 50% strength and speed bonus, size is everything in hand-to-hand combat. Lu Yan didn't think he could kill the giant ape head-on.

He just wanted to delay the time a little bit, and let Huang Mao take the suitcase from the stone platform.

"Titan!" Lu Yan pulled out his spear, took a few steps back and tentatively called out the opponent's name, and said sharply: "We have no malicious intentions, it was Qiao Geli who asked us to take away the treasures in the shelter, Qiao Geli, Your master, do you remember him?"

After the giant ape heard the word "Titan", its eyes fell into a momentary dullness. Since the death of Qiao Geli and Maria, no one has called its name again.

In such a long time, it almost forgot the tone of these two words, but with Lu Yan's shout at this time, its memories that had been sealed for many years flooded up again.

Lu Yan stared at the giant ape.

There was a blood hole in the opponent's brow bone, and the blood overflowed and covered the left half of his face. This was the wound left by the flintlock just now.

The steel ball did not penetrate its head, but was stuck in the bone.

There were sporadic flames burning on its back, and large areas of hair were scorched.

And the wound on the shoulder is the most serious, and the bones can even be seen through the flesh and blood...

Seeing the miserable state of the other party, Lian Luyan felt a little blushed because of the phrase "We have no malicious intentions" that he just yelled!

But the giant ape seemed to believe Lu Yan's words. It stretched out its giant claws to extinguish the flames on its back, and then retreated cautiously, as if it wanted to escape from a secret passage.

Lu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, the situation suddenly changed!

The giant ape suddenly changed direction and ran towards the stone platform again.

When Lu Yan called out its name, it gave up its plan to continue fighting with Lu Yan, but instead turned its target to the three suitcases left by Qiao Geli. Obviously, it did not intend to let Lu Yan take them with him. Walk!

"Fuck!" Seeing this, Lu Yan gritted his teeth, and could only kill the giant ape again.

Although he doesn't want to conflict with the other party, but the main conflict cannot be resolved, and the ownership of the three suitcases cannot be decided, so he can't give up willingly!

Stab it!

The earth mine mixed with powdered sugar was ignited again, and Lu Yan shouted: "Titan, those three suitcases were taken away by Qiao Geli! You leave now, we will not hurt you!"

The giant ape turned a deaf ear to Lu Yan's words.

The lead wires were burning rapidly, and Lu Yan's brows furrowed. He no longer cared about the plea of ​​"don't hurt it, don't frighten it" in Qiao Geli's last words, and directly sent the three earth mines whose fuses were about to burn out to the giant. The ape smashed behind him.

After all, Qiao Geli didn't say that this thing would grow so big!

If it was still a little monkey tens of centimeters tall, Lu Yanda could subdue it easily and take away the treasure without harming it, but now...

It can only be solved by extreme violence!

Bang bang bang!

Three explosions sounded, and the body of the giant ape was instantly engulfed in flames.

Lu Yan raised the spear in his hand, aimed at the giant ape's thigh with the light of the flame, and threw it like a javelin!


The spear flew, and there was a clear sound of the blade entering the body, and the spear pierced through the giant ape's thigh!

The giant ape roared in pain, staggered and knelt down on the ground, but in the next second, it forcefully endured the pain and stood up again. The giant claws were only a few meters away from the stone platform, and grabbed the three suitcases!

Lu Yan's speed increased to the extreme, he ran towards the stone platform with two long legs, and had a final speed contest with the giant ape.

He didn't know what the treasures in the suitcase were, and he didn't know whether those things were afraid of fire, so he had to put them into his inventory before the giant ape touched those suitcases.

At the same time, Huang Mao, who was closer to the stone platform than the giant ape and Lu Yan, also climbed up tremblingly.

"Get the suitcase!" Lu Yan shouted when he saw this.

The stone platform was huge, and there were two or three meters of distance between the three suitcases. After hearing Lu Yan's shout, Huang Mao gritted his teeth, staggered and ran towards the gold-plated suitcase placed in the center!

"Don't take the one in the middle!" Seeing this, Lu Yan shouted again, "Take the ungilded one on the left!"

Huang Mao was stunned for a moment, he didn't know why Lu Yan made this decision, but he didn't have time to think at this time, so he could only follow Lu Yan's instructions and reached out to touch the very ordinary-looking leather suitcase on the left. With a flash of brilliance, he took the suitcase into his pocket!

And almost at the same time, the giant ape and Lu Yan who were covered in fire rushed to the stone platform at the same time.

The giant ape stretched out its claws and gripped the gilded leather case tightly.

At the same time, Lu Yan's hand also touched the ordinary suitcase on the right, and put it in the inventory as well!

The giant ape turned his head, and slapped it casually as if to repel flies. Lu Yan was too close to the opponent, and there was no time to dodge, so he could only cover his chest with his arms.


A huge irresistible force lined up on Lu Yan's body, and instantly sent him flying three or four meters, and fell heavily to the ground.

The giant ape covered in fire picked up the gold-plated leather case and slid into the secret passage, slapping the flames on his body while running, but at a corner, the giant ape with inflexible movements bumped into the On a slightly protruding rock, with a clatter, the lock cylinder of the gold-plated suitcase broke, the suitcase opened wide, and the contents of the suitcase were scattered all over the ground.

Seeing this, the giant ape stopped, and hurriedly grabbed the scattered items and stuffed them back into the suitcase, but because the items inside were too fragmented, it was impossible to put them all together in a short time.

It glanced back and saw that Lu Yan had sat up from the ground and was reloading the flintlock.

The giant ape roared angrily, grabbed two more handfuls on the ground, and ran away without looking back.

Soon, there was an echo of falling water in the secret passage. The end of this passage seemed to be an underground dark river. The giant ape escaped from here, and it was basically impossible to track it!

Hoo hoo...

In the empty shelter, only Huang Mao and Lu Yan's violent panting were left.

"Damn it, I'm alive... I survived!" Huang Mao tremblingly took out a cigarette and wanted to light it, but failed several times in a row, and finally threw the lighter aside in anger.

Lu Yan was slapped by the giant ape just now, but fortunately, he was in the buff stage of the badge of rage at that time, and his defense was amazingly strong, so he only suffered some bruises, and there was no problem with his bones.

He tried to move his limbs, and then stood up quickly.

"God of the Road, I have a question! Why didn't you let me take that gold-plated leather case just now? It is very valuable at first glance, and Qiao Geli also said that he put all the most precious treasures in that leather case Lie!" Huang Mao was silent for a moment, and finally expressed the question in his heart to Lu Yan: "Now that suitcase has been taken away, we will pay a lot!"

Hearing Huang Mao's question, Lu Yan didn't show any regret or resignation on his face, instead he slowly showed a smile.

He looked in the direction of the secret passage where the giant ape disappeared, and then said word by word: "If I'm not mistaken, these two very ordinary-looking suitcases contain the most valuable treasures in the shelter. "

"And there is actually nothing useful in that gilded leather case!"

Hearing Lu Yan's words, Huang Mao was stunned.

How is this possible?

Obviously what Qiao Geli said is very clear, and from the performance of the giant ape just now, it can be seen that they all care about the gilded leather case!

And now Lu Yan actually said that there is nothing useful in that suitcase?

"Actually, at the beginning, we all had misunderstandings in our thinking. What Qiao Geli said was that we hid the most precious treasures in the gold-plated treasure chest..." Lu Yan said softly: "But the most precious... does not mean the most valuable value!"

"The concept of preciousness more often refers to the significance to a certain person, rather than how high the real value is!"

"For example, for a crazy artist, his most precious treasure must be his most satisfying work, not the dollars in the bank!"

"And for a big lover like Qiao his most precious thing should be something related to his wife, maybe a necklace, a photo or a card with a special Meaningful stuff!"

Maybe some things that are useless to Lu Yan, but in the eyes of Qiao Geli, are the most precious and most irresistible things, so they will be put in the most gorgeous and central golden leather case! ,

Because Qiao Geli's character is too infatuated, after his wife dies, he can even give up the genetic medicine that can enhance vitality, so for him, worldly resources are worthless to him.

What can really make him feel precious may be the items that have witnessed those precious memories of him and his wife!

In fact, Lu Yan felt that something was wrong with the whole thing from the very beginning, but he didn't figure it out until just now!

So at the last moment of the suitcase snatching, Lu Yan decisively asked Huang Mao to abandon the gold-plated suitcase and choose a more ordinary-looking suitcase.


This is just Lu Yan's guess. The specific situation can only be confirmed after verification.

But fortunately, it is not difficult to verify now!

Huangmao had weird eyes, walked suspiciously into the secret passage with a light stick in his hand.

After a long time, he came out and looked at Lu Yan with a very admiring gaze. He spread his palm, and in his palm appeared an old-fashioned pocket watch with a picture of a foreign couple printed on it.

The pocket watch is full of rust, without any attribute display, and has long lost its timing function. Obviously, this is a very common accessory.

"Besides it, there are some photos, headbands, leather shoes..." Huang Mao said softly, "They are all old things."

"Your guess is right!"


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