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Lu Yan looked at the speech on the World Channel, opened the transaction information with Brother Hei in the past, and reconfirmed that the coordinates were definitely located in the pig-headed forest.

A group that set up a base in the lair of indigenous intelligent creatures, this player is a bit bold!

Lu Yan sighed with emotion, and opened the picture sent by the other party by the way.

When it opened, Lu Yan's pupils suddenly contracted!

In the picture, a player is standing inside a small underground safe house. There are no furniture, electrical appliances and other equipment in the house. There are only a variety of food behind him, such as animal meat, fruits, and corn. In addition, there are a lot of wooden armor and iron axes. , Dagger and other weapons!

These things add up to almost fill up the entire safe house.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no matter what Lu Yan said, he would not believe that on the eighth day in the wilderness, some players had already collected such a terrifying amount of resources!

Is this still a safe house? This is simply a warehouse!

"That's not right... This Wang Zhi is not well-known, and he is not a high-level player on the leaderboard at all. How could he get so many supplies in such a short period of time? And this coordinate location is too coincidental!" Lu Yan looked at the picture and found that There are some abnormalities: "The size of these weapons seems to be too large. If humans use them, they don't seem to be convenient..."

The weapon handles in the picture are all made of a kind of hardwood, which looks very thick. Lu Yan compared it with the player next to him, and found that the handle of the nearest iron ax is as thick as a can of Coke bottle!

The most important thing about a weapon is the feel, and such a heavy handle is difficult for normal adult men to hold, it looks very uncoordinated, and it is definitely not tailor-made for humans.

In other words, these weapons are likely not made by humans!

Lu Yan's brain was spinning rapidly, and soon, a terrible idea emerged...

"These supplies may belong to pig-headed people!" Lu Yan began to reason wildly, "There are only two possibilities for these items to fall into Wang Zhi's hands."

"One, Wang Zhi broke into the pig-headed man's warehouse by chance and looted these supplies! But this is unlikely, because the pig-headed man is the overlord in that forest, and his lair must be well-guarded. Even if Wang Zhi got those supplies by chance, You must not dare to stay in the mountains any longer!"

"Second, these materials were presented to Wang Zhi by the pig-headed man, so Wang Zhi dared to openly build the shelter in the mountains to recruit members!"

Two conjectures appeared in Lu Yan's brain, and based on the known information, it is obvious that the second possibility is more likely!

An emotion called uneasiness grew in his heart and spread rapidly.

Lu Yan had a feud with the pig-headed man, and his next goal was the saltpeter mine in the forest. At this time, a team with a lot of supplies and a large number of recruits suddenly popped up, which made Lu Yan's spirit tense.

If, as he guessed, this Wang Zhi really had a connection with the pig-headed man, then Lu Yan's next plan would have to be suspended!

He had to deal with Wang Zhi first, and then plot to kill the pig-headed man.

Wang Zhi, who can freely go in and out of the mountains and knows his location like the palm of his hand, poses a far higher threat than the pig-headed tribe itself.

At this time, the world chat channel was already very lively.

Although they have been in the wilderness for eight days, most of the players are still barely able to meet their food and clothing. Except for the advanced players on the leaderboard, 80% of the ordinary people can only eat one meal a day, and more Beware of beasts and enemies that may come at any moment!

And the teams on the power list also have special requirements when recruiting members. Although they are not as demanding as Lu Yan, they are still very difficult to meet.

This has led to the fact that ordinary players have no way to hug their thighs, and can only survive like an ant.

In such a difficult living situation, Wang Zhi's solicitation without any conditions is like rain after a long drought. Most players are crazy. They keep @王志 on the world channel, expressing their desire to join him refuge!

【Ke Di: Mr. Wang, is what you said true? Really no restrictions? 】

[Li Yunjin: Could this be fishing? Lure us with generous terms, and then plunder our supplies! 】

[Link: The sb upstairs! Unconditionally recruiting members is in itself facing those low-level players in the wilderness. The survival of these people is a problem. Where is there any material worth looting by others? Will you rob beggars? 】

[Noampella: I have already set off, and I can arrive in half an hour at most. I will be the first member of the King of the Hill team! 】

Looking at the fanatical players on the World Channel, Lu Yan couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

In just five minutes, there were at least 300 players who expressed their desire to join Wang Zhi's command in the world channel. Once these people really gathered in the pig-headed forest, it would be a huge threat to themselves!

After all, his safe house is only about five kilometers away from the pig-headed forest.

How can a side-lying couch allow others to sleep soundly?

Lu Yan was silent for a moment. Through his experience in the wilderness during this period, he found that the placement points of the first batch of players were very close. After his coordinates were exposed yesterday, the four bounty forces arrived within a few hours. They don't spend much time on the road.

According to his guess, the range of the first batch of players is probably within a hundred kilometers.

This also means that he must find a way to solve Wang Zhi's matter as soon as possible, otherwise, before the sun goes down today, those players who have taken refuge may rush to the pig-headed forest one after another. foregone conclusion!

He has to stop this from happening.

Lu Yan thought for a moment, with a hint of ferocity in his eyes, and quickly spoke on the world channel.

[Lu Yan: @All members, anyone, please do not join the King of the Hill Refuge, do not approach the coordinate point, anyone who approaches will be regarded as a hunting target by me! 】

[Lu Yan: @王志, please stop recruiting members immediately, or move the refuge to a mountain 30 kilometers away, otherwise I will regard it as a hostile force and strangle it! 】

Lu Yan's two words were like a blockbuster, and they exploded directly on the World Channel.

[Wang Ning: Are you **** overbearing? Just because the coordinates are close to your refuge, are you not allowed to recruit members? 】

【Joe Defoe: This is an act of resolutely protest! 】

[Li Chi: You refuse to recruit us, and you don't let others recruit us. Isn't this driving people to a dead end? 】

[xxx: We have the freedom to choose! Don't think that just because you are number one in the shelter list, you can dominate everything! 】

In the world channel, many players began to criticize Lu Yan fiercely.

Wang Zhi, one of the parties involved, also responded quickly.

[Wang Zhi: @路岩, why did you ask me to change the location? In the wilderness, each team has the right to choose its own base and develop members! This is the fairness that the game system bestows on every player! 】

The channel was full of insults and protests against Lu Yan.

While Lu Yan looked at these speeches, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he spoke in the channel again, this time, he showed his sharpness without any concealment.

[Lu Yan: That's right! I am hegemony! Do you think that I have worked so hard to develop shelters, forge weapons, and climb to my current position in order to be fair to you? 】

【Let me just say it straight! This coordinate point, this refuge of the king of the hill, whoever comes, dies! 】

Lu Yan spoke, declaring his sovereignty extremely domineeringly, and the world channel suddenly fell silent.

However, Lu Yan's words were not over yet, he @王志 again.

[Lu Yan: Wang Zhi, you asked me why I asked you to move the location...I'll tell you now, I rely on the first place in the shelter and the third place in the kill list! I rely on the top weapon in the wilderness in my hand! I rely on the piles of bones nailed to the gallows outside my shelter! 】

[If you don't obey the order and continue to recruit members, I guarantee that within three days, your ashes will be hoisted! 】


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