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Less than ten seconds had passed since Kadilov broke open the door of the safe house and had a series of battles with Lu Yan.

Although the two sides fought fiercely, everything happened between lightning and flint!

After turning on the special effect of the anger badge, Lu Yan instantly entered the state of a real man for 30 seconds. The muscles on his arms were extremely exaggerated.

Even the blue veins on the ten fingers burst obviously, looking like old tree roots and vines, full of explosive power!

Under the violent pull of Lu Yan, Kadilov felt that his arms were bearing a terrifying force, and there was an overwhelmed bone friction sound from his wrists and elbows. The strength he was always proud of was in front of Lu Yan. A feeling of being completely suppressed.

As the number one in the power rankings, Kadilov also has a special title [Wolf of the Wild] that increases attributes, but it is different from the simple and rude method of increasing attributes in [Wall of the Wild]. The attribute increase of [Wolf of the Wild] is to Based on the condition of "cooperating with team members within 30 meters"!



Kadylov clearly heard the rubbing sound of his arm bones, and in at most three seconds, Lu Yan would completely break free from his control, and a look of shock and anxiety appeared on his rough face.

Lu Yan, who was gradually exerting strength, felt that the resistance in his palm suddenly disappeared. He immediately realized that it was Kadilov who let go of himself, and the other party voluntarily gave up the naked choke, which did not mean that he gave up his attack on him. , but to change tactics!

Kadylov withdrew his arms, and the next moment, his right arm and elbow were raised high, and it hit Lu Yan **** the back of Lu Yan's neck like a steel knife.

Elbows and knees are the two most aggressive parts of the human body. If they hit a vital point, they can kill you in one hit!


Kadilov's violent elbow hit Lu Yan on the back of the neck, but the imagined Lu Yan's momentary collapse and fainting did not happen. The heavy and firm touch from his elbow almost made Kadilov mistakenly think that he had hit Lu Yan. on a cow.


This guy's defense is actually so amazing?

Lu Yan didn't give Kadilov any time to be shocked. A blood-stained scimitar appeared in his hand, which looked rusty and old.

What kind of lethality can such a knife have?

The next moment, the scimitar did not stab Kadylov with a backhand, but was swung forward by Lu Yan, and chopped in the direction of Kadilov's companion who was running here.

As the blade fell, shrill ghost cries instantly filled the safe house. Although Kadilov didn't see anything, he could clearly feel that at this moment, dozens of [ghosts] emerged from the rusty knife. Squeeze out, the icy cold breath of death made his skin goosebumps!

The ferocious ghost soldiers screamed and rushed towards Kadylov's three men.

The ghost soldiers in this scimitar seemed to be more fierce and violent than those encountered by Lu Yan in the secret territory. He had discovered this since the last time the samurai team besieged Lu Yan.

Soon, the bodies of the three strong men rushing forward with murderous aura suddenly became stiff, their eyes turned red, their emotions were either frightened or angry, and they fought with each other, as if they were facing different enemies.


After temporarily suppressing the three reinforcements, Lu Yan didn't turn his head back. He bent his arm and threw an elbow behind him. Kadylov, who couldn't dodge, was hit **** his chest, and his body staggered and fell from Lu Yan's back.

[There are still ten seconds before the blinding effect ends! 】

The reading of the negative effect of the evil spirit scepter is nearing the end. Lu Yan turned around in an instant, and the whole person was riding on Kadilov. His nostrils were bleeding, and his head was buzzing.

And Kadylov was not a character to be slaughtered. He exerted strength from his waist, raised his knees and slammed heavily on Lu Yan's back, throwing him flying from the top of his head.

Lu Yan slammed into the wall of the safe house, causing the entire safe house to shake violently.

Kadylov touched it casually, picked up the machete he had just dropped on the ground, and completely regarded it as an iron rod, and slammed it on Lu Yan's knees and elbows.

Although the layer of fish scale armor blocked the deadly blade, it couldn't stop the heavy force. Lu Yan felt that the part that was hit was about to split open, and the pain stimulated his anger. He rushed forward and hugged Kaka tightly. Dirov's body and head were thrown back at the same time, and 0.1 seconds later, a heavy head hammer fell down.


Lu Yan's head hit Kadilov's forehead heavily. For a moment, Kadilov felt a piece of gold star appeared in front of his eyes. At the same time, he felt dizzy and nauseated violently, and almost vomited out on the spot.

Boom boom boom!

Lu Yan is desperate, and uses the head hammer as his offensive method. He is now the kind of tank fighter with high attack, high defense, and high speed. Although the fighter is not as clever as Kadilov, but the basic data is high. , the body is strong, it is to press you with brute force!

[There are three seconds left before the blinding effect ends! 】

The prompt sounded in Lu Yan's ear, and the final countdown began.




As the countdown progress bar ended, vision returned to Lu Yan again, and everything in front of him became clear.

At this time, Kadilov had already received eight headbutts from Lu Yan, and they were all in the same position!

A big horn-like bump bulged on his forehead, and his eyes began to look a little loose.

Kadilov's fighting power is actually very strong, but since he promised not to kill Lu Yan from the beginning, he has concerns about his shots and has reservations. In addition, after Lu Yan turned on the real man for 30 seconds, the offense and defense were too much. The explosion made some of his fighting skills useless at That's why it caused the current decline!

After regaining his vision, Lu Yan smashed a head hammer down again, and let go of Kadylov's body, rolled on the spot, and grabbed the shotgun that fell to the ground next to him.


After being released, Kadilov spat out with a wow, and when he raised his head again, what he saw was the muzzle of a black shotgun held in Lu Yan's hand, only half a meter away from him!

"You..." Kadilov was about to speak when Lu Yan pulled the trigger mercilessly.

For a moment, his pupils constricted.

Tongues of flame spurt, steel **** fly!

The sky is full of smoke!

A muffled hum sounded.

Kadilov stood there blankly, and he looked down at his body, which was unscathed.

Lu Yan's muzzle moved three centimeters to the left at the last moment, and the steel **** flew out against Kadilov's shoulders, and directly hit the wooden wall behind the safe house.

But it's not right...

If that shot wasn't for Kadylov, where did that muffled groan come from?

Kadylov turned his head slowly.

he saw...

In the direction of the depths of the mountain forest, behind the wall of the safe house that was blasted with a big hole by the steel ball, there was a person like a blood gourd lying on the ground at this time.

His whole body was covered with blood holes made by steel balls, and his life and death had long been unknown.

Next to his right hand is a heavy crossbow, already ready to fire!

It's Wang Zhi!

When Kadilov and Lu Yan were fighting fiercely, he had already quietly come to such a close position!

If it weren't for Lu Yan's shot, I'm afraid that once the heavy crossbow is fired, the senior player who ranks first in power and shelter today will die here!


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