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【World Channel】

[Lu Yan: On the eighth day of the wilderness calendar, I made the first player rule as the number one in the refuge list! 】

[From now on, any player is not allowed to form a cooperative relationship with the wilderness native intelligent creature group. Once discovered, they will be hunted by me! 】

At 4:57 p.m. in the wilderness time, a commanding message was posted on the World Channel.

With the release of this information, the players' emotions were instantly ignited.

Before Lu Yan prevented the players from entering the pig-headed forest, the players were already extremely angry with him, but this [rule] at this time was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Countless players crazily shouted and cursed in the world channel.

If words had the power to kill, I am afraid that Lu Yan would have been beaten to the point of being riddled with holes!

"You set the rules for players? What are you? Do you really regard yourself as the emperor of the wilderness?"

"Lu Yan, I **** you xxx!"

"You got complacent too early. It's just that you are number one in the shelter list. Before you become the real king of the wilderness, you started to make rules. Do you think you are a game GM?"

The players are excited.

Although most players don't know exactly what Lu Yan refers to [local intelligent biological group], and most of them have never been in contact with creatures like pig-headed people, but this does not affect their understanding of Lu Yan. anger…

Because the source of their anger is not the content of the rules, but the fact that Lu Yan made the rules!

Everyone is a player who came to the wilderness from Blue Star, and the initial status is equal. At this time, after eight days of development, the class of players has widened a huge gap.

Players are unwilling to accept this fact. They find it difficult to accept that the [similar] who were on the same starting line a few days ago has now become a superior person who can dominate and command them.

This huge psychological gap is the source of their loss of control.

Even if the rules formulated by Lu Yan today have nothing to do with intelligent creatures, but a [no **** at will], players will still scold the street like a cat whose tail is stepped on!

[Kadylov: On the eighth day of the wilderness calendar, as the leader of the power list, I responded to the first player rule formulated by Lu Yan! 】

[The wild hunter team unconditionally supports Lu Yan's regulations that prevent players from having intimate relationships with native intelligent creatures. If they violate it, they will be killed by the wild hunter team! 】

[Regarding native intelligent creatures, this is a kind of species that existed in the wilderness earlier than us...]

Just when the players were excited, Kadilov's speech was like a pot of cold water being poured on the face, which abruptly drenched the players' hearts.

Even the wild hunter team supports Lu Yan?

Did they join forces?

Players are desperate.

Facing Lu Yan, they were not too afraid, because although Lu Yan had an outstanding record, most of them relied on the strength of the safe house to fight, and he was always alone, threatening to the players in the wilderness. Sex is relatively low.

But the Revenant Squad is different!

This team has a fierce reputation, and its members are all brave and skilled men with a tough and fierce style, and there are seven people in total.

Players may not be afraid of Lu Yan, a lone wolf, but they are absolutely afraid of being targeted by the Wilderness Hunter team!

Kadilov's speech not only showed his support for Lu Yan, but also explained the whole story of Wang Zhi's recruitment of members, the background of the pig-headed people and the goblin race on the World Channel.

Although after this explanation, the players are still full of resentment, but they dare not continue to speak out in the world channel.

Big league sanctuary.

Wang Yue and several young victims cleaned out the debris in the drainage ditch, wiped the sweat from their foreheads, and sat on the big rock nearby for a short rest.

Ever since he secretly sold the [defective version design] to the warrior team and obtained a lot of resources and weapons, Wang Yue's mentality has undergone some changes.

He looked at the more and more perfect Grand Alliance refuge that had been established, and there was a glint of greed in his eyes.

More than a dozen safe houses, drains, fences, purposely reclaimed cisterns, simple toilets, watchtowers...

With the busyness of nearly a hundred members, this refuge even has a prototype of [Tribe]!

And as the owner of this shelter, Mu Qianqian is currently walking in her own kingdom, carefully checking for omissions, inspecting fortifications, and distributing food and water sources!

"Following this trend, I'm afraid that one day we will overtake Lu Yan's shelter and be number one!" A young disaster victim said with a hint of excitement in his voice, "I'm really looking forward to that day!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"Hard work always pays off!"

Hearing the voices of his companions behind him, a sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Yue's mouth. He took out a pack of cigarettes from the inventory, casually distributed them to several people, and then mocked casually:

"Even if it becomes the number one shelter on the ranking list, what does it have to do with us?"

"At that time, the title will be Ms. Mu's The authority of advanced players will also be hers, and even the reward materials will not be divided into our hands... And most importantly, I don't think we can surpass it at all. Lu Yan!"

Hearing Wang Yue's words, several young victims were taken aback for a moment, and someone raised their eyebrows and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Don't you think there is something wrong with the current model of the big league refuge?" Wang Yue lit a cigarette, turned to look at several young victims, and pointed very vaguely at a few older people who were no longer able to engage in heavy physical labor in the distance. Member: "Look, those old guys, their daily work is cooking and washing clothes, but we not only mine ore, but also dig ditches and hunt!"

"In the case of serious unequal contributions from both parties, the resources allocated to them are the same every day! We even have to take risks to obtain medicines for chronic diseases for these old guys..."

"In other words, we are the backbone of the major league sanctuary, we give a lot and get very little in return! Is that fair?"

Wang Yue's words made several young victims fall into deep thought.

"Should we fight for more resource allocation? But in that case, the resources allocated by others will be reduced, and Ms. Mu will definitely not agree!" A young disaster victim said with some worry.

Hearing this sentence, Wang Yue knew that his chance had come, he shook his head and said, "No, actually expecting the superiors to give us fairness, it's better for us to fight for it ourselves!"

"We are the hardest and most important members of this shelter. We should get more resources!"

"If the superior is unfair, we will overthrow her!"


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