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Wang Yue had expected this result.

He knew very well that Mu Qianqian would not agree to the proposal on redistribution of resources. The reason why he proposed it was to intensify the conflict and make these young victims feel strongly dissatisfied with Mu Qianqian.

"Brother Yue, what you said just now may make many people hate you... Hey!" A young disaster victim said with a little regret when he remembered that Wang Yue spoke on their behalf but was besieged by many people: " I'm afraid your days will not be easy in the future!"

The corners of Wang Yue's mouth curled up slightly.

This is exactly what he wanted to see.

Through this incident, he aroused these young members' dissatisfaction with Mu Qianqian, and through the fact that he was "besieged", he made the young members feel guilty about themselves, thinking that he was a leader who was very righteous and brave to speak out for them !

These young disaster victims will naturally have a good impression of him.

Although it looked like Wang Yue had been scolded just now, his reputation in the hearts of these young members was getting higher and higher.

"I was scolded and excluded, it's nothing!" Wang Yue patted his chest proudly, with a trace of worry on his face: "But I'm just worried that if this model continues, there will always be people in the major league shelters." One day it will crumble and everything we have worked so hard to build will be destroyed!"

The young members looked towards the shelter in front of them.

Aqueducts, towers, prey, racks...

These things all have their share of credit!

Who wants to watch their efforts come to naught?

"Although this refuge belongs to Ms. Mu, it also has our share. I can't just watch it go to destruction..." Wang Yue felt that the time had become ripe. He lowered his voice, looked at several people solemnly and said : "Since Ms. Mu refuses to accept our suggestion, we may try to use some tougher means to force her to change..."

"Or, we launch an armed riot and take over this shelter ourselves!"

This time, after hearing Wang Yueda's rebellious speech, these young members didn't react with astonishment as before, but fell into deep thought, obviously thinking about this issue seriously!

"Following Mu Qianqian, we can only do the most tiring work and have the same resources as others! But as long as we are in power, we can freely distribute resources, and we will get everything that should belong to us!" Wang Yue's voice Very tempting, like a demon that lures people into hell.

After a long time, someone finally wavered.

"Armed riot? But we have no weapons..."

Hearing this sentence, Wang Yue showed a confident smile. Through private chat and trading functions, he showed the weapons he got from the warrior team to several other young members, and also presented them with some bread and butter. Waiting for rare food!

"I promise you, as long as you follow me, you can do whatever you want in the future!" Wang Yue said word by word.

Several young victims looked at each other, and their hearts had turned to Wang Yue.

But at this time, there are still some people who can hardly overcome their inner moral bottom line: "After all, Ms. Mu also took us in when we were most in danger. If we riot now, we will be poked in the back. Once it gets out, I am afraid everyone will scold us. We are ungrateful villains!"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Yue laughed, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world. He patted the man on the shoulder and mocked: "Brother! Remember, the most worthless in this wilderness What is morality! What is it to be scolded?"

"Look at Lu Yan, is he a good guy or a villain? He blocks the road to the pig-headed forest, preventing other players from getting stronger and threatening him. He doesn't care about the life and death of other players at all! He scolded him like shit!"

"But look, does anyone dare to trouble him? Does anyone dare to swear in his face?"

"No, not a single one!"

"This **** is the influence of strength. If you have strength, no matter how bad your reputation is, others will treat you politely in front of you!" Wang Yue was emotional,

"Let me tell you, when I heard that Lu Yan formulated the player rules, I was also angry, and I was also angry! But what I am angry with is not Lu Yan's domineering, but my own incompetence!"

"I am angry why I am so weak and can only be forced to abide by other people's rules, but cannot make rules for others!"

"What makes me angry is why I'm not Lu Yan!"

"Brother, this is a wasteland world with no law and moral collapse. Here, you can control everything if you have the strength and resources, and these things are absolutely impossible for people like Mu Qianqian to bring you. !"

"To tell you the truth, my goal is to become the second Lu Yan, and even step on Lu Yan! I want to truly control my own destiny. For this, what is it to bear some infamy? What is it to be accused and abused? "

Wang Yue put both hands on the shoulders of the young member who could not overcome the moral bottom line, gritted his teeth, looked straight into the other's eyes, and asked very seriously: "Tell me, do you want to abide by the so-called moral bottom line, like a worker ant?" Do you want to work hard all your life, and die like dust in the end; or do you want to join me, abandon the constraints of the world, compete for power and resources, and let yourself live like Lu Yan, a high-ranking Lu Yan who can set rules for others?"

The young player finally couldn't bear the huge temptation from Wang Yue's The last trace of persistence in his eyes finally dissipated, and he became fierce and greedy.

"I want to be a rule maker, I don't want to be an ant!"

Hearing this answer, Wang Yue smiled with satisfaction.

Wang Yue's decision to rebel was not a sudden whim, but a serious consideration.

He communicated with Mu Qianqian a few times before, and proposed to her a few profitable poisonous schemes, all of which were rejected. Among other things, on Lu Yan's shelter design, if Mu Qianqian followed his suggestion, then You can make a fortune out of it.

It's a pity that this silly, white and sweet Madonna is extremely stubborn and resolutely refuses to earn this "black-hearted money".

From that moment on, Wang Yue knew that he and Mu Qianqian were not in the same way at all, so he had the idea of ​​replacing him. People like Mu Qianqian couldn't survive for a long time in the wilderness!

The distant mountains are silent, and the scorching sun shines on the earth.

A conspiracy and rebellion quietly took shape in the Grand Alliance shelter.

Eighth day into the wilderness.

Lu Yan and the Wild Hunter team formulated the first rules for players.

Various forces and teams have gradually formed.

And some little-known little people like Wang Yue are also seizing every opportunity, trying to change their own destiny, slowly showing their fangs, and slowly moving towards the goal of being a hero.

It's a hopeless wasteland, but also a paradise of opportunity and reward.

Various forces and various characters have appeared on the stage one after another, and a cruel struggle for survival is being staged on this land!


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